Nights of the Dead 2013 Feedback & Bugs

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Kaitheel, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Alenna Well-Known Member

    aaah kk
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    I just helped some people do the Pumpkin King and I was very sorry to see the lore no trade mask in the chest didn't include one for everyone:( It's going to be rare enough as it is if only the people killing the king get it., After all the group can't keep doing the long questline and spawn him again over and over until everyone gets one.

    I really think all the combatants should get the mask from the chest much like everyone in a group gets a quest item from a chest:)
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Amen! But, isn't that the way the chest "drop" of Lucan or Antonia masks works with the 2nd+ time(s) you go through the Loping Plains Haunted Mansion (in the same year)? On the other hand, I think it's only Soloable now, but in the past, I think you could get up to 3 people in there at a time, and 2 of those had to be generous... :-/

    Still, even the LP Mansion is nothing compared to trying to get the King, from what I've heard, so yeah, it should be available across the board, completely agree. ;->

  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but if 500 killed skellies eventually drop 250 treats (maybe), it may be 50%, but I agree with Mophia: I'd prefer to kill 10 skellies and have them reliably drop 5 treats. ;->

    Besides, if someone lucked out when he/she killed those 500 skellies and got their 250 right off the bat, will the new ones spawning "reset" their percentage rate? ;->

  5. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of averages. Even if the skelies have a 50% drop rate, and someone gets 250 drops in a row, the next skeleton still has a 50% chance to drop a candy. The results of any individual kill do not affect the chances of any other individual skeleton dropping a candy.

    Of course any time you use an RNG, you're going to get streaks, both ways. But with multiple servers having multiple skeleton spawns in multiple zones for way more than just multiple people, things will average out and odds are that everyone will get a decent drop rate.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Calthine Well-Known Member

    Yep, just like flipping a coin. Each flip you have a 50-50 chance of one side or the other, regardless of what's gone on before.

    And I *still* have crumby RNG luck.
    Kaitheel and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  7. Raienya Member

    Sorry all, but I just can't be that excited about NoTD this year after finding out there is not one new quest to do. The changes that were made ARE nice, but an entire year to come up with some content and this is all we get? It sounds like Frostfell is getting some love, why not NoTD?

    And yes, I know regular game content was added, but I thought that was handled by different people.
  8. Gneaux Active Member

    Ok, the Hedge Maze is many years old now, can we please get the "Lore" tag removed from the black armor pieces that drop from the names in there. I do this maze every year, several times on all my characters, and it gets really frustrating to have to leave behind a piece of 5 year old loot because the toon I and currently on already has that piece. Its about time to remove that "Lore" tag.
  9. Kaitheel Developer

    I am sorry you are disappointed. But no, unfortunately, live events are not handled by separate people than Game Update or Expansion content. Depending upon the time of year, and project priority, holiday content is a secondary or tertiary responsibility. We all wear many hats around here, and we do our best to deliver fun, and engaging content, despite our limitations.

    ~ Kaitheel
    Avahlynn, Calthine, Lodrelhai and 4 others like this.
  10. Kaitheel Developer

    The art issues with these three items have been corrected internally, but it requires art assets being pushed to Test and live to correct it externally. I do not know when that will occur, but it should be in time for the event's activation on 10/15.

    ~ Kaitheel
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Afista like this.
  11. Kaitheel Developer

    The following changes are headed your way!

    • "Cursed Scarecrow Mask" and "Shadowy Scarecrow King Mask" have an appropriate description now.
    • "Frictionless Piece of Eight" has been made even more tempting!
    • The Scarecrow King should now drop "Shadowy Scarecrow King Mask" for everyone in the group when defeated.
    I am not sure when these changes will be on Test, but they should be included with the update notes when they are.

    ~ Kaitheel
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Oohhhh, yes! Please! With 9 toons per server doing this maze, you wouldn't believe the number of armor pieces that pile up in the inventory (it's Lore and Heirloom, at least); I've got Paladins and followers of Rodcet Nife, etc. clanking about in full suits of black plate... :-/

  13. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Kaitheel! We can now see these items on Test, but I'm wondering if there's a scale issue with them. Mum could take a bath in those bowls if they weren't filled with icky stuff, and the skulls dangle themselves right into the floor. It *may* be intentional, but I figured I'd better mention it, just in case.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Lodrelhai Well-Known Member

    Yay, thanks for upgrading the frictionless piece of eight!

    Only piece that I remember being Lore was the Skull-Spiked Pauldrons, which are also No-Trade. I suppose people wanting to do the Hedge Maze several times could make sure to sell or transmute (can they be transmuted?) their old set before going in again, but I wouldn't mind them becoming tradeable and/or not Lore.

    For all of the Nightmarish Ceremonial Plate - does that really need to all be Heirloom and No-Value? At least we can share duplicates between our chars (unless they're Exiles, who really should have access to the shared bank with how game-affecting the Heirloom tag has become), but it's to the point I can equip all my chars and all their mercs with the stuff. Add to this the endless frustration when we are trying to finish the full armor set for a character and constantly getting other pieces that we don't need and can't do a thing with, except destroy them or store them against the possibility we might need them for another char in the future. It starts to feel like a waste.

    Is there a reason for the fluff armor pieces from this holiday to be untradeable and without value? Can that reason be reconsidered?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Absolutely amen, on the Exiles and the Shared Bank and the fluff armor. What planet would it shatter to have them more transferable? Everyone's going to do the maze anyway; it's not like no one would ever come in it again if they could get a piece of black-painted cardboard (aluminum?) on the Broker. :-/

  16. Kaitheel Developer

    I adjusted the scaling yesterday. That should be on Test at the same time as the Frictionless Piece of Eight upgrade and the Scarecrow Mask description changes.

    Thank you!

    ~ Kaitheel
  17. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Just ran the Qeynos/Freeport Haunted House; did the Large Rat and Large Spider always drop their Plushie forms (or at least since last year, and I'm just having a [nearly! NEARLY!] Senior Moment?), or is this something new? ;->

    so far, quite happy...and deliriously glad we DON'T have any new quests this year, what with 38 toons to look after on Gold alone :-/
  18. Stardrama Member

    I'm a crafter so I love the new recipes and house items. I wonder why they don't have a really huge NoTD event in Mistmoore Castle? That place is creepy enough, but put some hidden rooms or two...some spooky quest lines, not like the haunted house, something more along the line of an old 30's B-grade horror movie??? I'm sure there's lots of ideas out there. And are we ever going to see the blood-stained floor tile? That would really help with our NoTD decorating!
  19. Stardrama Member

    38 toons? Is that some kind of record?? lol!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  20. Mophia Active Member

    yes, the rat and spider always drop their plushies, and it's getting to be annoying, up to around 5 or 6 of those plushies per char, started selling them to make room.

    And I'm running on 34 chars now, 13 on test, 12 on Unrest and 9 on splitpaw, which is why I always try to get test chars finished before things like this go live!!!!!!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.