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Broken Achievement Reporting

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Gninja, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Gninja Developer

    I found a fix for the Death raider achievement but its going to require resetting those three kill achievements. Will try to get this put in as part of next week's update.
  2. Tindias New Member

    much appreciated, thanks G

    any progress on the (Collection Paradise) achievement
  3. Lizabethan Active Member

    It's easy for us to all ask for the little things we'd like - hell, I'd really like a purple dragon petamorph wand - but the fact is, the developers are human, their resources are limited, and we're going to have to live with and be thankful for the time and effort that is already dedicated to this game.

    So here, now, I'd like to say thank you to the developers. No "thank you, but can you please fix ____?" or "thank you, but can we have ____ now?". Just a simple, heartfelt thank you.
    Spindle and Kraeref like this.
  4. slippery Well-Known Member

    The guild achievement for Tert Turganpuncher doesn't work, likely since you don't actually kill Tert
  5. Gninja Developer

    Thanks will look into it when I get a chance.
  6. Irving Member

    Also, why 2 achievements for Soren?

    Guild: Rallos' Chosen
    Defeat Soren the Vindicator in Kael Drakkel
    Guild: Vindicator Soren's Demise
    Defeat Vindicator Soren in Kael Drakkel

    Or am I missing something? :)
  7. Taysa Well-Known Member

    Guild: Laboratory Liberator

    Killed Vyemm first, but then died to his add. The encounter reset and then broke, but I was credited the guild achievement anyway.
  8. Irving Member

    This one seems to be bugged - no achievement for personal or guild:
    Guild: Fisherman Foiler
    Defeat Rognog the Angler in the Cove of Decay: Epic Angle
  9. Raenius Well-Known Member

    Rognog the Angler works - you just arent allowed to kill him before he switches to his final state (at 50%) - managed to kill him too quickly and no update, did it slowly when he changed and it updated.
  10. Irving Member

    Ohhh, thank you very much!
  11. Atan Well-Known Member

    I suspect one should have been killing the statue? Since that seems to be missing.
  12. Gninja Developer

    I believe that's correct. Will make that change this coming week.
  13. Daray Well-Known Member

    Hmm, out of interest, were the Flawless Kraytoc kills removed?

    Flawless: Kraytoc's Demise
    Defeat Kraytoc in his Fortress with no deaths!
    Flawless: Kraytoc's Demise (Challenge)
    Defeat Kraytoc in his Fortress with no deaths!
  14. Chronus Active Member

    Seems they were but to be honest the hardmode one should have never been in there.
  15. slippery Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure it never existed because of the death mechanic (like the guy in UD)
  16. Chronus Active Member

    It did because I distinctly remember somebody asking why it even existed due to the death mechanic.
  17. Gninja Developer

    It was indeed removed due to the mechanic.
  18. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I think Dethdlr touched on this but, if a character has an Achievement that we've never encountered before, we automatically fetch that Achievement. However we have no means of removing Achievements that SOE has removed. We can either manually remove, or do a complete wipe and reload of the Achievements themselves (not character data).
  19. Cappen Member

    Sense of Urgency: Venekor's Demise (Challenge) Should be fixed
    Shorthanded: Venekor's Demise (Challenge) Should be fixed

    These aren't showing up for me in the journal. I ran the zone anyhow and still didn't get sense of urgency for HM venekor, doing it in 17 mins.

    By the by, i thought that heroics weren't supposed to have shorthanded achievements?
  20. slippery Well-Known Member

    Not really an achievement thing but the Amalgamon and Baelon trophies still mouse-over as King Tormax's Head.

    The Amalgamon trophy doesn't have any collision either. (It's not a solid object)