Is anyone in charge of anymore?

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Juravael, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-ccarro63 Guest

    Feina@Crushbone wrote:
    ^^^ This
  2. ARCHIVED-Drumstix Guest

    One of the above posts is spot on about letting the community pitch in. Look at sites like ZAM, eq2 wikia, and ALL the other ones ton of layed out information about the game.
    You barely get a feel for the games content going to the main webpage. Upcoming games that "haven't even been released yet" have MORE information about their game on their website than EQ2's website has ever had! Why is this???
    Zones by level, by tier? Why not let players submit the data, and simply plug it into the website's format for styling and such...
    That page is a joke when you really wanna know how big EQ2 is... EQ2 is HUGE! Just like EQ1 was a gigantic world.
    Really? Summing the entire game up into 9 bullets of text is a little off don't ya think? You have more information on the Battlegrounds page than probably any other page except the main EQ2 page with the updates on it.

    I think the Game Updates page is great. Really lets you know what contet gets added for the live updates. But then you goto the Game Overview page and it just kind lists the expansions... with a few pictures of the boxes.

    As for the eq2players features. Yeah they shoulda been fixed long ago, and it's gonna take Sony employees to do it.
    Saying that the focus of the company is on Velious is great for those that actually come to these forums, know whats really going on with the game, and have any idea about getting into the Beta. When thinking of the outsider looking in on the game, I can't imagine really drawing their attention in at all...
  3. ARCHIVED-Morogoth Drakul Guest

    Drumstixx@Blackburrow wrote:
    • State-of-the-art, cinema-quality 3D graphics engine that constantly improves
    ^^^^ i dunno about that last bullet there. that may be stretching the truth a bit.

    but ya, i would agree with your post about letting the players update the info and such except then it wouldnt be the official site.... it would be a fan site which we have plenty of. unfortunately like you said they all do much better than the official site which is quite sad really.
  4. ARCHIVED-Raetsel Guest

    Amnerys wrote:
    So judging your statement I read that they haven't abandoned it completely but they have abandoned it mostly.
    Way to go.
  5. ARCHIVED-Freyar Guest

    Seems like it's completely offline now. I do agree that the EQII site is embarrasing.

    I am embarrased to have people see me looking at the EQII site and to play EQII because of the numerous failures on it and lack of information, character details, and general healthy comradarie.
  6. ARCHIVED-kelesia Guest

    This. Yes, the site is completely broken. Yes the SOE staff is doing other things - like making station cash, lon items, other games that are half baked pieces of dung. they are too busy to beta the new expansion properly. and way, WAY too busy to fix a very broken eq2 players. You can't search at all now. Before you sorta could. It didn't work half the time but you could do it.'s completely broken. I can't even see my characters when I'm logged in.
    It really IS unacceptable.
  7. ARCHIVED-HeionEQ Guest

    It literally boggles my mind that a company like Sony has let these kind of things continue, year after year.
  8. ARCHIVED-Tanrie Guest

    SoE doesnt really care, as long as you pay them they dont care about you. They have never cared about eq2players, even when they charged you for using that site it was still broken.
  9. ARCHIVED-The23rdBull Guest

    Tanrie wrote:
  10. ARCHIVED-Dark_Grue Guest

    Myrien@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    ...and limed for truth.
  11. ARCHIVED-Grumpy_Warrior_01 Guest

    I dunno, I just went to and browsed through a few characters and guilds, and I was literally stunned that every page came up more or less instantly without hanging for 20 seconds like it used to do just a couple of days ago. There's still problems with multiple characters being listed, and with the leaderboards, but the responsiveness of the page displays finally approximates a competently coded site. Is anybody else seeing this?
  12. ARCHIVED-Hellswrath Guest

    Grumpy_Warrior_01 wrote:
    Yeah, I see it. Threw me for a second, too. However, most of the other issues still remain and the only change I see is that they added a DoV backround to the site which you need to have your browser at Grand Canyon width to see.
    Still no communication and still no bug fixes elsewhere that I can see. Granted, I could still access my toons before, so I can't check that this basic functionality has been restored, but I'm betting they just did some optimization to support the new backround and people going there to preorder. Just a facade fix, if you will.
    I'm not holding my breath for real progress.
  13. ARCHIVED-NViDiaFReaK Guest

    Amnerys wrote:
    I find it very disconcerting that SOE's flag ship product takes the back burner to other titles. DCUO has a mch better functioning website compared to us. Even dare i say it the Agency's web site seems to be better. is EQ2 the red headed step child now?
  14. ARCHIVED-Dark_Grue Guest

