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Enchanter nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Verily Tjark, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Mazame Augur

    Learn to play an enchanter. Chanter have been nerfed a lot over the years. just because it was easy to cast 3 dots from a box chanter and feel powerful doesn't mean it all a chanter had or that the chanter has nothing to do or offer now. If you believe that is the case then you need to roll a different class or learn to play a chanter because they still have may tools in their box.
  2. Verily Tjark Augur

    You didn't honestly think it would happen that fast? It will take some time for sure, because someone has to make a dart board with numbers on it and throw darts to figure out what the "not OP but better than now" numbers are for the Mind Tempest line.

    Man, you just put a lot words in someone's mouth so you could tear them down for stuff they never said.... Maybe YOU should learn to play a decent person.
    xcitng and Brohg like this.
  3. Rosarchx New Member

    The Devs need to step back and reduce this Nerf by 50 percent. Sure I will still be Angry with Daybreak but at Least it will show a comprise on their part.
  4. Numzan Augur

    Since 2000 and on, and everyone of them sucked... But i have never seen so many nerfs ever coming out of DBG like this before. Whats left of the game? not too damn much..... but they keep nerfing. Next nerf is the paychecks.
  5. Dewey Augur

    How about increasing DPS for actual dps classes?

    It is not logical to have a level increase expansion where a class is less powerfull than it was before the expansion release.

    Anyways; one could use your logic towards pet classes. However; we all know they this logic is not applied there.
  6. seber Augur

    been stay this but I kill Ros mobs 5k dot np so cant kill mobs 19k dot ???
  7. Truth'd New Member