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EverQuest Lore Feedback - We need your help!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pip, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    EQ is a Multiverse now.
  2. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Or perhaps an AltVerse.
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    Yes alternate future.

    So your saying the Arasai they just didn't through evolution to even exist?

    Well dang thats crazy how Arasai become such a dominate force and in EQ1 they just couldn't past evolution.
    Like say froglocks swallowed them all before they could make it to part of evolution where they handle themselves and what not, and froglocks made them go extinct or something.

    Freebloods what happened?
    Did they get eliminated by the Drakkins, was there some war?

    Is EQ going to go into the expansions of why theres no Arasai why theres no freeblood?
    TDS 2.0, bunch of froglocks and arasai getting extinct or something.

    Lore, there is too much.
    And what they do? Velious, Kunark, Luclin 2.0.

    EQ2 is alternate
    EQ is alternate
    EQ Velious 2.0 is alternate
    EQ luclin 2.0 is alternate

    alternate alternate

    how can there be any lore if everything is alternate alternate alternate?
    Next thing they do, well this is alternate

    Theres no story no real lore if everything is alternate, did the dain really happen?
    Well in Alternate Velious 2.0
    Well during the time of alternate luclin 2.0 everyone was busy here
    During SoD which is an alternate well everyone was here
    So dains did it happen, depends on alternate

    which lore?

    Well you could do off of Luclin 2.0
    Velious 2.0
    EQ classic days
    SoD days

    See where I'm going here?

    Has Arasai and Drakkin
    huh freebloods? what happened?

    EQ3 thats gonna be tough
    theres a lot of races
    a lot of lore

    hmmm which happens now
    hmmm alternate again

    Rivervale is that gonna be a high level zone you fight in or is it gonna be a peaceful city? Depends which alternate we do.
  4. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Thanks for including The Elddar in Laurion's Song. Pal'Lomen is beautiful.
    Skuz likes this.
  5. Zamazx New Member

    Personally i would love to see a revist of discord or some new realm invading Norrath and the gods asking the adventures to come to their aid in defending the new all out war between realms. Where players could get new gear by doing quests for the different dieties, or even add new diety AA's only unlockable by aiding in the war. There is a lot of room for creativity and breath new life into eq.
  6. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    I have noticed that lots of player feedback from this thread may have been included in Laurion's Song. (I actually bought the expansion on 6 accounts). Perhaps, a special title for any loremasters? :) Nonetheless, thanks for listening and I've enjoyed your work.
  7. Jordis Augur

    I'd like to see Firiona Vie and Lanys again.
  8. Makma New Member

    Give the access to the guildleader to clean up guild housing slots thats locked to players who havent been online for years.
  9. ShurTheRealShur New Member

    Wow u got my real name to log in heh. Hi Devs Hi Producers.
    Ok hmmm
    It is all about TLP right now . That is what is makin money.
    Let's redo Time. But still keep the original. Time 1. Time 2 That is where the money is
  10. Syeop New Member

    I've only played through House of Thule, but after searching for what happened to Firiona Vie, i couldn't find much after the explosion that exposed the depths of darkhallow.
  11. uberkingkong Augur

    This thread is about lore, not really remaking zones.
    If you want FV 2.0 say something, like the lore of the zone, what about it, whats going on and your curious some lore outcome, which can be explained in a 2.0.

    If they just gonna go around making 2.0s of the same exact zone same exact stuff.
    Make EQ3, not a 2.0.
    If your gonna spend time on redoing everything, do it in a big way, EQ3. Not within some old engine, 1999 core game.
    EQ1 already has Velious, why you redo it? It already has it. This refuses to make a new game, its kinda sad, and they do same zones over and over, no real extra lore. Its the same fights all over again.
    If you doing the same fights all over again, do it in a new game, EQ3.

