EoK mobs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zamiam, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. Vanrau Augur

    This expansion isn't tuned for solo/molo players and shouldn't be. I would suggest grouping if you want to progress.
  2. Roxxanna Augur

    That's right......just keep pushin them away.
  3. Aghinem Augur

    It is always my hope and dream that one day, those who typically complain about being unable to molo current content come to the realization that EverQuest is a MMO - by definition a Massive Multiplayer Online game with GROUP content; group content by definition meaning content designed for a group of players to progress through together...

    I can always hope and dream.
  4. Brilhasti Elder

    God forbid people group together and seek out friends to achieve something. Mercs were the death of this game.
  5. Nandary Griefs Lorekeeper

    No, mercenaries were a stay of execution.
  6. Roxxanna Augur

    Hey, I'm all for the whole mmo lets group together thing, let's start by completely removing mercs from the new expansion.
  7. Ghostdog New Member

    Again , I bring out the main point that there are NOT enough groups now days in EQ especially on my realm . I can only speak where I main play.
    So tell me how you do anything in EOK You either solo or don't attempt any play .
    Sure we get added aa pts to work . And yes I do work them . I am up to 13346 now . AA pts are nice to earn and give the player control over making his/ her character better.
    Its easy for raiders to say , Goo group . or if you have 2 k members in a mega guild situation . We have neither to pull from .
    There are no options .
    EOK is way over tuned per difficulty of mobs. The quests are also not possible without major groups of which I have none .
    There are many players now in this position .
    I have played since the beginning of EQ . I am not a new player.
    If merc pets are removed from this new expansion it would prevent players and groups from any progress. They unfortunately are needed.
    My main was a full raid cleric . Now I cant progress on the character.
    My idea would be to eliminate Boxxing from all future expacs. this would force grouping.
    ( a paying all access player . )
    Dragon Jockey likes this.
  8. YellowBelly Augur

    In a perfect world trying to bring grouping back would work. I find it commendable in fact. The sad truth is EQ is all boxers and cliques these days and has been for years. I suggest easing up on mob power by at least 20%.
    Nandary Griefs likes this.
  9. Bigstomp Augur

    A competent cleric will never lack for a group if you have any sort of social network.
    My biggest problem when I log my cleric alt in is saying sorry to people because I can't join 5 groups at once.
    It's very easy to form a group and go get stuff done. If you're anti-social and just want to merc it up some things will be challenging or even undoable for you.
    No matter how many cleric mercs a box group brings none of them will compare to the chanter you invited when mobs can just be simply CC'd.
  10. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    This exactly! For me even on my monk the majority of the time the reason why I don't get a group is because I end up talking in general so much that I don't get around to going to the zones and asking group.
  11. Hitty Augur


    Always the same dumb discussion and the same reasons. Perhaps that is the reason why Trumps are "elected" to make things ... Ego, Envy and Greed... there should be a Trump-Character to level up and I would love that idea ;)

    What has been advertised and what has been sold since the last expansions now?

    Raid Content: for raiders
    2-Group-Content: for 2-groupers (also sophisticated players/groups, really crazy boxers)
    Group-Content: for groups, (also boxers, very sophisticated moloers)
    Molo-Content: for moloers (also sophisticated soloers, boxers)
    Solo-Content: for the usual solo-player (relaxed moloer, boxers)

    Easy. Everybody gets content, everybody is happy (mostly) and everybody has a chance to play good content und pay money for it to support some of the greedy and arrogant guys who think that others shouldn't have the right to play their playstyle because others don't "raid", don't box or do whatever playstyle they choose. Some people should think about trying living outside the game to discover that there is more than only one truth outside (but it is surely a matter of age and maturity too).

    Think a bit about balance and who supports YOUR game play because he is paying and playing this game. Everybody who pays has the right to play his game in his way regardless how others would like to see (and like to force them) playing their playstyle.


