Ship me out to California

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ColbyJack, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Not for nothing, but I think in terms of itemization, me and Ttobey have very similar credentials. So, I mean, I can tell you that they're working on it or sommat if you want. Just pretend I've got a red name if it makes you feel better.
  2. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    OK, I have not been able to animate the Itemization of the thing. It doesn't seem to have arms or legs and I'm worried that I can't make it fly. Sorry!
    Ceyllynn and Mystfit like this.
  3. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Did you try giving it tentacles?
  4. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Change every KOS weapon to a tentacle
    Ceyllynn, Eles and ColbyJack like this.
  5. Daedallus New Member

    well. heres the thing.

    1) your joking about making bets on things that matter to paying customers, which makes you insensitive and bad at customer relations. Perhaps if its an issue that you've noticed,... and that it gets brought up all the time, perhaps you could bump someone in that department and they could give us an update.
    2) sarcasm is super appreciated by everyone.
  6. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Ensure you leave on any special particle effects.
    If my tentaclesword does not emit a bright blue glow, you can bet I'm gonna complain about it.
    Also, make sure it flails.
    This is important.
    Ceyllynn and HaphazardAllure like this.
  7. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Mine wasn't sarcasm, I was very earnest. I do feel me and Ttobey have similar credentials and could both equally do a good job.

    Well, a job of some sort.
  8. Pehter Member

    What would be really great is if one of the TLE server people could make the trip Colby is requesting and find out WHY they won't do what's needed. We think we know, but an actual report back with reasons might be helpful.
  9. Daedallus New Member

    things like the new studio is a lie and the entire company is being run out of Holly's basement on an iMac? sure feels that way.
    Arielle Nightshade likes this.
  10. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    They can't have basements in California due to earthquakes. I'd bet the whole development team uses their smartphones for coding.
  11. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    OK you are right and I apologize. Let me ask Covic about this. He seems to know most everything about everything.
    Neiloch likes this.
  12. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    Covic wants to know what his polycount limit is for an Itemization. I told him I'm not sure if it even has legs.
    When Phatkins gets here, I'll ask him. He knows even more about stuff than Covic.
    Neiloch likes this.
  13. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    I think Ttobey, Gnorbin, Covic and Phatkins should do itemisation/gameplay/coding next expac, and Kander, Gninja, Chrol and Caith should do Art/Animation.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  14. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    When you derail a fun thread by being un-fun, the fun gloves come off!
  15. Neiloch Well-Known Member


    I do love when people harass the wrong devs about their concerns. Especially here when they imply the devs who have nothing to do with the supposed problem aren't even allowed to do anything else until their concern is addressed.

    It is by me, that's for sure.

    I'm SOOOO glad they got rid of the art section of the forum so awesome stuff like this can happen in General......
    Adevil and Ceyllynn like this.
  16. Ap0k Member

    "Sorry, you can't order that big mac with any changes at this location because it would affect all other big macs, as they are all tied to our McDonalds master server"

    Am I playing this game right?
    Ceyllynn and ttobey like this.
  17. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Oh a "fun glove" mount! Do work on that for next Bristlebane!

    Smallcorners likes this.
  18. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    and make it a leaper mount.
  19. Mystfit Well-Known Member

    Who authorized the upgraded to trained monkey, shouldn't we have gotten a vote??
    Neiloch and ttobey like this.
  20. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    no no no.... no! leaping glove mount! *shudders*

    in seriousiness i do appreciate the work it takes to do the animations and how quick you guys fixed my poor wings and the mangled feet of iskars... you do what you can where your talents are.

    dead... go watch your dog run away for another three days... it's more realistic concept than yelling at an animator for coding issues... damned snugglebunnies* geeze...

    now i know for a fact lera wants cubes everywhere... do NOT give in... or check luggage...
    Zukira likes this.