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Is PoP flagging truly an intended bottleneck to the Artisan Aug?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhenna_BB, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Badhand Elder

    I put one message in general chat looking for an owner of Quintessence of Elements to port 2 of my chars past Muon in Plane of Innovation for 250K each. He ported us through and ported off before I could give him 1/2 million plat. Nice people on Bristlebane.
    Rivitt and EnchFWO like this.
  2. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Sure we can drop the respawn rate by 1/50th... That would equate to roughly an hour and a half reduction lol

    I was fortunate enough to only need a Sol Ro kill between my 2 chars to finish Grimel, once I got to the part that I needed the kill to move on with one of my chars I started asking around to find out when he was last killed. That happened to be earlier in the day, so I worked on other parts of the quest for a few days until it got close to respawn time and then went back and camped out till he showed his face. For the veteran players who have already put the time and effort into progression they got cut a little break this time around, for those who weren't around or skipped it they now have to put a little extra work into it. Imagine if brells aug was required on top of everything else already, we'd really have a storm of complaints then lol
    booser likes this.
  3. EnchFWO Augur

    I really doubt people who don't have the Brell's aug by now would really even bother doing this one - best aug in game or not.
  4. Xyko Fear is the path to the Darkside

    3 days (base) = 3 x 24 = 72 hours base.

    1/50th of 72 = 72/50 = 1.44, so say 1.5 hours, so they would re-spawn base 1.5 hours, which is much more acceptable given it takes 1 person to do the originally intended job of 50 people.
  5. Brohg Augur

    there are several new tradeskillers in my guild due to this. Which I agree is silly, especially since the pre-existing shawl is substantially more powerful for any class with mana.
    roguerunner likes this.
  6. Xanathol Augur

    With all the whining, at this point I hope they increase the respawn timer 3 fold.
    booser and Diani like this.
  7. roth Augur

    Tykus, I hate to break it to ya but Sokki was correct in the way he read what was written. It may not have been what you meant, but it is what he quoted you as having said.

    When you reduce something TO an amount, then the new value becomes the amount you reduced it to. Reduce the planar Gods respawn to 1/50 would bring it down to 1.5 hours or so, down from the 72 hours.

    When you reduce something BY an amount, then the new value becomes the old amount minus the amount reduced. Reduce the planar Gods respawn by 1/50 would bring the 72 hours down by 1.5 hours, to 70.5 hours.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    FTFY. I'm not saying the sentiment is wrong, necessarily, but let's not confuse challenging with having a very open schedule and the ability to be in-game a LOT.


    PS - speaking as someone who never did PoP flagging when it was current, and didn't know til just now that PoP flagging is required to do the new Artisan quest (been out of game for ~5 weeks). By the time I get to this quest, all the mobs/triggers will hopefully be uncamped again, LOL!
  9. Xyko Fear is the path to the Darkside

    Yes you are correct, what I intended is not what I wrote. I should have re-read my post before posting! The joys of being busy... Bottom line though those nameds need to be spawning a LOT more frequently than they are or it needs instancing.
  10. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I ported someone the other day asking in general, and they tried to give me 100k and I refused. I mentioned offhandedly (and sorta sarcastically) if they were rrrrreally bored and wanted to say thanks, a guildmate just needed some Iridescent Scales to finish his artisan's prize and gave them his name. The next day the guildmate had 4 scales in their parcel and was happy and able to finish.

    Good things occasionally do happen in this game when we're not complete scumbags to each other 24/7!
  11. roguerunner Augur

    good story there
  12. Badhand Elder

    This is an excellent idea! I just logged on to use the parcel system for my first time but the name I thought it was didn't work... not in existence. It was only 4 letters but then I was thinking the n I used could've been an r, tried that and it worked. I have big screen TV problems reading the writing. I posted an Artisans Seal of Alchemy as it is the only one I have completed thus far so hopefully it is the correct person.

