Suspending accounts for exploiting

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by ABlocal, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Shabado New Member

    This all could be an elaborate plot to make Drunder populated.
  2. Awkk Well-Known Member

    And you are ok with this?
  3. Alexic Member

    Well Wurm you on your high and mighty horse. Some people did screw up by taking part I am one of them. What most are saying though us far from untrue. We used available game mechanics without the use of any third party software of any type. This HAD been reported weeks prior and if it was truly an exploit why was server not taken off line immediately? They have done so in past. So this whole thing of shooting at guilty parties for something that had been reported and not fixed until was blasted in general chat seems almost a firm of a cover up of something done on purpose that was only meant to be used by certain indivuduals. That us why there is such a diverse reaction to the banning vs suspensions vs deletions. So please sir I am a human being just like you. I am not perfect never claimed to be, but I can assure you neither are you. There was only one born free from all sin and by your posts you demonstrate you are not Him!
    Awkk likes this.
  4. Rubick Well-Known Member

    Mogrim crying and Labeleth rambling on incoherently with nothing resembling a rational thought; who would have expected that? If you exploited and got caught, cry somewhere else where people might care. If you guys are too daft to realize the EULA smashes any chance at a suit of any kind then you are clearly beyond reproach.
  5. Finora Well-Known Member

    I think perhaps you should reread that EULA that everyone has to agree to before playing the game.
    Meneltel and Wurm like this.
  6. Rubick Well-Known Member

    Also, Labeleth, stop being so pathetic and petty that you try to project your guilt onto somebody that clearly didn't exploit. It's really sad to watch you act so desparate on the forums of a game you allegedly don't care about.
  7. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Tell me where in the EULA it says that they can take your money without delivering services.
  8. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I'm so sorry you got caught... :( what am I saying? No I'm not.
  9. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    I mean, clearing a zone more times than is possible (somewhere between 6-9 times within a week, despite the zone having a 4 day 20 hour lockout) isn't something that one can merely "get good" and do. You've gotta cheat to do that.

    But Rev did it, and by definition, what Rev doesn't isn't cheating. So I guess I really do need to get good, so that my guild too, can ignore zone lockout timers.

    That, or my original hypothesis: Rev knew about a month in advance that the gear was going to be redone, and as a result, demonstrably stockpiled a month worth of zones in order to get a head start.

    Of course, they'd never do this when they previously **successfully** complained that it was an abuse for Fatality to stockpile Fennin Ro spawn materials in order to create more Brell Spawns and as a result achieved Devs completely reworking Brells spawn mechanics in order to appease them. Rev would NEVER be hypocritical over the exact things they claimed that other guilds were unfairly doing, would they?

    Because Rev doesn't cheat. And if you ever see them doing things that look like cheating (like bot farming xp in Skyshrine, or by having their bot-armies pulling the contested x2 names from the zone entrance) you know its just your lying eyes. You must be hallucinating. Because Rev doesn't cheat. Ever. Never ever ever.
    Meneltel likes this.
  10. Rubick Well-Known Member

    Stop trying to exaggerate to make your point sound valid. You're really bad at it. It says in there they can cancel your account and delete everything you own in game at any time. If you spent half as much time reading that as you've spent whining on this thread you'd know that.
  11. Judeau New Member

    I like how people are acting like victims, when their actions destroyed the game economy, effecting entire servers.
    Meneltel likes this.
  12. Wurm Well-Known Member

  13. Ledan Member

    Their just items I can easily get again, and playing on a dead server is nothing new to me.. eq2 has been dead for years.

    For everyone else who is complaining this was their 1st offense etc.. etc.. you made a mistake and got caught so own up to it or make a new account and start over, but crying about it isn't going to change anything.

    For those that did exploit the plat and didn't get caught.. see you in Drunder one of these days :)
    Meneltel and Ceyllynn like this.
  14. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Damn I must have missed some raids then, DKP site says 100% though...hmmm.
  15. claudia6913 Active Member

    These times when the servers were taken down immediately to fix an exploit ... was that back when they had the manpower to do something like that? Where the error could be found, tested for being faulty, new code written, tested, and then implemented within hours? Because they don't have the man power for that now. And that fact is not unknown. We all know that their staff was severely diminished which in turn means things take a bit longer because it's not a team working on a fix, but a few people, if not just one person.

    Claiming that just because it wasn't fixed in what you deem a timely manner means it's okay to do is just ... it's silly and you know it. And if you're upset they didn't say anything ... you shouldn't be. The way I see it, had DB actually said "Okay, we know this is an issue and an exploit, please don't touch until we can get a fix in place" you KNOW that more people would've exploited it with dummy accounts and what not. So either DB points it out, says "Don't touch or it's Drunder for ya" or they don't say anything, work on a patch/fix, and then retroactively ban/suspend people for using the exploit - which is exactly what they did.

    Again, you feel your ban/suspension was in error? Make a new account and petition per the Knowledge base guidelines. Feel someone didn't get their "just desserts"? Petition and give information. That's all that can be done.
    Juraiya and Ceyllynn like this.
  16. Labeleth Member

    lol rubick and wurm real life buddies? if you didn't care you probably wouldn't bother to read/post here, but you did, so something is going on that pin head of yours. and projecting my guilt? nah, i just like goading people who think they are better than others. show what they're really about
  17. Veta Well-Known Member

    You noticed? I am flattered =P.

    I do not like this game enough to run any zone 6-9 times a week.
  18. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    good to know that ledan.
  19. Yoube Active Member

    So, with all of this salt, does this mean you will be quitting the game like you have threatened... errr promised to do in the past?
  20. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Better than you? No, since I have no idea who you are. More honest than you? 100% sure of that.
    Meneltel likes this.
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