Learn the Enchanter Class before you tamper with it

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Maxxbuff, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. Silv Augur

    You pretty much have the best 2h DPS setup with those augs AFAIK. If I switched out I know that's the setup I would use at least. Personally, I don't have a 1h / 2h setup. I try and actively DPS when appropriate but I am not a DPS class so I don't crunch the numbers for that extra edge. Now, if using that setup was a substantial boost I'd consider it. I just haven't seen any parses for the advantage post-proc changes. I also don't have a Magna... guess I should steal the next one from an alt :p
    RPoo likes this.
  2. Narye Augur

    Holy - I need the 10 minutes of my life back I just wasted reading the uh.. whatever it all was!
    Iila likes this.
  3. Ratbo Peep Augur

    OK please save me a ton of reading.
    Is there an alternate method now of putting Deep Sleep on a raid MoB or not?
  4. Reval Augur

    Soon you will be able to use cripple line spells above a set level (probably between 70-90) to have a 100% chance of landing it. However note that this will not land the slow that sometimes also procs off of mezzes. Look for the specifics in the next patch probably.
  5. Sindaiann Augur

    Check the test patch notes. Patch occurs Wednesday. Can't seem to paste from clipboard on my phone but it's basically this. 100% chance to proc off cripple spells above level 65 although it's been tweaked from what deep sleep malaise was.
  6. Maxxbuff Journeyman

    I am wondering about the upcoming patch. Since they changed procs from occurring unless the spell lands... if there is a rk. III cripple on the mob, does that mean a person with rk. II cannot land deep sleep? I would think that is the case.... if so, it may be time to hit up RoF for rk. III of it for every enchanter that comes along.

    On another note, if I use crippling aura, will it deep sleep every mob in the area that gets crippled?

    I'll log over to the test server later on today and try it out if it is active.
  7. Maxxbuff Journeyman

    This is what I saw on test server 8/18/15

    Successful Mez:
    Deep sleep Malaise VIII = Reduce melee attack speed by 30% for up to 2.00 minutes - Not 100% proc rate
    Deep sleep VIII = Reduces accuracy with all skills by 24% up to 2.00 minutes - Not 100% proc rate

    Successful Slow or Cripple spell:
    Somnolence VIII - Reduces accuracy with all skills by 25% up to 2.00 minutes - Proc'd 100% of my casts

    Crippling Aura:
    Did not proc in the 6 times I cast on a group of 7 mobs.

    All of which are in the test patch notes.
  8. Sindaiann Augur

    Basically what I would of expected. If it procd off cripple aura that would of been insanely useful lol, wishful thinking, but I like it!
  9. Silv Augur

    It was an Enchanter thread more than 2 pages; this surprises you? The first post should have been a good indicator how this would go.
  10. Narye Augur

    No, No, I guess no enchanter thread suprises me anymore

    We all have such differing playstyles, and how we think we should be, that no one will ever agree on anything. Ever.
    RPoo and Random_Enchanter like this.
  11. Sindaiann Augur

    MOOOOOOMMMMMMM, Silv has more orange juice than meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Silv likes this.
  12. Random_Enchanter Augur

    If i agree with you here would it cause a paradox in the time space continuum that rips a hole in the very fabric of EQ causing another expansion to be released around an alternative timeline version of a dragon?

    PS: I'm hoping sleeper cause i do agree with you.
  13. Silv Augur

    This orange juice comes with half a bottle of champagne in it... I'll share though!
  14. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.


    That sounds like an adult beverage.
    Silv likes this.
  15. Sindaiann Augur

    Champagne is vodka clearly! :) And he shares!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Silv likes this.
  16. Random_Enchanter Augur

    You know, some times i wonder about how well the enchanter class could be played or what we could accomplish while not intoxicated, distracted or otherwise Inebriated.

    Then i get waylaid by the fact my vodka lemonade is empty, or there is a commercial on TV, or having to click the 'next' button on the browser window, or my KD ratio just fell, etc.

    *walks off to get more vodka lemonade*
    Diptera and Silv like this.
  17. Silv Augur

    That's a great point... Enchanters always seem to be tabbed out, afk, drunk, smoking, putting kids to bed, and so on. I also think we just learned how to multitask the best in 54 second intervals, worst case, 12 seconds. :D

    Really, it's the only class that can go 'set it and forget it' in EQ when you think about it! Just another reason why we're the best, right?!

    *Disclaimer: I have NEVER refilled my glass in between remezzes :rolleyes:
    RPoo likes this.
  18. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.


    At least Random_Enchanter is honest with himself! ;)
    Mintalie and Silv like this.
  19. Sindaiann Augur

    Never have to refill a glass between remezzes if you already have drink 2 and 3 sitting there ready to go!
    Trick, Sancus, Silv and 1 other person like this.
  20. Reht The Dude abides...

    Just blame random mage or berzerker for breaking mez when it wears off while you are getting a refill. Then link a cooked up log line showing they break mez when they claim they didn't!
    Marton and Sancus like this.