    If you're ever in that situation again ask for a Forest Kangon Head. :). It has less than a 1 percent change of dropping from level 96-98 mobs. Must be the hardest item of all the quests.
  13. Badhand Elder

    Update.. posted one "Forest Kangon Head". Hopefully I have the right person as you could probably sell one for near the bazaar max.
  14. Rivitt Elder


    Been waiting since Saturday for the Council of Twelve.
  15. GinODin New Member

    it's just an aug guys, not really sure i understand all the fuss..... this aug requires you to have PoP flagging done if you can not handle the fact that is part of the quest then why even bother trying to get it? the timer in PoP has always been there it is nothing new. I remember way back when PoP came out and my guild had no choice but to wait for other guilds to raid so we could have our turn (think back then it was triton and lorekeepers) no one complained about it we all just dealt with the fact that there was a timer. this kinda stuff is nothing new guys this is old school stuff before instance zones that most new players have no idea about .... just give it time i am sure when all said and done everyone that wants this aug will have it
  16. Tharrg Augur

    http://eqdiary.tripod.com/quests/spawns.htm this is a list of some of the stupid spawn times that old world mobs have. I have argued for years that all spawn times on mobs past so many expansions should be reduced to a 4-6 hour max. Or make them all like Phinigel Autropos With a 12 hour spawn time. This would not hurt the game it will open old world content to people who would like access but are being blocked by permacampers. It would even help Progression servers as the majority of people can tell you that progression servers are just box heavens with single people running ISboxing groups take out raid bosses on a peramcamping lockdown. Having a faster respawn would benefit many people (1-3 spawns every 2 weeks vs 80 spawns in same time with reduced spawn time would be a huge boon for anyone) In the past they have reduced spawn times on epic mobs and other mobs in patches that took literally was done by one guy. Naggy and Vox got jumped to 72 hour... however. they didnt do ALL bosses. and ALL old world mobs. They just updated a few of the Epic Mobs..... which proves the point that it can be done... and it was actually not done right. check this out... This is from an old forum where the Dev's commented that some of the mobs did not get changed. In fact some never did get changed. SO they were able to fix the spawn time in a patch... that proves that it should easy to fix and not require alot. They missed a bunch when they did this too like I stated mainly it looks like only Epic Raid mobs really got changed.

    Developer Joined: Oct 23, 2005 Messages: 4708Offline
    Gherig wrote: Gordish-Dev wrote:
    I'm glad to hear they are spawning. It looks like an intended change to lower the re-spawn time on many of the old named never happened. We will be updating the Velious zones tonight to fix this.
    -- Could you please elaborate on this? What do you mean in terms of respawn timers? is this only for the Fabled period or is this a new fulltime adjustment to old mobs? and if its fulltime is it a 10% reduction in repop time or 50%? or greater? You dont need to be specific of course but a general amount would be nice.
    - -I'll answer it. I was suprised to learn today that a change I had made somehow...well didn't get made. A few months ago before the PoR beta we intended to change all long-spawn NPCs (7 days or higher) to no more than a 3.5 day respawn. This covers only the Original EQ through SoL at this time.Turns out that change didn't get made but over the next 2 days it should be pushed out to all servers, starting with the Velious zones and the remainder tomorrow. This will be a permanent change."
    Rivitt likes this.
  17. CrazyLarth Augur

    Rivitt and Tharrg like this.
  18. Tharrg Augur

    Thats a good list... Its better than the one I use to use. Once you are 5-8 expansions past the old expansions spawn time should be readjusted. The effect on the game would really be so small. Does it really break something to have old content be up more often? Being able to do progression for fun and not have to wait weeks for permacampers to miss a spawn is quite a pain. I cant imagine how this aug can be obtainable at the current game.
  19. Sphynx_CT_SR Elder

    My primary toon already had PoP progression done from back when it was current. My alt is 1 kill away from completing the flagging as well. I know of a LOT of people that have put in some time to get the flagging done. It is not that difficult. If you are able to work with the others on your server as was necessary to work together to solve the quest serverwide, then you can gather when a mob spawns and get the credit without having to personally sit and wait days for each spawn. You can use that time to help farm the parts that are rarer or you can coordinate to watch 1 mob while someone else watches another and share information/spawns.

    Many have obtained this. Those who completed the progression AFTER this aug came out so it is very much doable.
  20. segap Augur

    I know several people that have done that as well. Most of them are people that are able to be online 18 hours a day and get the spawns when called out. I've managed to get a good chunk done as well from call outs in guild/general.

    There have been a lot of helpful people getting people through this. What's going to happen though, is those that have been watching the spawns and being good citizens are wrapping up their progression. As time goes on, we're going to be back to the single loaners ganking them without calling them out. I think the past couple weeks has been unique and the problem will get worse for those that only have a few hours a day they can log on and try to get this done.
    roguerunner, Spellfire and Tharrg like this.