MIS dropping fabled set gear REVISITED - (Keep it real)

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-KlutchSteele, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Myckael Guest

    Well first, I just got my last piece 2 weeks ago, and that's because I never really tried to get a full set since I had other pieces of similar quality that were dropping from named mobs, and when they added a timer so that farming relics non stop was no more possible, I still had yet to get my first one.
    So if you want to bash someone about it, you definitely picked the wrong person. And sadly, it makes you look like a fool. Although I'll try to remain civil and will assume you are not one, and quit with the name calling.

    Relics were and still are too easy to obtain, any pick up raid of 12 - 18 people can do it. This can't be anything else but a mistake from SOE when you can easily get a full set of a fabled armor with very decent stats just by killing trash mobs. If they thought it was a good idea, why didn't they do it again in EoF, giving trash mobs the fabled set gear. No, they gave it to the named instead, and at first it really seemed much better that way. Unfortunately in Inner Sanctum, the named are not any harder than the trash, so it's wrong to have them dropping fabled set gear until they are fixed (if it ever happens). I hope you can understand this as it's pretty obvious that something is wrong there.
  2. ARCHIVED-Pinski Guest

    After seeing the 2 pieces of gear that dropped off the Avatar of Valor, I am going to say, wow this is completely horrible itemization. Those 2 pieces of gear are HORRIBLE compared to what you can get off the easy named in MIS.

    Congrats SoE on horrible itemization.
  3. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    I concur the avatar loot is garbage considering it should imo blow away the set crap :(.
  4. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]?????????????????????????????????????

    so, you want to tell me to just stay in zones like dt, is, fth and there's no reason to bother with avatars (not that we could kill them but just in theory) cause loot sucks?

    so what you basically saying is that avatar's (the supposedly hardest and therefore most rewarding) mobs have suck loot???????????

    if avatar loot is really as bad as it sounds from your post then your congrats soe on horrible itemization will get my vote as understatement of the year.......
  5. ARCHIVED-Snarks Guest

    definitely not
  6. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    I was really hoping the avatars had at least 1 mythical a piece AND a 4xclass (not subclass set of armour). So 8 avatars 7 main item slots and 1 avatar could have a jewerly set.
  7. ARCHIVED-Sausage101 Guest

    You sir are a moron. I thought these forums were to discuss in game concerns people have. Am I wrong? Are we not supposed to bring up issues that we think are a problem? We generally like the game. We don't want to quit. We're trying to help the game become better. And denying ourselves content is the way we're supposed to get a dev's attention? They read these boards. They don't keep tabs on guilds' lockout timers. If you don't like what you read here, how about you stop visiting this thread. (See how I turned that moronic statement on you?)
    Message Edited by Sausage101 on 01-12-2007 09:48 PM
  8. ARCHIVED-le Rêveur Guest

    how many members a guild like dissolution have ? 30 or so. How many guilds post here to whine about stuff being too easy ?
    You guys represent less than 0.1 % of the playerbase. The same 0.1 % of the playerbase considering themselves as the only "raiders" of the community.
    The only ones that deserve decent loot and whine here everytime a new expansion is released.
    Now, how many guilds do actually raid 4/5 times a week for say 2h30, 3h ? You call them casuals. Yeah they got a life, but what they actually do as a guild is RAIDING. Those players are 100 times more numerous than you are and the raid part of the game IS designed for them.
    You can farm the crap off contested anytime you want since those guilds dont have time to invest in killing those. Well, you have yet to kill them heh.
    Now quit whining stuff is too easy, it isnt for those guilds and actually there is really a progression for them in the current state of the things.
    If instanced stuff is too easy for you l33t peoples, come on show us more WW 1st avatar kills or is l00t your sole interest in this game ?

    Message Edited by le Rêveur on 01-13-2007 11:09 AM
  9. ARCHIVED-Sausage101 Guest

    Oh, so we're not allowed to share our thoughts because of some number you pulled out of your [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]? It's not like casual guilds couldn't get this loot already. It might take a little work but the nameds dropping set loot weren't all that hard in the first place. Just takes a little work and everyone actually has to pay attention. Sorry for thinking people should actually earn their loot. Oh wait, no I'm not.
  10. ARCHIVED-Beragon Guest

    Fact ist, Inner Sanctum beside Mayong is far too easy.

