Harvester please read.

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Lacidious, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    Daroc wrote:
    I'm assuming this is said with tongue firmly in cheek?
    What you're saying is that a game element which has been in the game since day one should be disregarded and anyone actually doing it (harvesting) should go do someting else as you perceive it to be in some way beneath you?
    Please say you're kidding right?
  2. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    feldon30 wrote:
    Accually I found in my pics the Harvester NPC cost, not the upkeep but the cost. It is 25p and 5mil status.

  3. ARCHIVED-Whilhelmina Guest

    So much for game breaking... nobody will buy it at such a price
  4. ARCHIVED-Daroc Guest

    Holymoly@Runnyeye wrote:

    Yup, of course I was being sarcastic. This is only step one. Pandaros box is now open, an MMO needs to evolve so step two is an extra bot or maybe 20? ;)

    Kidding? Dude, get real. I advise people who harvest go play minesweeper instead, it's just as exiting!
  5. ARCHIVED-Armmiller Guest

    Daroc wrote:
    I always thought that the people who harvested full time were plat farmers. Personally, I'm all for the protection of plat farmers as they make great token machines on the pvp servers. Hence, IMO, anything that will hurt the plat farmers is a bad idea. So SOE, please, please, get rid of the npc farmers -- the plat farmers are endangered enough. Perhaps they can be given endagered speices status? but then I guess we couldnt kill them for sport. . .
  6. ARCHIVED-o0odangergirlo0 Guest

    Daroc wrote:
    Just what we need, another self centered person that thinks that the game should totally revolve around their likes/dislikes without any regards to the other mass of thousands that such changes will impact.
  7. ARCHIVED-Daroc Guest

    Armironhead@Vox wrote:
  8. ARCHIVED-Daroc Guest

    o0odangergirlo0 wrote:
    I'm not self centered, I'm just advising the harvesters another game. It's called giving advise and helping out.

    I feel better already!
  9. ARCHIVED-tikasa Guest

    Whilhelmina wrote:
    Then just take it out. If no one will buy it then who will it hurt to get rid of it? It is wrong on PRINCIPLE. 1 node or 1000.
    What is next?
    Pay for a NPC that will automatically level your alt 1 time every 24 hours?
    How about 1 that collects no trade Quest pages?
    How about 1 that you feed the fuel and the mats and it automatically spits out the pots and items you need for raids?
  10. ARCHIVED-Mr. Dawkins Guest

    kela wrote:
    Kela if you were at fanfaire you would know what that actualy said because people were cheering about it.
    That was the Harvesting Supply Depot , your guild puts harvestables into it and as you are crafting it pulls the mats from the depot rather than from your inventory.
  11. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    Jeepned2 wrote:
    I don't remember you complaining when they put in the Burynai Digger pet for your house that "harvests" shinies.
  12. ARCHIVED-Thunderthyze Guest

    Daroc wrote:
    LOL.....why should "harvesters" move to a different game? They already have what they want in EQ2......maybe it's YOU who should consider moving somewhere that doesn't incorporate varying facets......maybe....ooh let's think.....online banking?
  13. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    In order to get back the initial investment (using 300 resources returned).

    At 25s per Mat it would take 27.7 days just to get back the initial investment PLUS you would have 4 weeks of upkeep if there is any.

    At 40s it would be 17.6 Days and 3 weeks of upkeep
    At 10s it would be 69.4 Days and 10 weeks of upkeep

    I should note this is figuring that the NPC is always working. 2,500,000(NPC cost in silver) / X(Mat cost in silver)/ 300(Avg harvested qty) * 2(hrs per harvest) / 24(hrs in day)

    Game breaking indeed!!!
  14. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    tikasa wrote:
    Even if no one uses it, its still content that people have the choice to use or not. For that reason alone it is worth keeping in. It does not break the game in any way, for anyone, and exactly what principle does it go against?
    I think this is one of those things, casual type people - those that want to log on and play at their own pace and consider each play session as being fun the most important thing - tend to not like change in the game. This NPC has the perception of providing change, which it will not do.
    There is one in NQ and EFP that do this, assuming you have done the leg work.
    No-trade pages are being phased out.
    Its called the alchemy table, I have one in my house.
  15. ARCHIVED-Nephretiti Guest

    Ok, long story short time:

    Does the 100 pulls include misses? I mean, out of the 100 pulls, how many are of the type "You fail to find etc." variety?
    Will this destroy the economy? no. Not at all. What this WILL do is it will force those that manipulate the broker and corner the market on itmes to have a maximum price on their itmes AT BEST - and personally - I see this as a good thing.
  16. ARCHIVED-piro Guest

    Some of yall making this out to be A WHOLE LOT bigger than it really is. Think about for a sec, you have to wait 2 hours for 100 pulls from a specific node. I dont know about you guys but in my harvesting experiance i usally have close to if not more that a stack of almost ever mat in 2 hours.
    Just my 2 cp but this really is not a game breaker guys, a supplement sure but not a game breaker :)
  17. ARCHIVED-Gargamel Guest

    Whole lotta' hyperventaliating going on here. People need to relax... 100 node pulls over 2 hours, AFTER get lvl up to 80 guild, 1000 plat for the hall, pay 10plat a week + status to upkeep, not to mention the 25p and 5mil status cost of the NPC...
    I'd say after paying thousands of plats and spending weeks/months of time by dozens of people, being allowed to get a few free stacks of carbonite a day is FAR from being 'unbalanced' and going to destroy harvesting.
  18. ARCHIVED-Lady Shai Guest

    To be perfectly honest... I really dont see this particular amenity being OMG!!!MUST HAVE ASAP by any means for any guild. The amount of plat spent as well as status can be better used for other things...the guild portal, the druid rings, the broker , (both world and in guild), the stableboy.... this is most likely not going to be at the top of guild lists by any means. Not for the low pay out of raws, no rares, and the time it can be used PLUS the fact of it can only be used 1 at a time. Its going to be the last thing to be bought most likely for the majority of guilds, imho. And even for the guilds in the T3 Hall....they can only choose 30 out of 42 amenities! There are so many other things more useful...
    I understand and appreciate the fact that people are worried about harvesting... I am a harvester as well! But this doesnt bother me...if it was able to choose 1 particular node rather than tier...as well as upgraded amounts that it could harvest for faster time...and the ability to get rares.....THEN I would be worried. But this seriously doesnt bother me.
    A stack and half worth of stuff from any tier, with no rares...I can do faster than that and get more items than this thing, plus get some rares. The amount this amenity will grab wil be enough to do raws for 1 person to do combines with for like 15 mins.
    Ya...that's game breaking.
    So I am not going to worry about it
  19. ARCHIVED-tikasa Guest

    No not a game breaker... but it SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED. No it will not ruin harvesting... no it will not ruin the economy, no it will not stop resellers cornering the markets, no it is not efficient. What it is, is a precedent that opens the door to making EVERYTHING automated.... Gee hire a NPC group ( do not laugh it is happening in EQ1 ) I do see this growing to augment crafting next so more fun things can be done.
  20. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    tikasa wrote:
    It will happen in this game too, when the population is at the point it is in EQ1.
    However, that time is not now.