Constant plat spam in channel.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Charlice, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't the report function do something?
    Me, I've just killed my sub and used plat to pay for the next month. Nothing Daybreak has done has given me any confidence at all in the future of EQ2.

    And before the cries of 'someone buys the krono with real $'s', do they? I'm pretty sure it can be duped as easily as plat can. If you need more information on that, follow 'the Flames' link on EQ2 Reddit troll edition.
  2. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Not seeing how the jump is made to a full time job. How long does it take to ban an account? Probably not more than a few minutes work each day. Worth it, imo. They would have to give up sometime, if there were any actual consequences. What is the alternative? Just give them free rein to do whatever they want? Wouldn't it be faster and easier to ban seller accounts than to work on coding the filter to stop their spams?
  3. Awkk Well-Known Member

    Haha maybe you can get away with posting it on Reddit tho, for amusements sake. :)
  4. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Lol that's awesome.
    suka likes this.
  5. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Wait...even on Nagafen you cannot be killed until ding 10, and the spammers never go past 1. Why would he be HIDING from you?
    suka likes this.
  6. Daray Well-Known Member

    Because I was interacting with him in a way that would break/stall his spambot script. He ended up spending a long while trying to recode/fix(?) his script to make it harder (because he was having to manually restart it every minute), but I haven't taken the time to test other options since. All said and done, it was still an entertaining ~6 hours spent chasing him around multiple toon creations in multiple newbie zones.

    DBG needs to get on top of policing / fixing this problem, so that the community isn't subjected to and harassed by this nonsense on a continual basis. Enough time has passed for this to have been resolved.
    Charlice, suka and Awkk like this.
  7. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Takes more than a few minutes, though. Unless you think accounts should simply get banned due to a random /petition that is. First they need to verify that the complait is valid by sifting through whatever logs they have. After that is done they have to decide if the offense was one that is worthy of a ban. The banning part itself would take little time....making sure you DON'T ban an account that doesn't deserve to be banned takes a bit longer.
    Belenos and suka like this.
  8. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I love that idea, then. What were you doing to break his script? Maybe we can harrass them on other servers, too :D
    suka likes this.
  9. Daray Well-Known Member

    I detailed things in an earlier post. Needless to say, I probably had better results in those 6 hours than others have had in 6 weeks. The community shouldn't feel the need to take matters into their own hands though.
    suka and Awkk like this.
  10. suka Well-Known Member

    because every time he saw him he opened a window with him about the lon game or trade or anything and it caused him to have to restart the bot all over again
  11. Awkk Well-Known Member

    You got to be kidding me. How long do you think it would take to figure out that a spammer is spamming, when he's spamming every few minutes, all day long? We even report the spam every time it happens, making it even easier to find the spammer in the chat logs. Everyone playing the game with chat active sees these spammers all day and all night long. Any dev or GM playing the game for more than a few minutes would also see it. How many hundreds or thousands of times does a spammer get to advertise a plat seller website in chat, before you think the offense is one that is worthy of a ban?

    Are you just arguing for the fun of it, or do you really think that it would be so difficult, or would take so long, to ban the spammers accounts, that Daybreak is just helpless to do anything about it, and must just let the spammers have their way? Somehow they find the time to ban others for much less. Frankly, it seems more like Daybreak has decided to allow the plat sellers. That is easier to believe, than the notion that it would take too many minutes to do anything about it, therefore they are helpless and must allow the spammers free rein. And if Daybreak is allowing plat sellers now, why not just tell us so.
    Charlice likes this.
  12. Daray Well-Known Member

    That's rather unlikely because, bottom line, it will impact krono sales directly from DBG. These plat sellers/spammers offer a seemingly better conversion rate than players buying krono and selling for plat, offer a faster turn around on getting plat from your money, and (last I heard) they even sell kronos for less than half of what DBG charge. It's a better deal for the player looking to buy plat, so the only real issue is how far you can trust these 3rd party sites with your details, as well as how secure the sites are themselves (plenty have been known to host malware), and how confident you are in CS not taking action against you for buying from them.
    suka likes this.
  13. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    ooooh... that breaks it? So I could, say find a plat spammer and .... oh my. <EVIL GRIN>
    suka likes this.
  14. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    OK, then you get sued for banning an account that was hacked and had a petition open already. There are lots of reasons not to fly off the cuff and ban everything in sight at the drop of a hat.

    Edit: Do you enjoy your patdowns at airporrts? That is approaching the same sort of security you're advocating here.
    Belenos and suka like this.
  15. Daray Well-Known Member

    It did. It also eventually forced him/her/them to rework the scripts to counter it (which was successful, but took some time). I haven't revisited them to find out of there are other ways to do the same.
    suka and Dulcenia like this.
  16. Mermut Well-Known Member

    More likely he/she just set the options on the toon to automatically decline trades, invites, duels, etc...
    Belenos and suka like this.
  17. Daray Well-Known Member

    They missed the memo that these options are possible ;)
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    That should make it easier to find a hole in their 'script' then ;)
  19. Awkk Well-Known Member

    You really appear to be advocating for the spammers, here, and suggesting that Daybreak should do nothing at all about them, because it would take too many minutes, and they might get sued. Really? You think these spammers are using hacked accounts for weeks on end? Why bother hacking accounts when the spammers apparently have plenty of plat and kronos, and might even be duping them?

    You think the owner of a hacked account will sue if the account is banned? How often does that happen, that a gamer has money for a lawyer to sue if their account is banned? If the spammers even are using hacked accounts, then couldn't the owner just prove ownership, and have the account taken from the spammers and reinstated? Or would that cost Daybreak customer service too many minutes, and the only alternative is to let the spammers keep it, and spam daily? Are you suggesting that nothing can be done if the spammers hack and steal accounts, and use them to spam from?

    You think banning obvious spammer accounts is analogous to patdowns at airports? Are you working for the spammers, and trying to convince us that nothing can be done about them? Because that's what it sounds like. Why are these spammers accounts suddenly so precious that they cannot be banned for violations of terms of service, just like any other player, such as the poor saps who buy from them? In terms of airport patdowns, you appear to be waving the terrorists through with a smile, while vigorously investigating all the good citizens.

    Posts like yours and a few others are what makes me think that Daybreak has decided to allow plat sellers. It sounds like you are defending the plat sellers and trying to convince us that they are here to stay and we should get used to them because they are a protected class and can't be banned. Was that your intention?
  20. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    If that is what you believe, fine. Guess what, you have just judged me and decided I might be in kahoots with the spammers and so my account should be banned....based on YOUR judgement.

    All I say is they need to look at each case. Fine, ban me. I'm done with this discussion.