Desert of Flames Voting

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruallin Ebonhammer, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Einzelhaft Narynn New Member

    Well put!! =) I'll be glad to have some more stuff to do, but I'd have liked the 3 months as well. But I tend to lag behind most folks a little, because I do as much content as I can get my hands on. So this is probably about right from that respect.
    Chocoholic likes this.
  2. Chocoholic Active Member

    Wait, wouldn't this vote have been 1 more month? And then the next would have been 3? At any rate, it doesn't matter now and I hope we can all move forward together with mutual respect and enjoy the game.
    Filly67, Blaupunkt and Eradani like this.
  3. GBlack Active Member

    Nevermind, I just checked the rules again and you're right )
  4. Blaupunkt Active Member

    Simply put yes, if the vote had been no we would have had another vote in 4 weeks time, then it would have been the vote for 3 locked months.
  5. Tearofsoul Member

  6. Grymmstone Member

    At least for 30 more days, then the Yes To KoS crowd will come out of the woodwork and it all starts over again.
  7. Blaupunkt Active Member

    Do you think it will take 30 days ? id say less then 20 before we get the first moaning post.
    Eradani and Wirewhisker like this.
  8. Gela New Member

    Not if they balance raid mobs this time around.
  9. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Yes the debate has had its fair share of ridiculous conjecture between many of its participants. However, no where have I posted "total drivel" about the voting policy. So please direct your frustrations else where.
  10. Dreww2 New Member

    so did DOF get passed for Death Toll? i didnt watch the stream
  11. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Yes, it passed on both servers.
  12. Dreww2 New Member

    good, all the "NO" sayers can piss off now
  13. Blaupunkt Active Member

    LOL! I am tempted to say "have you heard your self" but I am not frustrated one, but you most definitely were/are you are the one moaning about a 2/3 vote, getting your knickers in a twist because at some point the majority might not have quite enough to pass the vote, me I will vote how I see fit and go with whatever the results are, even if its not what I voted for, which has been my stance all along.

    The server needs a over riding majority to move forward, 51% is not enough maybe 2/3 majority is to high so where do you have the cut off point to make it fair ? 60% 58% 62% ? whatever it is there is always going to be someone who is not happy, so unless someone can put up a very convincing argument as to why it should be changed and what it should be changed to while explaining why it is a better system then it should just be left as it is.

    I did not claim you had posted "total drivel" just some people have been, but it seems to have hit a nerve!
  14. Nytegamer New Member

    When does it actually get on the server?
  15. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    A two-thirds vote is old California Prop 25 - which governed how taxes could be created. Daybreak is in CA, and they all grew up with that voting requirement being 'a thing', if they grew up there, too.

    However that requirement was
  16. Grymmstone Member

    yaaay!!!! Another dead horse to beat into oblivion. It passed. The Yea votes be happy. The Nay votes... you can stick it to them in 30 days.
  17. Adevil Well-Known Member

    This vote wasn't the 3 month one. That would have been the next vote.
  18. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Probably a more equitable system would be to start with a 2/3 majority requirement to advance to the next expansion. Next. if the first vote doesn't advance from the first vote, then have a re-vote in a month requiring a 58% majority to advance. If that one fails to advance the expansion, then have a re-vote every three months that requires >50% majority until the server advances to the next expansion.

    That deters folks from trying to advance the server to the current live expansion just over a year, while not allowing a small group of individuals to keep the server perpetually stagnant. Is it a perfect solution? Probably not. Is it more equitable than the current system? I believe so.
  19. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Next Thursday.
  20. Nytegamer New Member