Fear revisited.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tarvas, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. ZeeZer0 Journeyman

    Drakang, would you mind elaborating on how to handle maestro's one trick? There's zilcho for information on fear and hate.
    Would love to see some strats or if someone can point me to another resource it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Abazzagorath Augur

    DPS him down, have paladins splash the ae off, kill adds as they pop? No trick involved.
    Elricvonclief, Silv and Kiillz like this.
  3. Silv Augur

    Do NOT wait to cure just because it has a timer on the debuff! ;)
  4. Tour Augur


    Dissonant Muse isn't what (directly) kills you. It is having Dissonant Tones cast on you while you have Dissonant Muse active on you. So while you may think you have a good amount of time on that debuff, you don't. He will cast Dissonant Tones 20 seconds after Dissonant Muse. Therefore you have less than 20 seconds to cure Dissonant Muse before multiple people get DT'ed.

    It has corruption counters and is easily dealt with by a variety of priest classes and paladins. Splash works, as mentioned, though that may come with a risk of curing Unwilling Chorus, which will drain that person's mana via Mana Blaze. Non-detrimental corruption cures work fine.

    Speaking of mana drains (and endurance), the high priest whose name I forget that is near (?) him can sometimes be a problem for your mana and endurance via Heraldic Assault. If that's an issue, out range it (100 feet PB AoE) or just kill him first.

    TL;DR Audio trigger, cure ASAP, burn
  5. Flutegirl Journeyman

    This is really the key right here. TBH it's prolly the reason that Maestro has Unwilling Chorus just to stop folks splashing through it (which obviously with high enough DPS, enough paladins/QM's doesn't stop it)

    Also note that Cleric epic and Group Purify Soul will also be at risk of draining the clerics mana.

    Lots of classes gets group cure corruption and 1-2 casts of it will cure the one you need to cure , without causing the mana drain.

    Draco splits at 75%, 50% and 25% into 4, 5 and 7 skeletal constructs with about 20mil HP's. After a period of time, they will despawn and the number left up determines whether you get hit with a PBAE of 1.2mil, 185k, 130k or 65k. My guild doesn't have the burst DPS to kill all 7, so we don't bother killing any :)
    There is a PBAE 1 tic fear which can disrupt healing also. Obviously fearless paladins can help heal. The new berserker Dichotomic also has a group 90% chance to resist fear (and the fear is timed) so it's a good way to protect a Healer (or 2) if you find your tanks are dying a lot.

    The mobs now despawn/respawn on a reset also - So it means that Terror's Totems will despawn if you aggro him early. The side effect of this is that Draco also will reset, so you can no longer, kill to 75%, wipe. restart, kill to 50%, wipe, etc to get him dead.
  6. Silv Augur

    This is extremely dangerous advice because if you kill enough trash it still doesn't respawn everything (it will repop some) and you can wind up with invulnerable bosses depending where you were with your clear.
    Kiillz likes this.
  7. Iila Augur

    It means the Golems will stop their mechanics after they clear aggro and reset. Not talking about a new DZ.

    Previously, if you ever aggro'd them, you'd have the fear totems popping on people all over the zone, and a never ending wave of explody specter adds going off. Until the appropriate golem was killed.
  8. Silv Augur

    That was not our experience as of last week. Everyone zoning out and letting aggro reset did not stop totems unless I'm still misunderstanding you?
  9. sojero One hit wonder

    It is a recent change, I can confirm as of sunday night that if you wipe and it resets that you no longer have the zonewide terror totems or fear spectre bombs etc. Last time we had tried those were all happening.
    Axxius and Silv like this.
  10. Silv Augur

    Awesome. Maybe it was in the last patch. I think we did Fear on the 8th or around there so that timing would make sense. They also fixed the missing/erroneous named that same patch (9th). Good news then.
  11. Flutegirl Journeyman

    If there were vulnerable b4 hand, they will still be vulnerable.

    So if you aggro Terror early while pulling, you can fade it off and it will reset, previously the terror totems would just continue to spawn until terror was killed.

    edit : sorry, someone already answered :)
    roguerunner and Iila like this.
  12. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info


    Daybreak creates raids that they don't want people to win. One Off in last expansion and now this.

    Good luck if you aren't one of the "uber" guilds. Otherwise, figure you get one shot and then get to try again the next week. You will have your entire guild equipped with the new gear in 2039.
  13. Silv Augur

    Well, in defense of the raid... you have as many attempts as you want in one night so it doesn't take long to figure out the mechanics. It's just a matter of whether or not you can convince people to remain awake for 2 hours because if you're not a super guild you're not going to be able to AE kill the zone in 3 pulls (slight exaggeration but you get it). Overall though... I agree the mechanic is stupid. Definitely unforgiving to guilds not able to put in all of the time in one go. Unfortunately that wasn't supposed to be the intended mechanic but they ran out of development time to do anything about it.
  14. Flutegirl Journeyman

    Why don't you just taskadd a couple of alts to the raid after the trash clear and prior to golems? Then the next night you request the Fear task again from that Alt and you have full trash spawn minus what ever golems you killed.

    Is that open to abuse? - of course. But I think any guild that has problems clearing all 3 on one night should have a second chance the following night. Just don't abuse it :)
  15. Vtull Augur

    Its ignorant content was designed like this in the first place. This and the one-off series of raids really makes you wonder why the developer team thought this was/is great design philosophy (although out of fairness, they specifically stated given the time constraints, it was the best option). Let's release limited content and make it arbitrarily more limited with artificial roadblocks which punish already struggling guilds with less than optimal numbers and compositions.o_O
    Hiladdar and Fanra like this.
  16. Lianeb Augur

    The Magic Number seems to be 100 trash. That number was posted in beta or somewhere. We Cleared 100 mobs In Fear and the bosses then lost the invulnerable flag, we defeated Draco at that point. Fear is hard to manage lockouts on mobs because so many wander around and it is based on Mob type's.

    Hate is a different story with lockouts that are easier to manage with 1st and 2nd floor lockouts. We go in and clear first floor and Maestro in one night then return and do 2nd Floor and Inny on another night.

    They need to just flag 100 mobs that spawn every time the instance it gotten so that there are enough mobs to kill to remove the lock, or remove the lock all together
    Fanra likes this.
  17. ZeeZer0 Journeyman

    I appreciate the info on strats. Lots of good info on this thread.
  18. Narogg Augur

    Tarvas and Fanra like this.
  19. Drakang Augur

    Pretty sure today we killed less than 100 mobs but was not counting. We got to Maestro and he was invulnerable killed a few more and he became killable. But did not have to clear the first floor.

    The whole lockout system is just stupid and easy to causing issues.
    Hiladdar and Fanra like this.
  20. Kiras Augur

    We just killed the three golems. For the amount of time it takes to clear the trash and then three of them, the chest should probably come with more loot, or have one chest per golem.
    Xeladom, Riou and Silv like this.