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Is PoP flagging truly an intended bottleneck to the Artisan Aug?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhenna_BB, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Mistatk Augur

    Yeah, there is people on here posting they announced they are killing it in general chat and waited for 15min before taking it down. How does that help me if I'm at work, or even have run to take a shower. I just missed it for 3.5 days. .

    Really? yeah the game is being dumbed down, and made easy mode, but you feel especially skilled at gaming now, sitting for 3.5 days to kill a mob in a single it? I simply don't see the skill in it. I must be missing what makes you guys pros at EQ.

    So, general chat, which is 99% spam, and I still join it when I'm able to play. I still have yet to catch a single mob from there, while people are keeping all mobs killed at all times. Am I missing it 100% of the time because im not at the keyboard? Are not all players announcing it? Is it lost in the spam?

    If the quest involved killing 10,000 level 108 mobs, that would be a bottle neck, but assuming they were standard mobs in standard zones, I'd feel I'm as able to do it anyone, and I would have no complaint. Why not arbitrarily pick oow progression? or DoN progression. Or any progression, that some people may have already done, and others not. So now people have the aug finished and I can't even find the mobs up, for months, or years? Not due to any skill related issue, or the challenge of a fight, but simply time spent staring at a blank screen?

    You people who say your putting amazing amount of work in and have a super high skill level, and that is why your able to do PoP flagging need to get out side more. There is 0 challenge in the PoP part of this, just tedium. Yeah, the game was dumbed down and easy mode, till they locked an aug behind PoP flagging, and now its a high skill level awesome game again. Please.
  2. skien Journeyman

    This so much:

    Loving the fact that I am not current raid uber qualified for whatever is best in class, perhaps a bit rude but i don't raid, So have no idea what is the best, I have to redo these quests and am happy to do so as i deleted so many drops during PoP progression.

    Speaking broadly, so what, if you have to work for it, i've seen far more posts about people and guilds co-operating to achieve the new aug than the total negativity and a sense of entitlement from some.

    It is an Aug, an addition, the world won't (shouldn't) end if you haven't got one
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Just out of curiousity, is anyone complaining about this actually stuck on their progress, i.e. they've done everything else possible, and are ready to finish but can't complete the final aug because they can't do Aid Grimel?

    Or are they just getting a pre-complaint in for their future complaints about having to find some 3 day spawns up, or heaven forbid, having to put a little time in and/or cooperate with other people to obtain the best aug in the game?

    Given that it's been like a week and a half since the quest was solved, and while the prior sentiment (being stuck on last step) has some merit, it sure seems like most of this wuah is the latter.
    AB-Muvien, roguerunner and Vdidar like this.
  4. Whulfgar Augur

    Never said that either. You putting words into my posts makes you look childish.

    But neither is it die'ing a quick death as you claimed before in your other post. Which makes you look very unreliable..

    ask all you want .. just stop crying .. in absolutely every post you make ?

    should only take 2-3 months at the most .. Unless you are so anti social you will not allow others to be on your PoP gods slay missions or they do not want you either .

    In which case .. now I see why your soo upset with all the temper tantrums of some one not your age..
  5. Bamboompow Augur

    If you view this aug as being 75% gift to those who have been playing the same character in a raid setting since PoP or earlier and thus have most of it done anyway, than it makes sense.

    The other 25% is being at the right place at the right time.
  6. EnchFWO Augur

    ^This. I doubt any of the people complaining have the 2 of 3 quests done AND all 12 seals in their possession, solely waiting to finish Grimel (which mostly can be pre-farmed as well), but c*blocked due to planar progression.

    Having been working on it myself, unless you're playing 24/7 farming seal components, PoP flagging is the least of your worries.

    On a positive note (? I guess) the seals are already popping up for purchase in the Bazaar (on Bristlebane).
  7. Sphynx_CT_SR Elder

    If you look at the history of EQ. There have been about 5 or 6 true TS quests that required most if not all of the skills at a high or max level to complete. The shawl augs are all built off of the previous ones so for this new quest, they required you to have completed the previous TS related large progressive quests and have worked on your TS enough to evolve at least 1 of your trophies all the way.

