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Broken Achievement Reporting

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Gninja, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Raenius Well-Known Member

    Please dont do that, would be bad for people who managed to do the 2k as well, like me.
    I did this one a long time ago, when Mission Impossible even reset Mission Implausible back to zero, deleting it now would create sad panda.
  2. Tindias New Member

    Yeah already have the achievement for killing her in the Dungeon, it just will not update the triumph, i belive this also is the same issue with, Grand Restorer Lingawl, and High Priest Mohnt and Dizzina the Lulled, on the same Triumph
  3. Gaealiege Active Member

    Collector's Paradise isn't functioning even though I have the collections completed.

    Sense of Urgency: Grolla Skullwielder's Demise is listed under dungeon achievements rather than raid where it is supposed to be.

    Hexing Hexapola is listed under dungeon achievements rather than raid where it is supposed to be.

    Destiny of Velious Overachiever states that it is for heroic kills, but it includes raid mobs like Arch Magistor Modrfrost. Even with this tidbit, I've cleared 100% of Velious heroic content and it states I'm missing the kills for : Arch Magistor Modrfrost, Grand Restorer Lingwal, Spectral Librarian Emiida, and Warmaster Deynka Packlasher.

    Destiny of Velious Vanquished however is for the raid kills and claims I HAVE killed Warmaster Korok Hai and Warmaster Deynka Packlasher whom are both NOT raid mobs.

    Sense of Urgency : Drunder (heroic version) is not accepting Grolla Skullwielder for previously mentioned reasons.

    Sense of Urgency: Tower of Frozen Shadow (appears to be heroic version) claims I have not killed the Tome of Ages Past and Spectral Librarian Emiida when I have in fact killed both in under the necessary time.

    Shorthanded Victory : Drunder informs me that I've killed Vallon Zek and Tallon Zek when I have not. The same achievement also has heroic mobs and raid mobs. So it's completely screwed up.

    This appears to be all of the achievements that are currently broken on one of my characters.
  4. Raenius Well-Known Member

    Nah, Grolla is heroic content in Spire of Rage - so its fine.

    Agree on the rest, tho.

    For the achievements which wont update anymore since you already got the single kills: just update them for everyone or tell CS they shall update those for people who will send a petition.
  5. Gaealiege Active Member

    Sorry brain said one thing and hands typed another. What I meant was that Grolla's achievement says she's in the raid zone rather than Spire of Rage. I'll edit it.
  6. Gaealiege Active Member

    No I won't. Appears editing has a time limit. Well now you know!
  7. Tindias New Member

    Arch Magistor Modrfrost is not in Overachievers, hes in Vanquished


  8. Gaealiege Active Member

    Yeah, no. He is in fact listed in my Overachiever one.
  9. Gaealiege Active Member

    And see your Vanquished one? Here's the list of names in mine.

    Arch Magistor Modrfrost
    King Tormax
    Legatus Prime Mikill
    Tserrina Syl'Tor
    Twin Idols of Zek
    Warmaster Deynka Packlasher
    Warmaster Korok Hai

    Seeing a bit of a discrepancy? I do too.
  10. Raenius Well-Known Member

    Another two not working:

    Shorhanded: Dagarn(easy)
    Shorthanded: Ikatiar(easy)

    And recognized the Dozekar(challenge) kill from 26th Sept. 2012 is missing as well, might be fixed by now, not sure.
  11. Raenius Well-Known Member

    CS says both shorthanded: Dagarn(easy) / Ikatiar (easy) are working and they couldnt verify if Dozekar-kill actually was a challenge one.
    Didnt upate any of it but CS suggested to just do it again, yeah sure...o_O
  12. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Sleeper's Tomb: The Awakening
    its only being awarded when done in under 30 minutes and says that in the description

    There should be two (2) Achievements for that?

    Sleeper's Tomb: The Awakening (currently there but only awarded if under 30 minutes)

    sense of urgency achievement is missing or is the achievement for the zone only awarded if under 30 minutes?

    Sense of Urgency: Debone Bonewing this is not updating if you do the instance challenge mode in under 30 minutes (last run was maybe 15 minutes) :cool:
  13. Snapshot Active Member

    Player Vs Player: Discord Hardened

    I believe this is completely broken (suppose to buy TSO pvp gear)

    I have the hands knocked out even though I haven't purchased this gear...I don't think and had someone else say it wasn't updating
  14. Cappen Member

    Could we get Sense of Urgency: Venekor's Demise to update from challenge mode Venekor? Currently it is only updating off easy mode.
  15. Scorchar New Member

    Apologies if this has been fixed but I missed in update notes if it has.

    Heritage quest counts from before achievement system was put in place.
    So, currently the only way I know to fix this is to have SOE delete your heritage quest and redo them but.....
    the librarian/sage will award scrolls based on how many HQ's you have done so the code is reading something (quest log?) this seems like you could add something here to have it check for this, go talk to sage/librarian and have it update your completed heritage quests achievement.
  16. Tindias New Member

    Plane of War [Challenge] aka Elements of War, did not not get the sence of urgancy: Debone Bonewing within 30 minutes yet killed it within 9 minutes from creating the zone
  17. Daray Well-Known Member

    Raids > Chains of Eternity > Redemption for Drinal
    (Hidden) Raids > Chains of Eternity > Death Raider

    appear not to be working (not sure if they were already mentioned).
  18. Kaitheel Developer

    Just in case any of you notice, and have a concern about it...

    Live event achievements
    They are not tied to an event's activation. (As many of you noticed prior to Erollisi Day!) This means that when the servers are updated the live event achievements will be listed. It does not matter if the event is active on that server or not. The upcoming Brewday Festival and Bristlebane Day achievements are no exception.

  19. Andreia Member


    Destiny of velious Overachiever is also bug for me (collector's paradise too). I went to Rime 3 one more time last night and didn't get the Grand Restorer Lingwal update. I have the achievements in the dongeon's part.

    My heritage quest achievement shows 34/45, but I have completed 52 qh. It bugged when I reached 40 quests. I have done several tickets , the GM told me that the developers know the issue, but it is still not corrected.
    I also have two houses in the hall of fames, but my journal shows 0/3.
  20. Tindias New Member

    (Hidden) Raids > Chains of Eternity > Death Raider

    I killed all three of the named required for it


    but only 1/3 have updated
