Don't Miss the Prestige Home Player Poll!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Afista_DG, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Phantasmrhesus2 Member

    I personally we could get the Darklight Woods Tree house with a small area to decorate while live our lives inside the tree house. Another is that I would prefer to buy the Dimensional Pocket or the Void palace out of the marketplace rather than try to find it out of chance in a card pack.
    But that's just me I'm trying to go for a Lovecraftian theme house to role-play in and try to find a place to my handmade altar in a nice place[IMG] I mean look at the face of the Elder God I made :p
    Here's the rest and I recently bough the Sacrificial Dagger of fear. It's not in there yet. And yes that is my throne behind me where I communicate with the Elder God[IMG]
    and a slight close up
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Orinoko356 Member

    One Prestige Home I would love to see is The Conservatory in Vasty Deep or a part of it. All those beautiful streams and the artwork in there is beautiful. Take a look at the tiles on the wall around the entrance part .. lovely! So... I keep hoping.... None of the ones in the email appealed to me. I wouldn't buy any of those they just looked a bit dull.
  3. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    I really can't vote on any until I have more details. Would love mara but if it is going to be like the zone you just made where it is already premade with props in buildings you can go into and things like the light house that you can't go into then no I don't want that. More details would be helpful if you want us to vote. And I agree the one looks just like the dimensional pocket we can already get.
  4. Aliwara Mondschatten New Member

    This looks great, however on my personal wish list I would like to see my "old" homes. I used to have a 1 room appartment in Willow Wood with my Druid since 2004. Nice, neat and peacefull. I am still shocked,I had been forced to move to the capitol district. So of course I would find it much more appeling to have these quarters back in game:
  5. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I'd be very very happy if y'all just fixed the stairs in the Maj'Dul breakout. Having to hide things under them to prevent plumetting to death is annoying.
  6. Belenos Well-Known Member

    Yes! I would love to see a Somborn "home," but once again, the buildings would need to be accessible to use. It would be a "must have" for my Freeblood!

    Personally, out of the choices given, I would like to have the (#1) Void Palace available. I have wanted one of these since I first toured one. Saying it is "available" already isn't exactly true--a slim chance to win one is all that is available. I open the "freebie" cards and hope, but really don't expect much. I do not mind paying well for what I get, but I want what I pay for! I do not do "grab bags" or other games of chance that cost money--never ever, not one whisker of Ol' Abe Lincoln's copper beard!

    (#2) Skyshrine would be nice too--you just can't go wrong with dragons! (#3) Vigilant seems interesting also. :)() Klack-Klack, nope, would never buy one in a million years. Highhold, only if the interior is accessible, but that would be huge! Not sure what I would do with all that space, but it doesn't keep me from wanting it (and buying it) like I did the Grotto, the Court, the Hua Mein, and the Felwithe. If it pleases the eye and is impressive, it has a chance. Someday they will be finished, but I do not get in a hurry!
    Merriel likes this.
  7. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    None of these appeal to me.

    I definitely would go for Mara if we could enter the buildings.

    The monk loves the Dojo but was very disappointed that the island land around it with a little water was not available. I would dearly love to have that included in an updated version.

    I am in agreement that most prestige houses are just too huge to really look like a home and requires huge amounts of items to make them what you desire. I would be much happier with smaller sized areas. The Halfling prestige home was terrific and probably the best you have offered as far as I'm concerned. Another versatile site was the 2 floating islands with the waterfall.

    Being able to have the villages back that have been taken out of game with the proviso that we can enter buildings would also appeal to me or perhaps a section of these. The Treehouse in Darklight Woods is another as long as there is some outside land area to go with it.
    Pipsissiwa, Merriel and Katz like this.
  8. Kelvani Well-Known Member

    I'm already imagining myself in Highhold =D

    Those outdoor stables.. perfect for mounts I have outgrown on one side, and for crafting tables on the other! The interior would be needed though to make this a true home. I don't want to be a "squatter" staring up at the castle I can never live in!

