[Official Thread] Welcome Back!

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by ARCHIVED-Amnerys, May 14, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Amnerys Guest

    We're so glad to see you again!
    In order to keep all of the feedback, comments and discussion about our downtime in one simplified location where we can keep up with it and collect your feelings and sentiments, please keep all related discussion in this thread.
    Thank you, again, for your patience while we underwent the process of bringing our games and services back online.
    We'll see you in Norrath!
  2. ARCHIVED-Tyrb0s Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-mikbove Guest

    Welcome back, boy have I missed this game. Well done on getting over this difficult time. Now less talk and lets get playing :))
  4. ARCHIVED-darwich Guest

    wife is in, i still get the update failed on launcher... this must be a conspiracy between her and SOE... i demand to be compensated! :p
  5. ARCHIVED-mikbove Guest

    Ooooo quick question. At the beginning of May you was going to do a spring sale type of thing on Station market. Eg Character slots were going to be reduced to 700sc. Will this still happen, either now or at a later date please.

    *Edit nevermind I've just read on the station launcher thing that it has been postponed :)
  6. ARCHIVED-mikbove Guest

    OMG I can log on!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!!
  7. ARCHIVED-Iskandar Guest

    YAY! Welcome back SOE!
  8. ARCHIVED-Arike Guest


    Can you confirm what "loot bonanza" mean in the welcome back package?
    Will it be reflected in raid scenario's?


  9. ARCHIVED-g0dless420 Guest

    Ok then..WB in the official thread!! Yay!

    Hi you lovely people.
  10. ARCHIVED-Encanto Guest

    I want to thank all the EQ-II players; especially those on Splitpaw for your patience while SOE took the proper measures to make sure their servers were secure!
    You all are very important to those of us in the Guide Program!
  11. ARCHIVED-Sphiriah Guest

    Thanks for the free time. ;)
  12. ARCHIVED-Paganlover Guest

    We appreciate all the hard work folks, and thank you for your time and effort :) Can't wait to play again!!!
  13. ARCHIVED-StormQueen Guest

    I waited (sometimes impatiently) because this is simply the best game out there. Not saying that to kiss up. I've tried the others; and this past 2 weeks has been withdrawal agony for me. It'll be good to log in to Everfrost again soon.
  14. ARCHIVED-darwich Guest

    Seriously... no other games are the same as eq2... lotro really was bad... but i did almost get a tan....
  15. ARCHIVED-Moondance Guest

    Im having an issue getting past the patcher mine still shows the its down statement.
  16. ARCHIVED-Moondance Guest

  17. ARCHIVED-Paganlover Guest

    patcher telling me it can't decompress a LoN file...can i delete it?
  18. ARCHIVED-Plaguemeister Guest

    Glad to have it back up and running. Now,......, when can we expect the PVP changes and the addition of the Beastlord :)
  19. ARCHIVED-prtydragonkitty Guest

    I have a question about GU. When is GU going to launch? I know with the two week delay in testing...

    And as scary and withdrawing not having our game. Thank you for fixing this problem quickly and taking down the servers to fix it. I appreciate all of your hard work and look forward to getting back into game.

    I also agree there is no game like EQ2.. keep up the good work.
  20. ARCHIVED-erimus Guest