Unable to Start Everquest

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Dane, May 13, 2014.

  1. Benzarden Augur

  2. sula Augur

    hey isn't eq1 in san diego too? in eq2 they are having similar issues and we were told that people couldn't get into the office because of the fires.
  3. sula Augur

    really? i read this in these forums today:
    don't sound like content to me. sounds like the update will come after the security thing is fixed
  4. lefous Elder

  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    What I posted above is only 1/2 the story, and in a vacuum - a bit unfair.
    When something like this happens - the problem goes from "technical" to "human".
    And the deeper it gets - the more one tends to "keep digging".

    1) Oh CRAP! I broke something - now I have to fix it!
    The first instinct when a person does something unintended, is not to merely revert to a "fall back" position - but to proactively "hunt it down and shoot it". Falling back and starting over feels like a "loss" - but if you can quickly hunt the problem down and fix it - it feels like a hard fought win. You can go from "zero to hero".
    2) The "time factor logic" helps justify your human instinct.
    One can step back, and look at the thing, and say "We could take an hour or so and revert back - then start troubleshooting -OR - We can just start troubleshooting from here, hopefully saving that hour. If we have it solved in 4 hours - we have save 25% of time by not "wasting" that hour to 'revert for nothing'.

    That's how it feels when your in the middle of a somewhat "self-induced" ****storm.
    You're emotionally invested in this - instinct takes over.
    It's simply plain old human nature - bolstered in part by the "logic" of time savings in the long run.

    The only real way to have it go any other way - is to have a set of SOP's handed down from "On High".
    That way there, people that are "way too close to the problem" aren't making that judgement call at all.
    In this case the SOPs would be:
    1) "No patch, no matter how trivial it seems to be, gets pushed except at the normal "patch time" of 4am Pacific. This to reduce, and mitigate, the impact of any unintended consequences to our customers."
    2) In the event a patch has unintended consequences, resulting in an interruption of service: "Unless the problem is glaringly apparent and obviously easily fixable, the proscribed procedure is to immediately roll-back whatever broke things. Then proceed to troubleshoot the underlying cause of the error."

    goladith and sula like this.
  6. Ratbo Peep Augur

    No, it was NOT to push that content at all that did this.
    I also thought that, and I was quickly corrected and had my post pulled from that thread.
    Pushing content does not require modifications to the client at all as a rule. And certainly not at the OS / DLL level.
    This was just what they said it was, a security update of sorts that somehow "went south" on them - then us. :)

    sula likes this.
  7. sula Augur

    well, nite all- hope this gets fixed by tomorrow. time to get some shut-eye
  8. Emochi New Member

    What is the point of having a Server Status page that provides inaccurate information?
  9. lefous Elder

  10. Mugetsu New Member

    Because this is only a "potential problem"
  11. Mugetsu New Member

    and unicorns fart rainbows cause f*** logic lol
  12. Xerxces New Member

    Wouldn't the fact that all the servers are down rather than "in potential danger" of going down represent the fact that this is no longer a "potential" problem?
    "Hey!, the servers are down!"
    "Yes, we know that's a potential problem"
    As if each time we attempt to log in the server could "potentially" be back up?
  13. Mugetsu New Member

    see the note above about logic =P
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Servers up! Go to the perma-camps! :p
  15. Xerxces New Member

    Now, not only the mob you have been camping for weeks might not spawn in forever, but you now have server aggro and have to wait 24 hours to try and sneak by again.
  16. Voxana New Member

    Servers have been shown up for some time now yet I can't get past the loading screen. I get to the end of 'loading zone files' and I get see a 'you have been disconnected' message and thrown back to server select. Tried rebooting the PC and also tried to log onto another server but still the same result. I am on AB server Using Windows 7 Home edition, 32bit
  17. Voxana New Member

    Ok I was still having the problem up until a few minutes ago. I did a search of the forums for similar issue and found an old thread that recommended re-downloading the patcher from https://launch.soe.com/everquest/ which I did. Even though it appeared to be the same patcher I already had, when I started the game this time on both accounts they loaded fine without issues.
  18. DedosMM New Member

    Thanks for fixing whatever it was that was broken. I'm guessing by the lack of posts since the wee hours of the morning this morning, that everyone who was having issues getting in game, just like myself, are no longer having them.
  19. Greywolf New Member

    I unistalled EQ and downloaded the launcher but when I log in it won't installed the updates getting this
    ERROR unable to download SocketError:Unreachable-No data (11004)-http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/eq/eq-en/live/eq-entcg.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable Please help
  20. Beldrune Apprentice

    I'm getting the same error messages, but I haven't uninstalled anything. Haven't had time to play lately, and when I finally do, I get this...