    The vigilant just leaves me cold..

    Isle of Mara, and any of the starter zones from Qeynos would be ABSOLUTELY amazing!
    Kurisutaru and Hartsmith like this.
  9. Wanderingbat Active Member

  10. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    I was crushed when they evicted us from Castleview Hamlet so I would totally buy that if they did the entire place.
    Merriel, floofloobunny and Katz like this.
  11. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    I haven't made it into any of the areas in this poll but these two look cool. I just have one question about High Keep. Not being able to get into that humongous central building is the reason I decided against the Court of the Master. Would High Keep actually include rooms inside the castle? That would be a deciding factor of whether I'd want to buy it.
    Pipsissiwa, Belenos and Kurisutaru like this.
  12. Tylia Well-Known Member

    In the poll, I voted for the castle, however I would have to think twice about purchasing it if there was no way to get into the castle itself. I also agree with others, it would make an awesome guild hall, but starting as a tier 1. Maybe with additional space as a tier 2.. and with full space as a tier 3. This would let even small guilds enjoy it, as everything shouldn't be only for the big guilds. I think I would prefer the castle as a guild hall instead of a prestige home.

    If there were a wish list for homes, I would choose the Willow Wood, with the bank building, and the Inn, along with a "home" building to decorate.. Even a choice of the old suburbs so that players could choose their favorite. I had a character living in the Willow Wood for a long time, and since her "home" has been moved to SQ, she hasn't been back. I don't even remember which door is hers. Now she just lives between the guild hall and other characters houses. Sad panda. :(
    Belenos, Merriel, Nella and 2 others like this.
  13. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    There is an easy way to eliminate having to pay coin rent. I forget what the cost is other than needing Loyalty tokens but there is a treasure chest for sale that reduces the rent by 25% and is stackable to 100%. Sorry I cannot recall specifically what it's called but it is under the Loyalty/Housing tabs.
    So true, a housing portal to the non-prestige homes would be nice.
    Merriel likes this.
  14. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    Ooo I like the Somborn Village idea as well. Which makes me think of the town in Obol Plains. I love the buildings there.

    #1 Village of Shin
    #2 Obol Plains Village
    #3 Old towns that were removed (Babbleshire, Willow Wood, etc.)
    #4 Somborn Village
    #5 Moonlight Grottos
    #6 Highhold Castle
  15. Deornwulf Active Member

    I would like to see the old Crafting Workshop Instances, both the Freeport and Qeynos ones made into Prestige Housing.
    Pipsissiwa and Kurisutaru like this.
  16. Sharann Well-Known Member

    Only one : Isle of Mara

    Such a beautiful and relaxing place with water, outdoor area, some of the best music and a gorgeous sky.
    Glundar, Pipsissiwa and Mizgamer62 like this.
  17. Brekkik New Member

    My top choice for a prestige home is and always will be Karnor's Castle. But Skyshrine is #2, so I voted on that. I thought it was already stated in a dev livestream that the Vigilant prestige home was already a thing that was going to be happening (it was right before all the Vigilant food items popped up on the loyalty merchant), so that as a choice here left me a little confused and saddened that I had to choose between it and Skyshrine.
    Merriel likes this.
  18. Knight Member

    Ive been saying for years that i'd like to see island of mara as housing....its a beautiful island, nice music, and dont take forever and a day to render.....all these big houses your putting out are nothing but a rending nightmare after decorating and all..

    island of mara--- my vote
  19. oakmiser Well-Known Member

    highhold, vigilant, and skyshrine. i have a void palace. Gears is cool, but Vigilant is way cooler.
  20. cellinaire Well-Known Member

    Well thinking about it, this poll comes once a year, and They normally make/release 5 homes a year... (5 total, excluding possible Collector's Edition house here)

    So lemme guess..

    2/5 based on poll results, 3/5 dev pick. Hmm...think we still have hope :D