Please remove Shark Fin from game.

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Thibor24, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Marcula Guest

    Spaghetti with tofu is very very very WRONG!!!!!!!! I mean......EWWWWWW!!!!
  2. ARCHIVED-Deuces Guest

    Wait; these shark are real?
  3. ARCHIVED-Marcula Guest

    You may not post here until you have read the entire 16 pages and written a 50 word summary on how you have enriched your life during the two hours it took you to read every post!!
    And yes.....we are all RL sharkfin fisherman and if ya want in the Union dues start at $100 a month.......please help yourself to a complimentary bowl of soup.
  4. ARCHIVED-tweety1972 Guest

    I DON'T eat tofu.................. EVER
    /grabs a bowl of soup
    Thanks Marcula
  5. ARCHIVED-Nuhus Guest

    If these forums were more active, I would say this thread should die. But their not. :|
  6. ARCHIVED-tweety1972 Guest

    we all have our hobbies :p
  7. ARCHIVED-Spectralmist Guest

    Hot and sour soup has tofu in it... But it doesn't have shark.
  8. ARCHIVED-Marcula Guest

    One more post abot Soy/tofu and this thread will be locked for sure so shhhhhhhh..........
    Wanderingwilly - Needs a sig
  9. ARCHIVED-tweety1972 Guest

    just testing a theory :D
  10. ARCHIVED-grymmstone Guest

    Jeni stop it the last thing I want to read on this thread is... Sorry this thread has been locked.

    Here sharkey, here sharkey... I need to harvest more fins!!
  11. ARCHIVED-Marcula Guest

    I am OUTRAGED that I don't have more choice of shark to maim. Can SOMEONE please explain to me why all sharks look like the Great White? I want to maim a Mako.....dis"arm" a hammerhead.......un"dress a Nurse shark. Dammit I want OPTIONS!!!!!!

    Wanderingwilly - Paladin of the 61st order of merit
    - Armorer of the 65 apprenticeship level
  12. ARCHIVED-Rhaevyn Guest


    It's taken me the course of 3 nights at work sneaking here and there to read through all 16 pages of this thread. I don't think I've laughed this hard in years. My co-workers came over to see if I was alright ROFL.
    Some brilliant stuff in here. Those who wish this thread to die... stop posting in it! Pretty simple. I'm not even going to address the OP's issues. That's the only thing in this thread that's a dead horse.
    So the mean teachers come in and try and make us kids get off the playground. Sheesh... let people start to have some fun and the Debbie Downers have to come in and try and piss on our parade. Whatever. This is hilarious, nice to have a place to come chuckle and be amazed at just how long we can keep it going.
    I'm going to take up provisioning now just to attain the now classic SHARK FIN SOUP.
    SFS FTW!!!!
  13. ARCHIVED-tweety1972 Guest

    Shut up and let it die already :p :D
    Finally got to make sharkfin soup and go figure I am 18 skill too low to harvest the freakin things :(
    (but I got some off of the broker just to make em :D )
  14. ARCHIVED-Marcula Guest

    You can't even harvest your own Shark Fin's yet??? You are only a wanna be provisioner!! You are not even maiming the are letting us do the fun stuff while you go shopping at the local market for your ingredients....sheesh!
    Go start with pulling legs off frogs.......then try clubbing a seal and by then you MIGHT be strong enough to go harvesting Shark Fins.
    Wanderingwilly - Paladin of the 62nd order of merit
    - Armorer of the 66th apprenticeship level
  15. ARCHIVED-tweety1972 Guest

    PFFT, I'm only 18 away from harvesting them now :p
    just gotta go harvest a bit in nek to pump out those last few skill-ups :p :D
  16. ARCHIVED-Jai1 Guest

    A dead shark on it's journey to rest on the bottom of the ocean makes the deep sea fish very happy. I saw on documentary on this where these critters rarely find food and they ate a single whale for an entire year. That's good eating and I think shark fin's soup promotes the lives of those we have probably never seen before. In Norrath, it's true the sharks rot.
  17. ARCHIVED-Marcula Guest

    I once got a master out of the still warm corpse of a shark I killed in Everfrost......true story! Makes me feel I should do more then just take their fins........I should actually stick my hand up their butts and feel around for some goodies! :smileyvery-happy:
    Wanderingwilly - Paladin of the 62nd order of merit
    - Armorer of the 67th apprenticeship level
  18. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    You realise that the much-loved Shark-fin thread will die when the new forums come online?

  19. ARCHIVED-Calain80 Guest


    The Shark will never die! Or we must reanimate it.
    It's time to cast regrowth on each shark you see, so that there are enough new Shark Fins to gather!

    May the Fin be with you!
  20. ARCHIVED-HazlenutElf Guest

    I know it sad. So many good threads will be gone forever. :(