    - Tradeskillers who love collecting and perfectionizing
    - social people who don't care about facebook and love their general chat
    - roleplayers who even wouldn't wear gear of bloody mobs and theirfore only take on bloodfree selfmade stuff (yes I know a cleric...)
    - dressman and woman who always want to look good
    - cheaters who only want to discover new things without tension and buy their cheats with SC on the market place
    - discoverers who only want a relaxed journey into new realms
    - raiders who only want to have the best, the longest, the most they wish for
    - sophisticated players who want to have a challenge in life and game because their life does not have these exictements
    - relaxing players who only want the opposite because they have enough challenges in real life
    - every playertype with every own dream and truth to give him the essential basic meaning of life - a good feeling

    Antisocial (that word used by a post is breathtaking.. .lol..) people like soloers, moloers, boxers pay and support the groupers, 2-groupers and sophisticated players and also raiders with their payment. Everybody who has a problem with it deserves a dying game. Besides: for the hardcore classic raiders there are the usual classic servers....

    I remind the whiners on the days when nearly nobody has been found to group with and mercs were the only viable solution instead of being so egoistic to not help everybody to get his play experience and therefore his good feelings.

    I plead for balance (and perhaps another thread to help the guys who have too much problems in EoK and need some ideas how to play that content because you NEED some tricks to be able to do it).
  12. Brilhasti Elder

    Comments like that have been posted for the past dozen years..
  13. Moak The Most High

    Just saying if you want to talk about the new expac, it would help if you are geared/ aa'd to where that expac is at. Most of the Bsts that I know (and I have one too)- are rolling with em 23 earrings and 16k plus aa's- I am really enjoying this expac.
    Brilhasti and Goranothos like this.
  14. Goranothos Augur

    Yep, group or box. Please don't nerf the expansion just because some people are having trouble moloing at this point.
    Kuursed and Brilhasti like this.
  15. MrMajestykx Augur

    GAME SHOULD BE HARD wth is the fun if its a cakewalk and no challenge? I can so far if need be handle mobs in there with the exception of some of the yellow con giants. Idk what your doing frankly s_ _ k a little less.? 12k ac and 120k hp and your not handling mobs in there? we getting the whole story? and frankly like everyone else has stated here, its a group game its NEW CONTENT and what 3 days old and whinging and whining to have it nerfed?? whats the sense of new content if its chutes and ladders the day it comes out? smh seriously.
  16. Roxxanna Augur

    Or they could just throw a few mobs near the zone-ins that are a bit easier, remember Crescent Reach? The farther you went back the harder the mobs are. That asking too much? Not everyone wants to play the same way.

    This community consists of all types of people, physically handi-capped, Autistic/Asper, visually impaired, and even people who need anger management therapy. Can't throw them a bone? DB has made it quite clear they don't want us hanging around in old expansions, so what are they to do? The majority of the player base is made up of an older generation now, people with health issues, get used to it.
    Grove likes this.
  17. Roxxanna Augur

    Truth is, a lot of people don't want to group because of people......both skill and attitude.
    Zamiam likes this.
  18. Millianna Augur

    There is not anything different from previous expansions besides the level change or lack of one. The way I see it - they tried to cram a level change in the AAs. The mobs are going to be hard at the start without the new AAs. Mercs have sucked for a long time (tanks are the worse). My SK can smoke a Wiz merc on burn in DPS and my wizard can out tank a tank merc.
  19. MrMajestykx Augur

    shrug keep the rose colored glasses on. I m calling this based on pure numbers that were GIVEN here. stats on the toon , play the handicapped older autistic card if you want, that has never stopped players of your description before, it shouldn't now, they have played just fine in the past so you get used to it.

    The minute something other then chutes and ladders or candyland comes along and the game managers get it right, someone who CANT PLAY their toon, NOTHING to do with their handicap as your looking to ride here, decry how hard it is and please DBG swing the nerf bat. NO one as you so aptly put it Roxxycakes is asking anyone to play the same way, just to step up to the challenge of new content.
  20. moogs Augur

    If everybody has the same complaint - "there are no groups!" - why don't they band together and form them? You guys know that you're allowed to group outside of your guild, right?
    Shadva Del`Shai, Bigstomp and Sancus like this.