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New players - pick a knight if you aren't a boxer

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Time Burner 2, Feb 18, 2016.

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  1. Nightops Augur

    Just out of curiosity... what do warriors typically do when tanking a boss mob? i have an idea, but want to hear it from the warriors so I don't completely mess something up in a follow-up post.

    Fortitude ->Last Stand ->?? ->?? -??

    What do they stack with each of these and where do they put in Dichotomic & brace for impact?
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    I would as a cleric be more overall productive with 3 warriors using charge than with 3 sks using epic, if it was 1 warrior v 1 sk I'd probably still choose charge over sk epic for overall output. To heal through AE damage as a cleric I would have numerous ways of handling it (divine arb/beacon , divine balance, weaving syllable into my heal rot momentarilly). If I was playing my paladin I would also prefer charge because it raises my dps and I also have a few near instant ways to deal with a single AE, I'd it was sustained AE damage that still cuts .3 seconds of my wave heal, and .1 off my bursts or sorrow li e and .2 off splash.

    You got me on HA though
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Uhhh, y'all realize it got level capped hard with the fade/fling changes, right? HA's raid "utility" is a fraction of what it was originally.

    Also on the epic topic - given how bad tank melee dps is, you realize 50% leech for the group for 90s really isn't all that impactful in raids, right? It's ok, but it's typically not a whole lot to write home about. Tank dps limits the strength of the self healing pretty significantly, and we're not usually placed in a dps group for lots of good reasons...
  4. Kamea Augur

    Funny thing is, I said "Yes, both of these abilities are now level capped" and specifically said "on adds" because I saw this reply coming before I hit post.

    FYI, they simply removed the force pull on grasp and didn't give us an alternative. The aggro lock still exists on grasp but that too is now level capped. Now maybe if they make our fade have the same level cap as SK FD.....
  5. sojero One hit wonder

    Trying to stay out of the cestpool, but I have to ask, what do you think makes HA so good compared to grasp? If grasp is agro lock, and HA is just 18k hate, sounds like grasp is better. Also, when are adds DB so that the fling/pull effects of either are worth anything? we have mindless hatred that we would use over HA in a pull/lockdown of an add situation.
  6. Eriadoc Elder

    Just wanted to bring this to the current page.
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    You still haven't brushed on the 2.0 you decided to bring up. Please tell the class how it is more useful than charge or command in a tank group.
  8. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Hence why if the above really matters to you that much, the female gender choice is always available, sir.

    Nothing wrong with female Barbarian anything. It's their sad, scourge of Norrath male counterparts that need to be purged from existence. When they finally answer the prayers of the masses with a Halas Burning zone, all the female barbs should be safely escorted out prior to implementation. Nods.
  9. Ravengloome Augur

    Your love of the wood explains alot
    Phrovo1, Sheex and sojero like this.
  10. p2aa Augur

    That's not randomness, it's my input on it, and reasonable knights agree with a 15 % difference between wars and knights
    You cannot apply a 75/25 ratio to a permanent mitigation ability, this would be too powerful
  11. Xanathol Augur

    I don't recall any knights agreeing on a 15% difference. The numbers thrown out were 5% and maybe, at the absolute most, 10, but that's not a comfortable stance by a long shot.
  12. Ravengloome Augur

    In TDS beta and again shortly after I proposed 15% lol now it's 35%
  13. Kamea Augur

    Ok, I'll remember that SK epic is weak next time I hear a SK complain about the damage (thus self healing) nerf on Unholy Guardian.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    And I am sure you hit offensive even if your in the TO to maximize the healing from SK 2.0... your scenario was a raid group nor just the SK who would be rolling carmine and VOD to boost the effectiveness.
  15. Ravengloome Augur

    Also Imperator's charge hastens anything below or above 3s (which bene haste does not it only affects 3s+ cast time).

    So all those Remedies/Interventions/contraventions are hastened by it (but nothing else other than their discs) which is about all (heal wise) a cleric should be casting nowadays anyways.

    It adds up to a substantial amount of extra casts if you figure 100% uptime (which is achievable, but not always possible)
  16. p2aa Augur

    So you reduce knight one of 10%, and you increase warrior one of 5%. That makes 15 % difference.

    Sojero was proposing here a 15 to 20 % difference here

  17. p2aa Augur

  18. Kamea Augur

    Knights want to have it both ways. Knights want to keep their upgraded discs and get full time mitigation that matches warriors.

    The days before Phalanx, knight vie discs were weak and Guardian didn't exist. After we got Phalanx, vie discs got a big buff and they later received Guardian disc. I can guarantee you that the current disc tuning is unintended. Armor/Carapace was clearly intended to be the weakest disc and Guardian was clearly intended to be the strongest ---- yet now Guardian is by far the weakest of the 3, and Armor/Carapace is significantly stronger than Guardian. Do you guys actually think that's 'game design?'

    If knights want to give up Mantle and Armor/Carapace and get Guardian boosted to 40%, sure, go ahead and keep current DP.

    I find it funny that many of the same knights that insist on knights keeping 3 discs + full time 30% DP + 5% innate whine about warriors getting a 2nd disc, Dichotomic Shield, which we should've got years ago (a 2nd disc was requested in beta for years.) In reality, Warrior's Bulwark line was meant to be our 2nd disc, Elidorth promised to fix it years ago but never did and it's still broken.

    If anything Dichotomic Shielding should be boosted from 54s to 2min to match Armor/Carapace (yes, with an increased reuse time.) At the very least, if knights keep their crazy situation as is, PDH should be changed to a different mod so it stacks with DP/LS + Shining fully.
  19. Xanathol Augur

    5 - at the most 10 - less and maybe 5 more for you is not the same as agreeing to -15. That 5 for you idea is meant to be an advantage, not a tuning point. I'll let sojero speak for himself
  20. Warpeace Augur

    Better question is why did he think Warriors needed 5% more beside increasing the gap. If they lowered Knight DP there is zero reason for Warriors to get 5% more mitigation.
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