Test Update 04/12/17 - Patch Notes and Discussion

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Do you even read what is posted?
    WHO CARES about group healing/cures if you are not on a raid. Paladins need to be equal in group content with SKs.
    Paladin cures and group heals are completely meaningless in group content.
    As far as stuns, sure - if the mob is stunnable - which is less and less common, and never on named.
    Aside from stuns only being single target, if your stunning agro is difficult. They give rather low agro, making it hard to hold agro on a mob over time.
  2. fransisco Augur

    And no group is going to pick a Pally over an SK.
    The group will already have a healer (hence healing/curing better than a paladin), and the SK offers WAY more damage, and unbeatable agro.
  3. ShadowMan Augur

    So with a straight face your solution is keep everything you have, it doesn't count since its raid power, and give paladins way more in the group game because lots of your big toys currently are not big ticket items in the group game.
  4. Minato Augur

    And tomorrow the sun shall rise and we will all go about our days (btw i recently changed to a tank class so no im not benefiting from any of this)

    Relax people
  5. sojero One hit wonder

    Either you dont know how good healing is for a pally in group game or you are just way way under playing it.
    Xanathol likes this.
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Well he was a Monk, so can only go up. Should have picked riding a Unicorn though.
  7. Krazzi Elder

    Not that anyone is still reading this thread, but heres my 2 cents. You can have a raid without an SK and not lose anything, you wouldnt even miss us, but you have a raid without paladins you lose splashes and cures and buffs and extra heals. So yes on raids, their is really no point in having an SK when a warrior or paladin can do the job better or have more uses. And honestly no one should ever mention reavers bargin again, it's useless, it had a bug where you couldnt die at first it was fixed and now it would do more harm than good to click it.
    Nekradd likes this.
  8. Randragon Augur

    The message "You Can't Use That Command Right Now" falls under what in the chat system. I am looking and I can't seem to find out how to filter it out with this new patch.

    Btw, thank you for doing this.
  9. Randragon Augur

    NM , found it. it's under 'Can't Use Command Warning"
  10. Randragon Augur

    Can the message "You Haven't Recovered Yet" be filtered out?
    Dzarn likes this.
  11. Drogba Augur

    Reavers Bargain is perfectly fine to use.

    Especially if you have thought leech/staunch recovery ready, should you need it for when the bargain ends.
  12. Sindaiann Augur

    Agree except for the reaver's bargain part. Like Drogbaa said, its very useful as long as you have your recovery methods available so that your not screwed after reaver's ends. And even if you don't there are other methods to get back in the game.

    PS - 9 Hour patch day, get ready for some broke stuff! #makeworkproject
  13. Ulfgar Soulforged New Member

    Figures, I was just having fun playing my warrior again.
  14. kookoo Augur

    fun playing EQ ? yes , even with all the nerfs , I just hope they stop to take their limited resources to try to find more ways to nerfs..
    stop them already , IF , i envy a class capable to solo ( molo ) nameds with a caster merc on burn, I just have to make one . ( and no I don't have a SK , pally , necro ect ) , I do have a group EOK geared warrior that I like to play here and there..i don't have a zerker either.

    some class need love , monk , necro dots revamp and some more , can you fix that before looking for more nerfs ?
  15. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Your only valid argument for having Paladins on raids is for splash cures.

    1.) Splash heals aren't a Paladin only ability.
    2.) Cures (other than via Paladin splash) are easily handled by other healers, potions, clickies, maybe Bards, etc...
    3.) Buffs??? You mean you're really going to miss the 3,419 HPs of Brell's when you could still get the Ranger buff for 986 HPs and 354 ATK? That 2,433 HPs is way less than 1% of the HPs of a full raid buffed and geared Warrior. Every other buff a Paladin can cast is over written by a merc healer and I doubt you're doing raids without real clerics.
    4.) Extra heals? Replace some of the Paladins with healers and you won't miss the Paladin heals at all.

    Honestly, once you have 2 or so good Paladins that can properly time and twincast splash cures then you've probably got all of the Paladins that you need. SKs are more useful on raids than Paladins for the tanking (Reaver's) and aggro (too long of a list for here) advantages that they currently have. This wasn't always the case, but it is the current situation. Your point about replacing SKs with Warriors isn't totally wrong though - you're just overstating the need for Paladins.
    fransisco, Warpeace and Chaosflux like this.
  16. ShadowMan Augur

    We have called raids or switched targets because of low or missing healers. Other times we have winged it with paladin group healers or paladin healing support with no problems at all. Outside of those times you tank just as well if not better just for the fact that you always have a boost of 60 - 70% to all incoming heals with zero limits or restrictions.

    Never once in my 15 years raiding was a raid called because the raid was low on MORE aggro tanks. Reavers bargain is a low uptime extremely situational tool verse your incoming heal boosts that are always there so stop clinging to it like its this amazing tool that allows sk's to tank 50 things that a paladin can't. Stop the bs. Paladins could use some aggro love but its not dire the whine here is the worst issue for your class I have seen in years.
  17. Warpeace Augur

    This what we going to over state now...ALWAYS
  18. ShadowMan Augur

    Duration and recast of Group Armor of the Inquisitor? Duration and recast of Armor of the Inquisitor?

    75% uptime so sorry mostly always.
  19. sojero One hit wonder

    They have about 75% up time if they space everything out and don't stack any. GAoTI, AoTI, epic. It is not 100%
  20. Warpeace Augur

    Or have to suddenly cast group armor on another tank or the group while AoI is up to start with.

    They don't stack either so if I have AoI up and cast group and don't click of my self version I miss out on the group duration.