    Grumpy_Warrior_01 wrote:
    It is "working" now, for pretty generous values of "working." However, it still isn't working correctly, and it's never worked consistently - not when it was free, not when it was paid, and still not when it's free again.
    Hellswrath@Blackburrow wrote:
    And that's the crux of the matter. No communication, no support.
    Just because they do one thing right on one day doesn't mean they're free and clear for years of conteptuous treatment of their customers. Nor does it indicate a change for the better, since EQ2Players has never shown any such trend for improvement in the history of the game's existence.
    How do I know the history's been that bad? We've been keeping track. Hellswrath knows, it really does suck that bad. And a lot of effort was made by the community to try and contact someone who could fix things, or open a channel of communication with those of us willing to help improve the situation.
    That effort has never been reciprocated.
    It's my opinion the EQ2 community shouldn't be handing out plauds every time we get a noncommital non-response like "the web team is down a few heads," or when a website that's been limping along for years suddenly goes back to a bare semblance of funtionality. All I can say to those people making excuses for EQ2Players is "you must be new here." SOE doesn't deserve your defense or the benefit of the doubt, well-meaning though it might be. They used every ounce of that up years ago. All you have to do is dig through this very forum to see a long history of neglect, and that history doesn't even go back even close to the beginning!
    I've always been surprised that there hasn't been more community outreach for EQ2Players. A lot of other community groups have great communication with thier respective SOE group, and the desire was strong here. I'm still more surprised there's not more community outrage regarding a service they were charging people extra for, where the features never worked consistently, or at all.
  15. ARCHIVED-Sty Frost Guest

    Yes I would have to agree. Eq2 players even when we was paying was not kept updated.
    SOE was not doing us a favor when they made it free.
    They just knew it was not justified charging us for a broken website.
    There has been little improvment since if any!!!
    And now it has totally fallen apart!!!
    I Can not even view my own characters profiles
    but have to admit I can view others with some info on them and a few seem to load the entire profile
    I say Bye Bye SOE you have pissed in my post tosties one last time
  16. ARCHIVED-Redwillow Guest

    Must look great to people wanting to check out the game. "I'll just have a look at the top tanks, or top wealth on x server, ohh wait it broken... forums discussion says its been broken for a year.. think i'll try something else..."

    Get your finger out SOE fix the damn website.
  17. ARCHIVED-Rolleplayer Guest

    6 pages of comments and nothing from SoE.
  18. ARCHIVED-VorienBB Guest

    Amnerys wrote:
    It is bluntly evident to anyone who has ever responded to a request for feedback from or attempted to get a response from ANYONE at SOE with regard to this or any other web site that you purport to "own". If I bought a car that worked as well as your EQ2Players site, or your POS support site, I could actually sue the car company. If I managed my software products with statements like "the team that supports that is not sure when they will be able to get to it", I would lose my job. If your roadmaps are seriously that big of a cluster****, hire a project manager or someone who is effective at doing their job.
    In the meanwhile, hire someone to actually support an entire community of users who SUPPORT YOU!! Because months and years without a meaningful response is nothing short of negligence.
    If you continue on this way, you won't have a need to set up any sites for your theoretical soon-to-be-released games, because they won't have a player base. Go check out any other company's game-support sites - they actually work. One can access and understand the information they present. The real reason you can't maintain a constant player base isn't because of your obvious lack of marketing - it's because you don't respond to or support the community that supports you.
    And, to reiterate...
  19. ARCHIVED-leiela Guest

    Ok so the web team are down a few heads and we are supposed to assume SOE is so short of cash they can't replace them??
    Please fix the leader boards or at least let us know whats going on. I maintain websites reporting solutions for a living, i would get kicked if i don't let the client/customer know whats happening within 4 hours and kicked even harder if i can give them an ETA for a fix within 24.
    The idea that could leave a website in the condition of EQ2 players/leader boards for anything longer than 7 days is ludicrous I would be fired on the spot Im busy simply doens't wash in the real world. You have a website for goodness sake your customers can see it, it needs to be working.
  20. ARCHIVED-Elifin Guest

    VorienBB wrote:
    We don't care who's in charge of it, you get our money so that makes you responsible. We are your customers.
    Your first line is nothing more than passing the buck and irrelevant to us.
    And you don't know when they'll look at it? Well how about you ask and get back to us, do you not think we've been kept in the dark for long enough????