Desert of Flames Voting

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruallin Ebonhammer, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Alenna Well-Known Member

    Next thursday
  2. Avithax Well-Known Member

    ^^^This exactly^^^

    I voted Yes but there's no way it was a 2/3 in favor. You could see her pause during the live stream like she didn't want to lie. I think from a business perspective it would be a bad decision to have the dev team solving TLE issues while they're going to be swamped by the bugs in the new xpac so her hand was forced. Besides she looked like she hadn't slept in a month so there might be other pressures.

    /takes off tinfoil hat
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  3. Ydiss Member

    I imagine general chat probably has plenty of agro but I voted no. I'm not angry.

    This is what voting is for and the result is the correct one. Just like it was last month.

    I haven't seen any angry posts in this thread or in new topics either. Not yet at least. Last month we had at least two threads within hours saying the servers would now die because of selfish no voters. All we have in this thread is a couple people gloating over the yes ;)

    Might be just me but I think it's just easier to not get worked up over a game and just enjoy it. Now, I wonder if all those who said their entire guild quit last month will return...
    Wirewhisker and Jaden like this.
  4. Leviath Trailblazer Member

    Honestly, I really doubt a super majority was actually met. I think what probably happened was that a majority voted for DoF, but it was short of super majority. I think the crew on the TLE knew it would be detrimental to the servers if they stuck to the original, and foolish 2/3rds requirement. So, they let it fly. I would expect to see something about the percentage needed to pass change in the next month or so. It's very obvious that such a high requirement is ridiculous.
  5. Dreww2 New Member

    hence why it needs to be over 50 % with only the population of a certain tier being able to cast votes.. In my opinion it should be - 10 levels from level cap that should be allowed to vote and if the vote is over 50 % in favor of yes should the next xpac unlock.
  6. Pauly Well-Known Member

    Yes.. only 50's should vote and we should make sure we all vote yes so we can hurry this server along asap. We must catch up to live servers as soon as we can so we can have populations similar to regular servers. It shall be glorious.
    Wirewhisker, Vanya and Eradani like this.
  7. Ydiss Member

    This would be terrible for the eof vote. Eof impacts everyone, not only the top tier.

    The voting system is fine. It's worked well. Dof has been released within the first three months. All that's left to complain about is based on theory crafted arguments.
    Blaupunkt likes this.
  8. Ucala Well-Known Member

    if you didn't see a Bunch of people that were mad that the vote passed in general last night, you are either 1.blind
    2.have general turned off. or 3. not on. But man there were tons raging about DoF passing.

    Some were crying that "rushers won" (50 in 2 months is rushing of course).
    others were crying that "we will have no one to group with pre 50 now"
    "the vote was rigged!"
    and of course "good job ruining the servers rushers"
    Nuhvohk and Nelie like this.
  9. Ydiss Member

    3. I wasn't on.

    But I said in my post that I imagined there were angry comments. I didn't really argue against that at all. So your reply was perhaps not necessary. I've seen general chat. It's a train wreck most days.

    This takes nothing away from the rest of my post and, still, the forums are suspiciously devoid of complaints, which is a significant contrast to last month.

    As I said, the result was the correct one. Both this month and last.
  10. Vunder Well-Known Member

  11. ltankhsd New Member

    It occurs to me that if that many people were really mad about the vote passing and that it was rigged, they really shouldn't have to worry about finding other people to play classic content with since there are "so many" of them. Or am I being too logical?
  12. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Ok...I guess I need to quick ******* around and pick a healer to play instead of playing all of them. Anyone want to help me level my 37 Mystic up before next Thursday? That or my Illusionist? Or both?!

    ...but seriously, someone help me hit 50 before Thursday!
  13. Calbiyum Active Member

    As long as you get around 45 you can still enjoy the DoF content at launch
  14. Dreww2 New Member

    explain your comment instead of just commenting to comment.
  15. GBlack Active Member

    I guess he is trying to say that EoF will bring a lot of new zones and it may cause serious spread of population.
  16. Ydiss Member

    Your premise is that only the top tier of players should vote and I can understand your point to a degree where the content is top tier only (but still disagree that the vote should be limited to top tier, because it would obviously pass yes every single month - which heavily suggests to me that your suggestion is not seeking fairness and is just self-serving, but I digress).

    Not every expansion is top tier only, though. So restricting the vote to top tier when some expansion packs have multiple tier content would be nonsensical.

    I suppose you could say that the vote pool could change depending on the expansion pack being voted for but I still disagree anyway. The whole point of this project is the community gets to decide, not just a select few who play a certain way.

    Dof got voted in within two months. Even though I voted no both times I think it's working very much as intended.
    Blaupunkt likes this.
  17. Dreww2 New Member

    lets be honest here, the vote only got passed because the DEV's wanted it that way, to think anyones vote actually mattered is funny at best.:rolleyes: Still waiting on a vote count, lol i highly doubt we'll see a legit count but that's just me being a pessimist. I voted yes either way.

    The community that plays end game should have a say on whether or not an expansion gets passed, just like when the froglok character out back in the day. The high end raid community provided that option, not the low end casual people. When ALL raid content is cleared that's when the vote should be cast. I can remember when this game did not cater to the casual player; grant it I'm very casual now.
  18. Blaupunkt Active Member

    Your wasting your time my friend.