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Is PoP flagging truly an intended bottleneck to the Artisan Aug?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhenna_BB, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    Announce a PoP flagging pick up raid like 1 week prior the event. Keep announcing it through out that week by hoping none on your server is XXXX enough to CB the flags and go at it a few time.
  2. Orbital101 Augur

    Casuals trying to be 1st?
  3. Mistatk Augur

    So, I'll assume this a serious suggestion put forth by a coherent person. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to not kill the mob, because someone was shouting they are going to form a pick up raid in a week.
  4. Mistatk Augur

    Again, I'll assume this is a serious post. I don't know anything about casual or not casual. A level 80 alone can go kill these mobs. I'm not sure what logic would make this a casual vs. not casual issue.

    edit- I see your player is in Realm of Insanity. So I guess that means your ideas which would be considering trolling from anyone else, are suppose to seem cool because your in a big guild.
  5. Zenyan Journeyman

    Terris-Thule kill was announced in general today. Someone mentioned Rallos Zek yesterday. Just because your not on or in general chat doesn't mean it's not happening. CT server, ps.

    This kind of harkens back to the day where reputation mattered. You give a little, you get a little. Help someone and chances are they'll help you in return. Not being an @sshole goes a long way.

    The quest chain was solved nine (NINE) whole days ago. The sky isn't falling, Chicken Little. I promise.
    Sindaiann and Sheex like this.
  6. Riou EQResource

    I announced in general RZ last night on cazic and even waited like 15 mins for people to run to the zone before killing :p
  7. Mistatk Augur

    OK. Had this aug, not been locked behind PoP progression. Would you be here posting that it needs to be locked behind it? Anyhow, anyone who says I work 40hrs a week and have a family is correct, so I guess I'm not one of the people this game is marketed to. Luckily there is plenty of games that I can just turn on and play, and if not there is netflixx. And my opinion would be the same, if I had this aug done. Locking it Behind 3.5day +/- 12hrs respawns that are killable by 1 player is . If you think that it is a shining example of brilliant game design, we will just have to be in disagreement.
  8. Arcainos Augur

    If you're running around looking for progression mobs you start to see the same folks trying to do progression. Send them a tell, make a raid, and split it up. Get one person camping each zone, and start adding people as you go.

    Also, there's a ton of farming to do, so in the 3.5 days that you're waiting, go camp some tradeskill drops.

    Those who want to put the effort into it deserve the aug. Those that don't, don't.
    roguerunner and Caell like this.
  9. Mistatk Augur

    Another from ROI. odd coincidence. do you all share 1 common brain? Guessing 99% of ppl who just play the game, are not in the #1 guild, and don't post on forums, would love to not try to find a 3.5day respawn soloable mob up. I hope when yout the number 1 guild of 1 guild left on EQ cuz of BS like broken expansion releases, banned accounts etc etc that you still take pride in being #1.
    Nandary Griefs likes this.
  10. Arcainos Augur

    Sweet post bro.

    I didn't have any PoP progression done when the aug came out, and I'm still not done. And I haven't done it with anyone in my guild. So quit your whining, go make some friends, and stop blaming everyone else for you not wanting to put in the work.
  11. Vdidar Augur

    What does RoI have to do with anything? It's really not as bad as you think. Also like people have said after the initial rush is over your golden to get it done.
  12. Mistatk Augur

    I don't get what you guys are saying. Are you saying that the last expansion was not released half done, that a bunch of people were not banned, or you saying its all good to operate this way. How about if the next expansion is a joke? still gonna be all good?

    Lets take a hypothetical. Pretend EQ was a well run and well developed game. Pretend streams of new people wanted to play. Would not 100% of those new people continually want to chase the best aug in the game? If it was 50 new players to EQ per month, wouldnt that be 50 new people chasing the PoP mobs, or would they all instantly start out in raid guilds and full friends list.

