Is PoP flagging truly an intended bottleneck to the Artisan Aug?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhenna_BB, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Laurana Augur

    Is Trydan Faye in HoH for Rydda'Dar bugged? After defeating Rydda'Dar and hailing Trydan Faye and then speaking with Seer Mal Nae'Shi in PoK, she is not giving me the line of "You have completed all of Honor's Trials;" I have the other two complete.
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I had no issues with him, about 1-2 months ago. Did you do both lines with the Seer? Unlock memories, and guided meditation?

    Oh, I see the issue, you did them in the wrong order? How did you kill RD before hailing TF?

    OK, I got it, you hailed the TF that respawns after you kill RD. Did you get the "character flag" text after hailing TF? If so, then you may need to go talk to the Grand Librarian Maelin in PoK. See this page for some help:

    I would also grab the text from the Seer, and compare every line to what's on the "Planar Progression" page on ZAM's EQ site. If you don't have the lines you need, you'll have lines telling you what's wrong, when you compare them to that page.

  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You won't get that message until you finish that chain, which means you won't get it until you've finished everything and are flagged for all 4 elemental planes. If you have the 3 individual tiral messages, you're good...just finish the rest of the progression.
  4. Laurana Augur

    For some reason, after speaking with the Seer in PoK, it now accounts for the 3 HoH trials...though I did not get the yellow "character flag" from killing RD...but not going to complain...

    Speaking to the Grand Librarian Maelin, he says: "These markings on your arm are quite interesting. These can't be... the Cipher of Druzzil?! I will take note of these, they only appear to be half complete. Return to me when you have gathered more knowledge!"

    Not sure what that one means....

    After talking to the Seer again, I THINK I'm missing MM. How is one supposed to remember what they did 13+ years ago?! lol. Thanks for the help. Will push on!
  5. Vanrau Augur

    Laurana, there are a few guides out there for PoP progression. Safehouse pulled up when I searched for "These markings on your arm are quite interesting. These can't be... the Cipher of Druzzil?! I will take note of these, they only appear to be half complete. Return to me when you have gathered more knowledge!". The response to that was you are missing bertoxx + pre flags.
  6. iVALADYANx That's a Necromancer

    you have to type unlock memories to seer, the links dont work, then hail librarian for a few flag updates. i parked a rng alt in each teir zone and completed teirs in order. skipped PoI and torment keys by illus/mount tric. aid grimel only needs up to solro, u can find someone who has time flag help you get the PoI groundspawn. finished prize x3 for my avatars recently. i had the most trouble with the irridescent headband on tailoring and axe for smithing, potion came in handy.
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Glad you got that worked out. For the MM question, if you look at that page I mentioned (search for Planar Progression on ZAM's EQ site), the lines from the Seer are all shown, in sections for each plane. If your Seer text doesn't have any of the lines for HoHb (where MM is), then you haven't done him. If you have one of the lines from that zone, then you can see what your status is (done or partially done, every possible line from the Seer will tell you what you need to do).

    Here's the link:

  8. Dances Journeyman

    this quest reminds me of doing epics back when I first started playing and I love it.
  9. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Agree! This was like a shot of double "Death Wish Coffee" to the game. Yeah, its real - look it up :D I have not finished it but am thoroughly enjoying an old school quest that actually makes you work for the reward, not have it given to you like so many players expect and then whine and say the game is too easy lol. This is what original EQ was like! Only not as many hints.