    Yes not only uba Guilds have earned to defet such mobs, but we want challange. Inner Sanctum isnt one, each Guild can do it, and SoE saying, about Setgear isnt true..

    All the Guilds want, is give the Mobs some power, so they are harder then FTH, nothing more. You have to earn your Gear, special Setgear. I dont care if Cusual, lower Raid guilds can kill them, but they need to earn it.

    Well, SoE anyway made a mistake, why not kept is like the old way. FTH + Mena for gearing and EH to beat woushi open up Inner, like DT...
    Poor SoE
  11. ARCHIVED-Illustrious Guest

    *** Gameplay ***
    • Wuoshi will now only give out a single Tunarian Wolfsbane. Rest assured that there are still other sources of Wolfsbane in the world!
    • The cases where Sariah the Bloomseeker would not drop a chest have been fixed.
    • The Mark of the Awakened trial zone no longer drops items from the global spell list.
    • Objects and NPCs should now display faster once they are in visual range.
    • A server stability issue that was mostly affecting international servers has been resolved.
    So its confirmed that there are other sources of Wolfsbane than Woushi, hence Woushi is NOT required b4 Mayong Hence MMIS is not neccesarily supposed to be the be all and end all of instanced raid content. Im still 99% sure that the devs posted that EH was toughest instance during Beta but cant find it now (It may even have been on beta forum which i cant access now). If that was the case then content is roughly in line with that with the order being - Clockwork-FTH-MMIS-EH.

    Obviously it aint tough enough in the opinium of the top raid guilds but its plenty tough enough for the most part for my guild thats for sure, and my guild is prolly the Joe Bloggs semi casual raid guild 4/5 raids a week for 2-3 hours. SOE appears to be catering to this "average" raid standard for most of the instance content.

    Seen as reletively few people have beat mayong yet and only 1 guild beaten Woushi and 1 Avatar, i would suggest those guilds that complain at the ease of instance stuff spend more time trying to beat the really hard content that IS designed for them instead of complaining about content which many find a reasonable challenge.

    I have to agree Itemisation isnt great, in fact the Avatar loot pretty much sucks [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] and could really do with being looked at, but then again we get told time and time again by these guilds that they do it for the challenge and not the loot. In fact many say that the new content is fine to do with KoS loot, so again whats the problem?
    Message Edited by Illustrious on 01-13-2007 04:50 PM
  12. ARCHIVED-Snarks Guest

    Ok, where do I begin with this..?

    If there are new sources for wolfsbane in this game, they surely weren't there until this patch. The only source for wolfsbane was the Tunare Diety quest.

    It has been posted many times that the progression was intended emerald halls -> inner sanctum. Infact I remember being told you weren't even supposed to be able to kill any vampires in IS until you kill wuoshi. This is only reinforced by the fact that you get items on 3rd floor EH clearly intended for killing IS named. Instead we have what is essentially an easily farmable "end-zone" that drops more loot than any zone currently in the game. It is also the easiest to get said loot.

    This is representative of the backwards progression people here are posting about. Why should people spend 2 days im Emerald Halls to get less loot than you get in 1.5 hours in Inner Sanctum?

    Even if you feel you have a case for your idea of "intended" progression, either way you look at it, it was done very poorly. But the evidence in the game clearly points to a EH->IS progression scheme that was horribly butchered shortly before release.
  13. ARCHIVED-Kilaelya Guest

