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EverQuest Lore Feedback - We need your help!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Pip, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. Dre. Altoholic

    Sounds like my kind of party.
    Elyssanda and Skuz like this.
  2. Minrye New Member

    Make daggers viable for beastlords again
    Dre. likes this.
  3. jeskola pheerie

  4. jeskola pheerie

    First come, first serve
  5. RPoo Augur

    I was hanging out in PoK today when my kid asked me, "Are there mobs in EQ?" I said , "There are lots of mobs in EQ. There aren't any where I'm at right now, this is a zone mobs can't get to." Then the idea came to me, WHAT IF mobs COULD get here? What if we had an item like Mirror Fragment of Anashti Sul that we could click while in a peaceful zone like PoK, PoTranq, bazaar, that teleported us to a mob filled version of the zone with lore about how this happened.
    Maybe Grand Librarian Maelin went mad up in the library as an end boss =D
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  6. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Bobo Gleemaker sends you to a version of PoK to fight tiny elephants and gingerbread men, during Bristlebane's holiday events.

    Has it been too long for you? Tell me you never got a hobby horse!
    Yinla and RPoo like this.
  7. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    I need a hobby horse.. gonna have to look that one up.
  8. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    There's a bit of an interesting story about it. If you remember when it was released and a bit of an uproar about the animation.

    Also it had a very special thing because it locked you in place. Until they realized you couldn't be pushed on it. that was nerfed.

    Then when the mount buff was a separate thing, you could drop the 'locked in place' part, but keep the buff, which was pretty tasty IMO.

    Then with the mount consolidation in my opinion they nerfed my good ol' hobby horse again.

    *edit* also it just looks like a plain horse standing still, the character's animation is the ... interesting part.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  9. Slackmage Apprentice

    Not as specific as many of the great suggestions but, the shaman epic finale. Most agree it was the best of the group. I don't think it would take much to create an amazing event based across the lands, with a few new "astral planes" type zones or such that could end up spawning more epic based expansions, and a chance to correct some of the lesser storylines into something better.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I like your idea of astral planes, planes of power for the gods, astral planes for the spirits - such as animalistic spirits like Drinal - to exist within perhaps.
    Randomized and Slackmage like this.
  11. Nightmares Augur

    Hrm... New lore. Well, if anything and everything is on the table... Instead of delving into the Past versions of zones ( like Seeds of Destruction did), or revamping old zones with initial works by certain factions ( as EoK did with Lceanium and then RoS with Overthere). How about we actually go back around and start revamping the old original zones a little bit. For instance. Cabilis. In SoD you never saw Cabilis, in Kunark it's in ruins a bit but still inhabited. You don't even get to see it in EoK, or RoS. You would think after centuries, the Iksar would have been working to make their town prosperous again, fixing buildings, working on Commerce, buildings trade hub or even a new port zone to trade with the other races...

    If that's still too much of a rework for people, how about We FINALLY invade Discord. Not just push back the Discordian army, but take the fight to their worlds and start liberating the other civilizations? Brand new worlds / times to play with. Each one being different due to the different races that were home to each. New gods of those worlds to kill, etc.

    If that still doesn't work... well... have we truly explored Norrath's Globe? Always the possibility of something on the other side of the planet we have not seen yet, as Luclin always stays in pace with our side. Drinal wasn't a bad idea, however I think I would like to see all brand new Mob models and types. there currently is no lore about anyone going to Drinal or anything happening to Drinal due to events on Norrath, as was the case with Luclin and the Odus incident (at least not that I have ever seen).

    and if THAT isn't enough.... Ummm... Instead of the Underfoot being in the center of Norrath, how about a Deeper area never explored before, deeper than even the underfoot, unknown to even Brell. A place he's heard of but the God was never foolhardy enough to explore there himself for that is the place where the creators of the planet live, the beings that dwelt within the planet before even Veeshan in all her glory touched the planet, carving the deep crevices that are well known in Western Wastes. Beings of such power that they created the planet, not simply just brought their power to it to create new life. The Abyss is dark... the abyss is deep... the abyss...
    *(This was reprinted from my original idea in another thread, but seems it would fit in here to a degree, so I thought I'd share it.)*
  12. Burdi Augur

    The existing lore is nice but why not expanding it?
    I would love to see an expansion with an Asian flavor .
    Why not a lost island or a intra continent inside Norath.
  13. Alnitak Augur

  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Dragon's of Norrath was very Asian I thought.




    Shindius, RPoo and Yinla like this.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    DoN had some beautiful zones. Much better than ToV and CoV.
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I really liked the zones of DoN, I thought it was a bit light on content but what was there was really nicely done.
  17. Szilent Augur

    when you say light on content - did you do all the missions in each zone, or did you repeat The Creator 40 times for faction & only do the prog missions once each?
  18. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I did every mission, grinding just 1 mission is simply not my style so didn't do a whole lot of creators. I did repeat nest mission quite a bit & my guild at the time would do frequent splits of the easier raids for augs.
  19. Complexity New Member

    Whatever the story is for the next expansion, needs to be big. Like Kunark big. Veils of Alaris was the last big expansion and since TBM we've been getting dinky little expansions of like six or seven zones, most of them just updated versions of earlier zones, a cookie cutter list of raid loot (they just changed the name and increased the stats), and upgrades of existing abilities, nothing new (things like, say, allowing a monk using chronal projection to occasionally actually step through and take form where he has projected himself to) it needn't change the entire game balance but it would be more interesting than a 1% greater chance of getting an extra attack or resisting a snare).

    Also, yeah, we like boss mobs with names we can remember, Mayong, Vox, Naggy, the Maestro, the Ghoul Lord, and so on. All those overly weird mobs in GoD and the Omens of War were what drove me off to WoW, and Vanguard, and EQ2, etc.

    Player 1: Hey guys, let's go kill Na-Ik-La-Plex-Nar tonight!
    Player 2: We did him last night I thought.
    Player 1: No, that was Na-Ik-La-Plex-Nek, totally different guy.
    Player 2: Oh. Wait, are you sure?
    Elyssanda likes this.
  20. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Well, this year I did not expect a big expansion. A bigger better & richer than CoV expansion this year definitely but not anywhere approaching the scale of VoA or RoF.

    A larger expansion for 2022 I can see maybe happening though, like 12 zones rather than 6-8.

    New devs probably take 12-24 months to fully get a grip on EQ unless they had prior experience so with the fresh batch only being here since Jan, or later for a couple, I wasn't expecting to suddenly see a huge expansion roll out.

    If 2022's is as small as the recent few though I shall be very disappointed, but not in any way surprised - after all there are games in the portfolio that the management would like to spend EQ's revenue on....(i.e. all of them).