    Velious - coldain shawl 1.0
    Luclin - Solstice ear
    PoP - Aid Grimel
    SoF - Eron's Jewelry
    Underfoot - shawl 2.0
    RoF - shawl aug
    TBM - Artisan's Prize

    It is a TS quest designed to be and show a dedication to TS not just for the last week, but for a longer time. It is the culmination of years spent tradeskilling. If they were to go back and remove the flagging requirements, they could, without too greatly altering this current quest, but I hope they don't. Not because I want to keep people down or prevent them from getting this aug, but because it is part of the lore of the Aid Grimel quest arc.
    Zenyan likes this.
  8. Watajoke Journeyman

    The aug is to good for whats required IMHO, this thing takes a dump all over that limited time aug from Krasnok that required a good raid. Whereas this Aug can technically be completed by a level 80 if Lebounde gave the tasks at that level.
  9. Powerful Elder

    I'm sure some of it just pre-complaints, but there are some of us out there that have finished all 12 seals, Solstice, Eron's and are waiting on PoP bosses to spawn in order to finish Aid Grimel. For now, I patiently wait for Solusek Ro to spawn so I can finish mine.
  10. EnchFWO Augur

    He will give the task to a Lv 70 for certain with a maxxed TS and trophy... dunno about lower. I only know this because I leveled up my own Rogue to do poison making and stopped at 70 :p

    Edit: He gives the seal tasks at least; I don't know if he would give the final task at that level.

    Well, I apologize to you then. However, I think you are probably in the minority (I also haven't seen you or others complaining like the rest). Anyhow, good luck with Sol Ro!
  11. --Voodoo-- Augur

    Doesn't need to be a roadblock for someone to think it's stupid.
  12. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    I smell a money making opportunity here Daybreak. Potion of Planar Progression now available for the low, low, bargain price of 50 DB cash!

    In all seriousness, intentional or not, the planar progression requirement is a bit silly. The solstice has always been "buyable". The Eron's jewelry task requires 0 progression work yet most of it was locked behind progression when it was shiny and new. The required mobs are not a challenge to kill. They unlock old content on purpose.I imagine it is so people can still enjoy it even though there aren't enough people to progress through it at it's designed level.

    Tradeskills have the word skill in them because it's a skill the character obtains not the player. There never was any skill in tradeskilling just repetitive actions. In today's EQ, the repetitive action is no longer required thanks to the "Combine All" feature, recipes, centrally located merchants, bazaar, etc.

    Some players like to figure out quests, which involves skill, and get interested in the lore, some do not. Some like to do all the steps themselves, some want a shortcut. It is their subscription and time so they get to pick and sometimes they have options.

    All the skill required to do this aug quest has already been provided by those that worked to figure it out. The rest of us have been gifted the free time between checking if mobs that we can kill in one shot are up and checking our bags to see if our autokill/autoloot system has produced the item we so desperately need to craft the next piece or hand over to someone else to craft it for us, to complain about how much time it takes to do the steps. Enjoy!
  13. Jetboy Lorekeeper

    Ya know...ya'all did have over a decade to do this! Just sayin'

    (PoP release date: October 29, 2002)
    MrMajestykx, EnchFWO and roguerunner like this.
  14. --Voodoo-- Augur

    So you're just assuming that every player, and all their characters, have been playing since '02? And they should have had the motivation and foresight to do something entirely useless because maybe it would someday be required for a quest?

    Have you all clicked your sense heading button a couple thousand times? Maybe that'll be in the next quest. We've had 36 years to kill screen pac-man, maybe that should be a requirement.
  15. booser Journeyman

    I'm completely for the pop bottleneck. Kicking myself for killing all those gods without doing any hails. Kinda sucks when I hear that the event I really need is up and someones willing to share then boom. I get there and the event had crashed. Nothing for anyone. Yay!
  16. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I'm totally in favor of optimism but aren't you proving how unnecessary a hoop this is to go through?
  17. Vdidar Augur

    the hope stone is the real bottleneck imo
  18. Xyko Fear is the path to the Darkside

    This flag requirement is a joke and needs removing or the spawn timers reducing by 1/50th, or instancing is required. When this content was current, it would take around 50 people to beat it. Now, anyone and their mother can go up and kill the mob. Forcing 14 year old content is a really terrible idea.
    Perplexed likes this.
  19. Millianna Augur

    My guess is this bottle neck is temporary until causes too much of CS issue. I give it about a year or so..
  20. Beltirabelkira Elder

    As for the rare farmed parts (pyrilen flame, iridescent scales, murkglider blood, essence of discord)

    The murkglider blood can be farmed in a dranik scar instance "murkglider hive" i got 4 in just a couple clears of the zone.

    The iridescent scales can drop off of any ikaav in GoD, theres a few zones with it, its just a matter of slaughtering everything in those zones (i did see someone only killing ikaav at one point, and some of the spawns can respawn as a couple of different things.

    Essence of discord is a little harder since its discordlings but theres some in several zones of GoD.

    And lastly pyrilen flame, while i haven't tested it, theoretically it is possible, given enough people work together to spawn them, to spawn new versions of the zone. Possibly even just leaving a few people in one version and moving the group over to the new version of the zone and just spawn several versions of the zone.