Suspending accounts for exploiting

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by ABlocal, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Yoube Active Member

    Still salty....
  2. forumguy3419 Member

    You've gotta be kidding.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  3. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Everyone was affected. That's kinda the point.

    No, we cant. The side effect of shoplifting in a grocery store rarely has the effect of tripling the prices on everything in the grocery store, and reducing the savings/retirement accounts of everyone else in the nation down to change.

    Welcome to 1996. EQ1 wasnt even the first MMO to write the EULA that way.

    And because not enough people complained about it, welcome to how every software, and some hardware companies are doing /are going to do business with everything they have in the future. You, pending your good behavior, rent your access to stuff. You didnt buy anything from SoE/DBG. Soon enough you wont buy anything from Sony/Apple/Microsoft or even Ford/Chevrolet/Honda/Toyota.

    And furthermore, to all of you despicable cheaters: Go read message boards and chat rooms and bulletin boards from the 90's. You'll find the same tired winging there. Its a clear sign if a pathetic attempt to transfer blame, and its twenty years old in its current form. Which means it is very very very easy to spot. Just. stop. trying.
    Juraiya, Meneltel, xXGanyXx and 2 others like this.
  4. Kioske Well-Known Member

    Awkk, do people who shoplift get second chances and warnings, or do they (more often than not) get banned from entering the store they're caught in? Because I think we can all agree that the severity of this exploit is somewhere along the lines of some simple mostly harmless shoplifting. Either way, you can never go back into that store, and they have the right to decide that. It's a case by case basis for which store does what, but in this case, Daybreak has decided. Also, it's in SoE's history to permaban people who take part in these types of exploits. ANYONE who took part is at fault. You know damn well that something of this nature does not belong in the game. You know that it's an exploit. If you still choose to do it, you should be banned. People who used the exploit once you could make a case for, and I'm sure that after the dust settles, those people will be allowed back into the game. It's the people that made the trek over and over again, using the exploit hundreds or thousands of times, those people should be removed from the game.
    Meneltel, Iskandar, Neiloch and 3 others like this.
  5. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    seriously i cannot take the mental midgets anymore, iggy is getting fed today, it's that or well... n'm *hides her favourite correcting 2x4 with the optional rusty nail attachment* i did just relace the carpets...

    people cheated, people knew it was wrong, they got caught and they still get to play just on a different server so they are not banned...
  6. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I'm not missing the point at all.

    Let me state for the record that I think that anyone, who thought buying an item for 1 copper and selling it for 10 platinum was a "super secret squirrel gift from the devs", is seriously mentally defective.

    They might be intelligent, but their moral compass is so out of whack they should go see a professional.

    I'm sorry Awkk, I'm not buying what you are trying to sell. The exploiters made their beds, now they get to lie in them.
  7. claudia6913 Active Member

    Again, have those "first time offenders" petition for review and send in your own petition for the ones who made millions. DB has the logs - but it will not be a "quick" fix as that's a lot to look through.

    And how do you propose they "return" the money?
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  8. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Not hardly, this is a lot more serious than that. The server economies are wrecked because of this, and I have little hope that DBG's team will be able to somehow repair all of the damage.
    Meneltel likes this.
  9. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Why dont you tell me what i missed.

    Is this what I missed? I guess you think that this is ok and you get brownie points with the devs for attacking the guy.

    What you have missed is the matter of proportionality. The punishment of stealing almost everything a person worked for, for years, does not fit the "crime" of buying and reselling a spell for a couple hours to make a few thousand plat, not when that was a part of the game, and might have been allowed. It certainly wasn't duping, which would be deliberate. You might as well say that the speeder who has his house, car and bank account taken, ought to show maturity and be grateful that he escaped with his life.
  10. Alexic Member

    But honestly mathematically correct. Impossible to do in time frame done.
  11. claudia6913 Active Member

    They aren't stealing it, it's well within their legal rights to take. You can be upset over it. You can whine and cry and get pissy all you want, but that doesn't change that fact and arguing with everyone about how unfair you feel it is isn't going to do squat to change it because we aren't the ones that control that sort of thing.

    But it's not even "gone" if you got sent to Drunder. Give it time as it's possible the copy feature for Drunder isn't automated like Beta is. Or if it is, it's lagging at the moment.
  12. Ratza Well-Known Member

    I could almost believe the claim they did not know they were cheating the 1st time....heck...even the second time to confirm the $ amount was real and not a trick ... which at that point a /bug report should have been submitted. However, if they kept going back over and over and over and over...they damn well knew it was wrong by that point.
    Juraiya, Iskandar and claudia6913 like this.
  13. Eles Well-Known Member

  14. Kioske Well-Known Member

    Stop comparing this "Crime" to speeding and start comparing it to stealing. That's what it is. You know damn well that buying something from an in game merchant for 1 copper and reselling it to an in game merchant for 10 plat is not part of the game, it's an exploit. In the EULA you signed an agreement that said you would not exploit the game willingly. This is willingly. Therefore, you get banned or sent to Drunder. No one is taking anything away for nothing, you cheated, you lost. You gambled, you lost. It's just how it is. Next time this type of exploit comes up, you'll report it instead of using it.
    claudia6913 likes this.
  15. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    And at the end of the day, thats what this is all about.

    Rev cheats and can even feel safe about flaunting their cheating by either exploiting zone timers OR breaking the terms of raid council access by abusing insider information (the such of which they have complained very vocally about when it came to Fennin Ro spawn items being "saved" when Brells spawn conditions WERE going to be entirely different").
  16. Yoube Active Member

    Or the information he is using is skewed/wrong to begin with.... so, in essence, he is mathematically wrong.
  17. Laaw Well-Known Member

    I get the one time, analogy as shoplifting, but to do more than once is more like robbing a bank. the latter deserves a banning by degree
  18. Wurm Well-Known Member

    You keep saying DBG stole something, they (DBG) didn't steal anything, THEY (DBG) OWNED IT TO BEGIN WITH. What DBG did was remove the rights of the exploiting players to access DBG assets. We players have the right to play the game by behaving and following the EULA. Once one decides to break the EULA, it is within DBG's rights to no longer allow that offending player access to the game.
    Juraiya, Meneltel and Ceyllynn like this.
  19. Kioske Well-Known Member

    Mogrim, what do your sour grapes with Revelations have to do with this topic? If they are getting "Insider" information, that's on them. Are you in Revelations? Does Revelations have anything to do with Fatality? Why bother? All you can do is play with Fatality members and at the end of the day help Fatality along. If you're looking for the Devs to knock down another guild because your guild can't keep up, you're playing this game for the wrong reasons. Fenin Ro, Zone timers, Brell access, these things have nothing to do with the plat exploit. Go make a different thread if you want to cry Rev vs Fatality.
  20. Jumpity Member

    EQ1, at one time, had an exploit like this only a Monk would tag the other vender and drag it across the zone and FD right next to the other vendor, so you didn't even have to go anywhere... Lots of people got canned.
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