Paladin agro

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by sojero, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. Vdidar Augur

    Lol. I do mean this thread is awesome though. I mean there was a real opportunity here to learn something for people and we just threw that all out the window because of parses.
  2. shiftie Augur

    If I hadn't gone to his guild website and seen the screen captures if him standing in the group pic of kill shots I'd still swear I was being trolled for parses.
    Ravengloome likes this.
  3. Linden Augur

    when did I say anything about aggro? I simply tried it in solo situation and yeah, the dps sucked.

    Show me a parse. You cant!

    Show me a parse. You cant!

    Partially true. Not my exact words.

    Now you are adding words. Situational, Admonish mostly use on raids, Valiiant. PP, Admonish. Depending on group make up, I might add for dps and heal benefit.
    Brilliant has a much better application pairing it to spam Splashes. I would consider it a higher value for its healing component then anything else. Yeah, pretty much true.

    Again Situational. Soloing its not. Grouping I don't think so either. Raids, it is absolutely.

    You are assuming too much.

    Now put up some parsing data.,

    No it is not the end of the story. You can make any claim you want, but you cannot back it up with data. It would be so easy to put this whole thing to rest, just put up the parsing data that supports the argument you make. Let me guess. You are an Obama supporter too, right? Because you argue like one. You make claims, and cant back it up with any viable data source.
    In the words of Ronald Reagan, "...The problem with our liberal friends, is that they know so much that is not so" . That about sums up this whole thread. All talk, mostly false, and nothing to support or back it up.
    Parsing data please.[/quote]

    Again, situationally, are you using a merc healer, a cleric, a shaman, whats the group make up? If its a merc, swap out wizzy, more dps then all nuking combined. (22kdps) If its a shaman, have them dps instead of heal, waste no time slowing mobs either, all dps, . while you chain stun and self heal as needed, If its a cleric, and its undead, have the cleric nuke instead of heal..Every one of these examples is greater then a complete nuke (no stuns) line up. the dps loss from the other classes in healing to you, is greater then the dps the paladin is getting from nuking.

    Yeah and, Brilliant Vindication, I think the twin proc healing benefit to a raid BY FAR make its value as a healing spell not a dps weave. The dps is just a little perk that come with it. BV is paired with Splash for healing. On a group level, I am paring BR with healing spells. Obviously Its one of our more valuable spells, I just think of it more along the lines for its healing benefit rather then the dps.

    End of Story.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    You are an adult, why should we have to hold your hand and parse it for you? We've presented our point and you refuse to parse them or do them correctly.

    Honestly if you don't want to do it don't, but don't try and act like your parses are anything legit.

    You aren't using a control as a base for 1, you are stacking melee strong abilities with magic based burns and then comparing that to a melee stacked burn. You've yet to even present a pureforge v. Holyforge parse that proves your shenanigans.

    Anyone with half a brain can look at the EQ spell parser and put together a similar/same lineup.

    FFS when I came back to EQ that's what I did.

    Furthermore presenting parses where you are blatantly scumming it with a BOTF proc and acting like that's an everyday/all day thing are going to be bad for the class.

    Earlier I posted a parse, I remembered where we are (a public forun) and realized nothing good can come from that. You should maybe use your noggin, we've been nerfed enough because crappy players got jelly.
  5. Linden Augur

    I wonder if we can get this thread to 20 pages before it gets locked?
  6. shiftie Augur

    Oh I'm sorry it was one of the other threads you were spouting nonsense in

  7. Linden Augur

    Ill tell you why. Because I want to see the source of your information? If you don't have the parsing data, what are you basing your argument on? See it's kinda important. That's why. And I have tested the spell line ups you have provided and the tests have proven its BS.
  8. shiftie Augur

    What is the recast in brilliant?

    How many tics does twin heal recourse last? How many seconds in a tic? What is a tic

    You literally know very little you should stop while you are ahead
  9. Ravengloome Augur

    Honestly since you've been doing nothing but trolling your own class and you refuse to listen to anything said and then spout off nonsense about prove it? Yeh it should.

    FYI if you actually wanted to get better you would parse it yourself under proper/balanced parsing conditions.
  10. Linden Augur

    Still no parse huh, Shiftie. Keep avoiding it. Ill keep reminding you. But then again BR is a DPS weave, right LMAO.
  11. Ravengloome Augur

    Your lack of mechanic knowledge would leave you dumbfounded even if I did provide data, which on a public forum I more than likely will not.
  12. Ravengloome Augur

    You have not presented one parse where you actually kept your bar greyed out like the method required nor used the correct spells. So I find fault in your assessment
  13. Linden Augur


    Its 18 second recast. the same recast time as Splash. Its a spell intended to be paired with Splash.
    and 6 seconds. But you do not raid, so you would not know that.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    You are aware you can splash during the dead time in a dps weave right? That is a thing

    DP glorious consecration laud DP paean splash repeat ad nauseum
  15. Linden Augur

    so no parsing data coming? Nothing more to say.
  16. Linden Augur

    Of course you can. the problem is the 18 second cooldown on BR. Once every 18 seconds if you are using it as part of a dps weave. Now how does that 18 second thing work out when timing it with emotes, otherwise I agree. Splash every chance you get.
    DP glorious consecration laud DP paean splash repeat ad nauseum[/quote]

    Show me some parsing.
  17. shiftie Augur

    So little one

    If you cast brilliant with 18 sec recast and healing twincast lasts for 3 tics how long does twincast last? What is 18 seconds alex? .

    So if you can't recast it for 18 seconds and the twinheal lasts 18 seconds then guess what you can cast it over and over and splash as needed.

    Oh my a dps weave that keeps twincast constantly ticking down ... The horror
  18. Linden Augur

    I will parse the line up you gave me, and post it. Then we can discuss it. Give me some time.
    And Rave I am not trolling you or any other paladin. I am defending my position, that is all.You and shiftie are the ones trolling. I just think as a paladin, if you want to critique and marginalize me as a player, then at very least. Show the data, put up the parsing data that you are basing it all on. Why is that too much to ask? You are getting your information from a source...Put it up.
  19. Ravengloome Augur

    Yeh Shiftie doesn't raid anymore so obviously he forgot how to use all the spells. That argument is solid.
  20. shiftie Augur

    look icej I'm done helping you you're obviously a terrible player who doesn't understand eq mechanics or parsing in general. You don't understand spas and stacking, you don't don't know much of anything really. And I feel sorry for any guild that carries your dead weight around. I was right in my original assessment

    Upstart - check ( burns with holyforge doesn't know about our best dps disc)
    Generic - allows players like you to join their ranks.
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