    This concept only makes sense, if you precede it by, EQ is a very quickly dieing game anyway, so there will never be many people looking for this Augment and the PoP bosses. If it were trying to stay current and attract new players, your argument that it isn't much of a bottle neck, would be that much more absurd.
  13. Haste Lorekeeper

    None of this has ANYTHING to do with the OPs topic, nor does someones guild tag...

    People have offered suggestions; you're just too good to listen to them~
  14. Critts Augur

    Once again at work in the time that TT should be spawning.
  15. Mistatk Augur

    Lets see the suggestions:

    "get some friends" - guess all the people I talk to in the same boat as me don't count.

    "plan open raids a week in advance, hope nobody steals the mob" - seriously?

    "hang out in general chat, maybe while your there the 3.5day timer will run out and someone will call it"

    Are you even serious at all?

    No this was not an intended bottle neck, it was poor planning and design, just like releasing the expansion half broke, and every other decision they've made. Not on topic?

    THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD IS -Is PoP flagging truly an intended bottleneck to the Artisan Aug?
  16. Whulfgar Augur


    Thee only person in the past several pages that appear's not to be serious is you. You have brought up what appear's to be "I want it now now now .." type of personality and are upset that either you do not have the ability to put time into the aug. Or that you simply are "above" waiting your turn in the line of the Pop Gods.

    Either way stop with the whole ..

    Anyone who says EQ is dieing "very quickly" has in my personal opinion lost any and all credibility especially double time if its over not game play .. but an A U G .. for crying out loud ..


    Why don't you do all the player base .. the Dev's .. and DBG in general a favor .. man up .. an just put your own work into your toon .. or kick rocks play other games have a coke an a smile dude .

    You take yourself Entirely too serious and the past several pages of this thread show that ..
  17. Cicelee Augur

    I remember when Plane of War came out a couple of years ago, where the "bottleneck" was a Stone wood Compound Bow, of which one part was a rare drop from various Plane of Earth mobs- mobs that, at the time, were one shottable by current levels. Players would insta kill mobs ad nauseum, and I believe there was a thread on these very same boards about why a Plane of Earth drop should be required for Plane of War.

    Then a funny thing happened. Days went by. Weeks. A month or two. Bows that were going for a million plat on day 1 dropped to 550k, then 375k, then 150k, then 40k. The vocal criers on day 1 started to make their bows and zone into the Plane of War area. The thread on the boards began to slip to page 2, then page 3, until it became an after thought.

    I have an eerie feeling this thread is going to go exactly like the Plane of War thread and in game situation....
  18. --Voodoo-- Augur

    I think I may have an idea why the flagging is so frustrating. As has been pointed out, the fights are trivial. So difficulty isn't a factor. It's also been said that there are plenty of rare drops required, tons of running around, plus the whole TS timesink in general. So I don't think it's a matter of time.

    People keep saying "just put in the effort", but I think a big issue is that you can't actually do anything if the mobs aren't up. It's just waiting, which is difficult to equate to "putting in effort". It's almost literally the exact opposite even. Camping a rare drop may take just as long, but at least you're doing something. Some action going on to help you feel as though your making progress.

    Secondly, it's a situation that isn't entirely in your control. Camp a rare drop and you don't worry that someone else will get the drop when you log off. Camping is something you can do at your own time. Waiting on a spawn isn't. Sure, it's nice that people on CT announced some flag mob kills in general, at least for the people that were online. Sucked for the guy that logged in a hour later hoping to catch that mob though.

    I don't care one way or another, as I have no plans to do this anytime soon. But I can understand how this can be particularly frustrating. And I'm not sure community competition is the best thing for the game right now, either.
  19. Brohg Augur

    A dozen interchangeable treants that repop in 15 minutes or whatever is pretty different than 10 very particular separate mobs on a 3.5 day timers
  20. Mistatk Augur

    Exactly. There is absolutely nothing challenging about endlessly checking and trying to wait for a chance at a mob that dies in 1 hit. So yeah, alot of people will just ignore this quest, people who happen to have PoP flagging done, good for them. Btw, ever since it was released on cazic thule you can enter pow zone and see exactly 0 people in it. If that is your idea of developer resources well spent, so be it.