    But yeah back to lore, if your making progressing story, like some outcome of whatever your interested in FV, you gotta let them know and then they can make meaningful FV2.0 where its aftermath, not no redoing it.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Firona Vie, rears here ugly head again in TDS.
  13. uberkingkong Augur

    I'm pretty sure they want the cool spider people again, but even cooler looking, thats the only think of that I'd want from a new FV.
    Those spiders do look cool. Not really fan of the the ones in DoD though, ugly not so cool.

    Probably cool thing to do, I aint doing it, look into the drachnid history, could be a new drachnid expansion now you got a FV thing going.

    Me? I'd rather want a city battle going on. some key npcs some actual stories and they continue continue continue from them. Not alternate realities.

    Prefer to see it in a new game too, EQ3. But if they looking for something I'd like a city battle faction battle.

    An expansion a lot of faction is gonna get messed up, pick your sides carefully.
    Expansion those people that get ticked when they don't have perfect faction record, oh those people gonna get ticked, you gotta pick sides. Long long long spent switching sides, not no +500 -500, like in velious factions, nah its +1 -1, long ways to ally.

    You wanna know about EQ lore. I'll help.
    It all starts picking a side, good evil neutral.

    EQ was not designed originally about everyone anyone can be good anyone, like how it is today.

    Simple EQ core vision, good vs evil vs neutral
    froglocks hate trolls
    iksars not good with anyone
    high elves at war with another race

    EQ today, no factions eliminated, nostalgia eliminated.
    Wanna bring back some EQ lore.
    Lets do this faction.
    Choose your side!

    I'm going evil, because I like golems as guards rather than squishy humanoids. dranchnids they friends with us too. I like FV too, so I go evil, I like being around drachnids, the cool ones, the FV ones. Not the DoD ones.

    old school all about factions
    Luclin expansion
    Seru or Lcea katta gotta pick a side
    picking sides thats a lore feedback
    Need some picking sides and it sticks, it continues, you continue into the expansions and the factions matter.
    Thats how you create good lore, good storys.

    EQ right now is alternate realities and alternate reality factions.
    I already built up faction why you making this do this again, alternate reality, cmon now. Thats not good for story continuation of a story.

    So would like factions to matter, and stories based off of factions. Theres a lot. I don't like each expansion being its own faction, thats not good lorewise, if that faction exists it exists, don't need seperate a new kind in a new expansion but its samething or should be samething.
  14. Berkwin Elder

    Iceclad Tower. i thought i hit the top with the two gryphon ghost things iirc was 8th or 9th The illusive tenth floor was it ever attained? Pluss the Wedding was Creepy AF. Castle Mistmore what better angles than undead and Vampires. oh and one huge story that was missed the Kyrrens (SP) where the mob is where the SK 1.0 drop was. So many more i need to think of but lots of amazing writing just sort of gothung without areal ending up through Velious. i never stuck around for the revamps long enough.
  15. fransisco Augur

    I enjoyed when culture/religion mattered. Some of the old world quests felt more important because they were based in the lore of the area instead of "fetch me these things and I'll give you that thing".
    PoP jumped the shark and turned the gods into loot pinatas, but thats pretty well in the past now. It would be nice to have more of a focus not on fighting the gods, but religion and culture of the characters and the peoples we are interacting with.

    On the expansion side, it would be interesting if there wasn't just 1 "save the world" story, but a couple of unrelated things. A zone or two dealing with a zombie outbreak that obliterates ogguk and grobb, another one trying to help this high elven duchess gain more political power, and over here we're dealing with gnome mining operations underneath the karanas. So expanding or progressing zones (making a new high lvl version, not just replacing them), and telling new stories in the old world.
  16. david elkins New Member

    please bring back the ability to move toons from one account to another.
  17. Razorwulf Journeyman

    I just saw this thread and this was going to be my biggest suggestion. I was so sad that NoS did not expand on Khati Sha (Heck, I would have loved a third part to the Luclin revamp expansion just to focus on Khati Sha, Shissir and maybe even stir up the vampires too)
    Silvena likes this.