Bleed through...from the post in the beta forums, some clarification please

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Loke, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. Mermut Well-Known Member

    They appear on the heal parse and they are shaman's primary form of healing. Suggesting that shaman shouldn't rely primarily on their primary heals (aka wards) is exactly the same as saying the clerics shouldn't rely on reactives and should be 'forced' to cast direct heals sometimes... and the same with druids and their HoTs.
    Gillymann likes this.
  2. Earar Well-Known Member

    you're just playing with words to play with words.

    you're just nitpicking for the joy of nitpicking.

    a ward is a shield not a heal. if you cast a ward on someone with 5% health. It will stay at 5% health. a heal gives back health, a shield/ward protects from damage but doesn't heal.

    even if it shows on heal parse, it absorbs damage as written on ACT, it doesn't effectively heal.

    so when I say a good shaman isn't supposed to heal .. it's because a good shaman should be able to only use wards.

    not u can call it a heal if you want but it's technically not a heal
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I'm saying that all healer classes should rely on their primary heals to do most of the healing for their group and only use direct heals to suppliment. Wards are the primary heals for shaman, reactives for clerics and HoTs for druids.
    Making wards massively less effective for shaman is EXACTLY the same as making reactives massively less effective for clerics and HoTs massively less effective for druids. That's how the healer archtypes work.
    Rebelde and Sigrdrifa like this.
  4. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    Not to add to the nitpicking but a kinda funny thing about the Fury is you really only have one group HoT and one single target HoT (and an emergency version of each). I actually have 6 or 7 direct heals...
    Rhodris likes this.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Where, as a warden, I have zero direct heals. All of them are HoTs :)
    Rhodris likes this.
  6. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    I would take the HoTs as I imagine thethey are still complete heals each tick? Mine seem to still be.
  7. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Solo content,yes. Some heroic,yes. In
  8. knine Well-Known Member

    Forgot the ever useful lunar attendant lol.. oh wait.. nvm...
  9. knine Well-Known Member

    and 6 useless wards lol :)
  10. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    Shaman wards seem to be breaking in raid, so those extra wards won't be useless there. :)
  11. Mermut Well-Known Member

    yeaaaah.. so much fun to have every single heal on cool down and busted wards...
    My warden is doing fine.. my mystic.. well.. sucks.
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  12. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure why your mystic sucks, ours are doing great in raid when paired with a druid or templar (talking about in raids). The wards are absolutely crucial in most groups and both healers seem to be contributing.
  13. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    In heroics last night, my mystic was doing about 1/3 the heals of the other healer (druid, I believe). I was absolutely keeping up with cures, I was cycling my wards, using my limited direct heals, and so forth. We ended up having to get a channeler in to join us to finish the Doomfire Towers T1, though, mostly because my mystic sucked badly... even though she has ~1300 Resolve and ~64K Potency.
  14. Mermut Well-Known Member

    My group (mostly) isn't dying.. but, as a healer, having my group be yellow when all my heals are down sure makes me feel useless. I also love having all single target wards on my tank and my group ward get instantly blown up when he intercepts the tank casting bulwark...
    Perhaps it's due to being used to the warden that ALWAYS has something I can do to heal the group, but sitting there staring at all heals on cooldown makes me FEEL useless on my mystic.

    Edit: Note, this is in raid. My mystic makes a passable secondary healer in groups.
    I guess part of the reason the mystic feels so 'fail' compared to have my warden felt when wardens were sucking hind teat is that the mystic offers nothing EXCEPT healing and bolster. In the current healing climate, I don't have time to cast ascensions most fights and mystic arts contribute approximately zero dps (though I do use them)
    Rebelde and Breanna like this.
  15. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    I can definitely understand the feeling and I have noticed my dps about halve due to the need to spam heal and the reduced ability of proc wards and heals.

    Healing is definitely in a weird spot. As a Fury, I actually feel valued now for my healing abilities and have become so much closer to my tanks where as before I was just a tier 2 dps with dps utility buffs.

    My Defiler definitely is a lot more spammy than before but I dont mind the added heal pressure as much because I was so used to it as a Fury in KA and early PoP.

    All that said, I'd like to see some more limited ward stacking. Maybe DR added to single target wards or something. I would also like to see HoT duration increased by about 5 seconds and reactives not trigger if the hit is less than 10% of max health (or something like that).
  16. Neroflop Member

    Clint and I have some passionate discussions about this in voice, discord, and of course here, and while we often dont agree, I can certainly get behind all three of these suggestions.
  17. Golum Active Member

    ...and a third time...

    Lets start flipping tables. What they have done with this bleedthru is horrible. What a pathetic implementation. Roll this crap back...

    A healing reduction of > 2/3...come on...

  18. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    Rather than flip tables, let us know where you are having difficulty healing. The consensus of our guild is that it's a bit tougher for shaman than it was in the past but everything kinda evened out when they adjusted their playstyle.
  19. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The worst thing about healing in heroics/raid now is the black box nature of the debuff :(
  20. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    I just love my reactives dropping nearly immediately after i put them up...even when the double trigger buff goes for my dps yeah thats now residing in the cellar atm.