Desert of Flames Voting

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ruallin Ebonhammer, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Fleshdecay Well-Known Member

    Learn to submit
  2. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    This is essentially the point that I was trying to convey when I stated the following:
    In other words, I agree that a 'yes' vote has half of the effect of a 'no' vote. However, that isn't the same as saying that, out of four votes, 2y + 2n = 2y + 4n. There is a difference between stating that a has effect b and stating that a is b. You might dismiss that as hairsplitting, but imho the distinction must be made if we are to have an intellectually honest discussion.

    You are, of course, entitled to your own opinions.
  3. Regolas Well-Known Member

    I voted Yes this time and I'm only 35-37. (2 accounts)

    My initial fear that there wouldn't be enough lower level players to group with if the level cap is raised is less of a fear now. I still see plenty around the 20s and 30s.

    I would have liked to be around 50 now and do Sol Eye, Perma, etc with lots of others, but I've not been able to play much. And I'm not letting my selfishness effect others. It's not their fault I couldn't play enough.
  4. Fizzles New Member

    LOL this thread... with such simple math... please go on more about this
  5. Sprok Active Member

    I too would like to know more about math.
    Fetish likes this.
  6. Calbiyum Active Member

    I'm so glad all of you "hardcores" are so quick to cal out people for voting NO as if you have any say in it. I see none of the top 10 to 50 here as we had to wait for you pathetic losers to catch up. Stop yelling at people for voting NO and learn to actually level at a decent speed.
  7. Calbiyum Active Member

    sry for being aggro but uhm plz
  8. Satyr Well-Known Member

  9. Newbia New Member

  10. dngrmse Active Member

    Am I late for the Gnashing o' The Teeth?

    Or is that tomorrow?
  11. Dreww2 New Member

    lets be honest, the current voting system is stupid. 2/3 vote is way too high, it should be anything over the 50 % of the current population that cast votes. Also i believe people below level 40 should not be allowed to vote for the simple fact of the mater that high lvl pvp has no impact on them... I am a level locker too as well before that stupid excuse comes out again...:rolleyes:
  12. Blaupunkt Active Member

    Your a day early, Make sure you have a cat to kick as well!
  13. Fetish Well-Known Member

    "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!" ~ Geddy Lee
  14. Aryel All Access Member: Yes

    A 2/3 majority has always been a fair way to make sure the changes are voted in by a majority and not a simple majority when it will affect the structure and basis of the server. Even in other voting processes this has always been a standard. You cannot be allowed to make changes wily nilly and 51% is too low to allow for a change.
  15. Ursa Minor Well-Known Member

    By voting you are affecting the voting pool, which does impact the overall vote, even if your votes seem to cancel each other out. Remember, the decision to move forward requires a 2/3rds majority of the votes cast, not the eligible voters.

    For example, without your four votes:
      Yes      No      Total      2/3rds      Result
      3667    1833      5500      3666.7        PASS
    Adding in your four votes, two yes and two no:
      3669    1835      5504      3669.3        FAIL
    Your votes in this case would change the PASS result to a FAIL result.

    Granted, your four votes probably won't have that significant an impact on the server wide pool, but you cannot say that it makes no difference, because you are changing the number of votes cast. If you truly do not want to impact the outcome, abstain.
  16. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Again, I'm not arguing against the effects that the votes will have. I'm merely stating that this statement:

    By voting half one way and half the other, your votes will be 'no'

    is not the same thing as this statement:

    Casting two votes to each side will have the overall result of having the effects of the 'no' votes supersede the effects of the 'yes' votes.

    But since you want to talk about the effects, abstention favors the yes votes, so even abstention wouldn't be without effect, either. Literally the only thing that I could do to ensure that I don't affect the outcome to cast a number of votes divisible by three, with two 'yes' votes per one 'no' vote.
  17. Ydiss Member

    You might be arguing that voting no and yes the same number of times "supercedes" either vote, but your original statement was this:
    If you actually did what you said you probably would do, then your voting hasn't achieved what you said you wanted it to do and this has been pointed out to you. You've argued the point stubbornly and have now apparently changed your statement slightly to an argument over whether your votes "supercede" each other to ensure you can continue to argue the point. I know it's not easy to admit you're wrong, particularly when you get attacked by people here for daring to make an incorrect statement, but sometimes it's just the adult thing to do.

    If you don't care about the outcome of the vote and wanted to have no effect on it, the only logical action is inaction. Anything else demonstrates a desire to participate, which is the opposite of indifference.

    You thought your four votes had no impact on the outcome until it was pointed out to you that they have the overall effect of increasing the odds of the vote passing no. Those who pointed this out were factually correct and your original post was factually flawed. At the very least you could have acknowledged that. You may think it's really important that everyone understand that your original post was not actually what you meant and that your voting had some alternative meaning. But it didn't.

    This has gone beyond semantics now. Honestly, how hard is this?

    "haha yes, you're right. OK, I'll just not vote. Thanks for pointing that out to me "

    That would have been the correct outcome to this.
    beagley likes this.
  18. Fizzles New Member

    I feel like I should make a guild with all these people that turned this into a 9 page plus thread for the lols
  19. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Except a 2/3 majority is not always fair. If 65% of the server votes YES, the server will not progress. Then the system just failed the server majority.
    Jord likes this.
  20. Blaupunkt Active Member

    If the yes vote was wining but still losing the overall vote by 1 or 2 percent then all this moaning about 2/3 majority not being fair all the crying and whining would be relevant, until this happens a few times no one is going to take this argument seriously.