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New players - pick a knight if you aren't a boxer

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Time Burner 2, Feb 18, 2016.

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  1. Kamea Augur

    Yet again, a knight is pretending that knight discs don't exist.

    The balance before warrior stances was warrior get higher innate (15% vs 0%) and knights get more and longer (but weaker) discs (3 knight discs vs 1 FS for wars.)

    You want to keep your buffed discs and get innate mitigation while giving warriors only a 5% mitigation gap, while putting your fingers in your ears claiming, "La la la, knight healing doesn't count for anything." I don't feel like going back through 50 pages, but weren't you one the people whining about Dichotomic Shield being OP?
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Nope. Nice try though.

    Cry me a river 5% isn't enough of an advantage.

    Again Warriors didn't get nerfed, your community hasn't done much to keep your toolbox functional now have they. Go fix your own house and stop complaining when others get nice things.

    This whole thread has become a blatant nerf Knights attempt due to poor Warrior class upkeep by a select few that had the Developers ear back then.

    Can Warriors still do their intended job...yes, end of story.
  3. Kamea Augur

    When warrior mitigation advantage was 5% (pre-2011), knight vie discs suck, and guardian didn't exist. I'd even argue that warrior's Anguish BP was better than early knight vie discs (knights got their first vie disc in OOW, so same time.)

    It wasn't until after the warrior innate mitigation was boosted (2011) that knight discs got boosted and they got a 3rd disc 2 years later.

    The entire game over the past decade had 1 of the 2 following balance scenarios:
    1. Warriors had a small 5% advantage, knight discs sucked (2004-2011)
    2. Warriors had a larger 15-35% mitigation advantage, Knight discs were heavily buffed (2011-2015)
    It wasn't until DBG came in and transferred/fired most of the devs that the skeleton screw now working DBG thought knights should keep buffed discs, get DP, innate 5%, and huge unintentional disc stacking with DP... and a little DPS boost sprinkled on top.
    Following your logic, 11 years of game design with an actual dev budget was erroneous, and that what the skeleton crew at DBG tossed out in a single patch is what devs secretly intended all along.
    You want to have it both ways, you want to keep strong discs and strong innates. Which one do you prefer?
  4. Warpeace Augur

    The Warrior way, best Mitigation, Agro and DPS.

    Oops the other tanks got a boost....time to cry foul and not focus on your own class because you didn't get anything with the change. Yes your now calling for nerfs to other class and grabbing at anything and everything to make a half A$$ point. Your example of weapon ratios is a nice example of that.
    shik likes this.
  5. Dre. Altoholic

    The bigger issue is that their hearing is selective. If there's any consistent theme to player-dev communication around class issues, it's that player feedback is largely ignored.
  6. Kamea Augur

    On beta forums in ROF and CotF, warriors requested a 2nd disc since knight vie discs got buffed and they got a 3rd disc line with guardian. Ironically, knights in beta forums voiced opposition to that idea. Knights also complained about NTTB for that matter.

    I never saw a single warrior suggesting full time 25% (original DP value) much as less 30% before we got stances. I also didn't see any warrior call for more buffs to Phalanx, in fact, some warriors were surprised we got more levels of Phalanx in ROF.

    The only thing that meshed with stances that warriors were requesting at the time was a buff to DW, but ironically the main thing stances didn't accomplish was fixing DW.

    This notion that warrior class direction lately was mostly due to community input is wrong.
  7. Mistatk Augur

    That was me who pointed out that knights weapons have much better ratios, I'm sorry if you don't like it. My point was, that inspite of SK already out dps'ing warriors by alot, they also still compensate them with their own weapons set. I'm sorry if pointing out that knights get their own weapon set as part of pointing out that they not only out tank warriors, but also out dps them, was inconvenient to you. Yes, i get why knights get their own special weapons, and I know they also use skills and abilities to achieve their dps. Still, knights weapons are restricted to just them, and have a much better ratio then warrior weapons.
  8. Warpeace Augur

    You really don't understand classes and how weapon ratios affect them one bit with your reply.
    Xanathol likes this.
  9. Mistatk Augur

    Your not hearing me. I don't care if the knights weapons were 20x better then they are now, or 100x worse then they are now. What I'm looking at is how much dps they are doing. I am looking at the big picture. If that is not clear enough, I will try find more ways to say it. Everyday me, and many many many other people look at parses of raids. You are not fooling anyone no matter what you post. SK, out dps warrior, and to try cloud the issue with anything is just silly.

    SK do more dps then Warrior and i don't care about their weapon ratios.
  10. Abazzagorath Augur

    I haven't seen you post a single parse showing this yet. Nor has anyone else.
  11. Warpeace Augur

    Nope you don't care one bit about weapon ratio...and that was just on this page.
  12. shik Elder

    did no one pause to acknowledge the 1000th post?
    Does no one care about milestones in the history of forum warrior hysterics anymore?
  13. Mistatk Augur

    What is your point? If your premise is that SK DO NOT out dps warrior then type that. But your not going to say that because its not true and everyone is aware of it. Your in a top raid guild, you must run a parser and be able to make simple basic observations. Or maybe you can't, I don't know, or really care a whole lot. If you want to look at the other forums posts here about maybe removing 2h from sk, they sure as heck know they do more dps in that post, and they believe its suppose to be that way, but here, nobody has any idea. Really makes no difference to me if anyone wants to pretend they don't know that SK do more dps. Aren't you the guy who posted he has no information and doesn't parse anything and has no idea what is going on? why even offer an opinion if that is the case.
  14. Mistatk Augur

    Your still I guess not hearing me. If the ratio was super great, but sk over all did low dps for some reason, then the ratio wouldn't matter. What matters is they do X amount of dps with Y ratio weapon. Now if developers didn't want them to do X amount dps, they could raise or lower the ratio of the weapons. So, do developers give them = weapons to warriors? no, then they would not do the amount of dps developers want them to do. So, what do developers do? they make weapons that warriors cannot use, that knights can use, with a better ratio, to help knights DO MORE DPS. Do they just give them weapons the same as warrior? NO. Do they make a special weapon set so they can raise just knights dps? YES. The developers can make that ratio whatever they want, they are doing it to differentiate between warrior, and knights. And when they are done with all that? SK DO MORE DPS THEN WARRIOR. Hopefuly this has made it abit easier to understand.
  15. Amped Journeyman

    You do understand that Sks have more than just weapon swings right? And if we use ONLY weapon swings.....we do NOT do more damage than warriors who are also using ONLY weapon swings?
  16. Mistatk Augur

    Not only do I understand that, that IS MY POINT. So, if warrior and sk are going to tank the same, how much should SK also out dps warrior by? should SK just be better in every way? But yes amped, that is why they are trying to make it only about weapon ratios, cuz they are trying to pretend sk's dont have nukes and etc. MY contention is knights should not just be better then warriors in every category like they are since this ridiculous thing of giving them the stances warriors had. I say it should be a trade off, the knights posting here are in a spot now where they can have their cake and eat it too, and they are going to fight tooth and nail to keep it that way as long as they possibly can.
  17. Vdidar Augur

    This thread gave me aids.
    shik likes this.
  18. Damoncord Augur

    Are you sure it's not just Derpies?
  19. Phrovo1 Augur

  20. Vdidar Augur

    For sure full blown AIDS.
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