    As the thread title says, I'll keep it real. So, here's a reality check.
    Saying that the progression is messed up is NOT necessarily hard core raiders crying that casual raiders are getting the same loot. Progression effects everyone that raids, no matter if it's casual or hard core.
    Here, just open your eyes for a second and think about this. Inner Sanctum is pretty easy, even Mayong when you figure him out. It is very common for set pieces to drop off of the really easy named in the beginning of the zone. Right? Now that you realize that, and you should, think about a zone that is currently harder than Inner Sanctum; Emerald Halls. The named are pretty hard, and on my server alone only one guild has killed Tender and made it past the first floor. Those mobs drop the same, and even sometimes worse loot, than the easy mobs that are in Inner Sanctum.
    As a raider of any shape and size, you need to have things to look forward to, a flow to follow... progression. Why would anyone bother to work much in Emerald Halls when currently a much easier zone drops the same loot? Do you really want to be stuck to doing the same one or two zones with nothing else to bother to strive to? Do you really want Inner Sanctum to become something dull like Labs? I really hope you don't. And that's why people are complaining.
    At least one person on this thread got it:
    You cannot have harder mobs dropping loot equal to or less than easier mobs. It makes this game boring if you don't have progression. This is why Inner Sanctum dropping set pieces off the easy named is upsetting. I am really looking forward to this far in the future patch for EH, but what can they really do to it now with what they've done to the mobs in Inner Sanctum?
  14. ARCHIVED-Pinski Guest

    What happened to this thread? Everything here was on topic for the topic relavent. It was about MIS dropping Fabled Set Gear, which is part of Itemization, which is part of overall Raid Progression. Yet now all the posts are gone.
  15. ARCHIVED-Rezikai Guest

    hmmm seems some with friends in high places get to have certian opinions removed,... meh... or...
    a mod or Dev (or both) are EAGLES fans... and (possibly very inibriated...lol) decided they'd get a WIN for their side one way or another.... *snickers*

    -whimpers... i hear Mayong is a cleveland fan.... :smileyvery-happy:
    Message Edited by Porkchop133 on 01-14-2007 12:37 PM
  16. ARCHIVED-Goonch Guest

    I think a lot of people are missing the point.
    If things aren't going to change in terms of difficulty then Tender, Sariah, or any named for that matter in EH should not be dropping the same loot as any mob in FTH or IS, period.
    Which means either a) knock up the difficulty in IS or b) Give EH loot worth going there for or IMO both.
  17. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    IMHO just remove the whole random named thing in EH. Leave all random named up all the time. Its a week reuse zone that takes over 4-12 hours to complete. (would be great if this zone had the option of saving the instance to continue, other then hoping the server doesn't reboot the next day) The overall loot in the zone will be better in EH if they did this. Not to mention the time vs reward many complained about. this will also solve the issue of one guild gettign an "easier" version then another. Also the issue of some class loot being random on random mobs while others are not.
    Then increase the difficulty of named in MMIS and fix the lag in all zones associated to certain aoe's. And adjust the rumbler to be killable by reducing the trisected rumbler aoe to be 60% as powerful and bisected to be 75% as powerful.
    Finally fix the avatar loot tables if you want to go w global avatar loot.. fine but it should containt some very nice loot. Not to mention it would be nice to see each drop a mythical.
  18. ARCHIVED-mkd1200 Guest

    or just remove the wolfsbane component of the fight, make it completely not needed, and up the loot in EH. that would solve some of the issues that people are not happy with.
  19. ARCHIVED-Illustrious Guest

    Fix the lag, leave MMIS roughly the same and sort out the bugged/imposible encounters in EH. EH is the hardest zone in game atm and thats a afact so just keep it that way.

    EH loot prolly need some loving tho as guilds spending 3-4 days in there atm to finish zone is crazy for some of the crap loot. Saying that is a really nice 1 hander i saw drop there from floor 3 wish something sick like 91 DR so i guess is some real nice loot there alrready..just apears very rare.
  20. ARCHIVED-mikk1 Guest

    Finally fix the avatar loot tables if you want to go w global avatar loot.. fine but it should containt some very nice loot. Not to mention it would be nice to see each drop a mythical.
    Imho, it would be nice if each avatar first kill plus pupmkin plus contested Mayong give 1 mythical drop just as turtle and matron. Then the time spent on them wouldnt be all wasted and more guilds will try them.

    Tesei, ranger of Defiant, Runnyeye