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Enchanter nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Verily Tjark, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Brohg Augur

    You weirdo, Dicho is just as good for you as it is for your group
  2. Verily Tjark Augur

    There is a limit to how many 10K Mana spells one man is willing to cast...
  3. Genusii Journeyman

    Coming from a warrior, I am shocked at the arrogance. Basically, you are telling an entire class of casters they should be there as servants. If you are not wanted, or needed, that's ok. But when called upon, do what you are told.

    I'm starting to understand how blinded I was because I believed the enchanter was the best class in this game for me.

    You are showing how you (and many others based on this thread) are missing the issue with the enchanter situation. Nothing is just as good for an enchanter as it is for the group. When you deal with percentages, the higher the dps, the bigger the gap when a % multiplier is utilized.

    The enchanter has sustained this abuse for several years -

    Innate stun was weakened and lowered in proc rate. Rune of Banishment was reduced to work on only lower-con mobs. Spell Rune was given a recast timer. Friendly stasis and npc stasis were removed. Mana regen adjusted. Charm pet dps adjusted.

    I am starting to realize that the Everquest community has no appreciation for the enchanter. The entire concept seems to be to keep putting it lower and lower. In every aspect of game play.

    Please, try to realize, no enchanter has ever expected to out dps a necromancer, a wizard, or a mage. However, the enchanter did expect to out dps those classes when they were inferior to the enchanter in character knowledge and skill. Now, that will never happen in any aspect of game play. However, the community complains about all the abilities the enchanter has ever had. They have all been reduced. All of them.
    xcitng likes this.
  4. blood & gufts Augur

    As it, every class have a certain role. Ever since chanters were made it was never as a top dps, it was a support class, with ability of charm.

    You came in I guess after EOK got out, where they got a way way to big increase, which made them too powerful, and that in result gave them even bigger increase that they should have had at ROS. This is what is now being corrected, as Druids & shamans also were.

    You might not like it, but the nerf were necessary, the nerf will likely be downed some at July patch, to fight the correct balance.

    Now you prob say: Enchanters got nefed more than other classes, try to go through the patch history, and I think you will see, all classes get nerfed same degree.

    Just because you get a power Means, you will keep it forever. at some point it might vanish or get lowered. Chanters are not excempt from that.
  5. Bigstomp Augur

    I'm pretty sure they still can. And like I said in another thread, I'm pretty sure the good chanters will still be playing chanters. All this will do is remove a few flavour of the month chanters.
    Brohg likes this.
  6. blood & gufts Augur

    Sure there is a limit, however there also a limit on a person not doing the max, he/she can/will do in a Group, b4 that person is tossed out of the group

    I am not afraid of tossing a person out of the group, if the person does not use the abilities the person got. And to be friendly to my friends, I mention the persons name to them. For me, I wanna have an effective group, where people do their job, and not running a freebie.

    And for people not doing their jobs in raids, I think it will soon go wrong for a person slacking there.
  7. Brohg Augur

    There are no % multipliers in Dicho. Know your stuff, man.
  8. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Making other people better is “abuse”?

    Damn, anyone that's ever played a bard must be in a catatonic state, curled up into a ball crying, shaking uncontrollably, and asking why the devs hate them so much. Those poor, poor souls :(.
  9. Genusii Journeyman

    Ok, I got it.

    I am sure I will play the enchanter for a long time - as I have for a long time. I just never really knew how the class was viewed, overall, in everquest.

    I got it now.
  10. Verily Tjark Augur

    I'm talking raids. I don't group with people, that sounds terrible. If I have the option of casting a 10k mana DoT or a 10K mana group ADPS spell... I will take the DoT all day long.

    Sorry, I might be wrong if you crunch the numbers, but I am pretty confident in saying the DoT benefits the raid more than Dicho. It definitely benefits my parse more lol.
  11. Ninelder Augur

    We could ask one if they hadn't already been tuned to extinction. But by all means, lets repeat the mistakes the devs did with the bards on all the classes.
  12. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    Never have i asked that about bards. When you nerf everything you end up with EQ2.... cough
  13. Brohg Augur

    It doesn't take a complex analysis - Dicho is better by miles, it's not close. And, since the return of Mind Tempest was eliminated, it costs much less.

    Everyone gets it that you're mad, but I'll reiterate from some pages ago - not casting good spells out of spite doesn't impress anyone.
  14. Brohg Augur

    The mistakes of making them more powerful now than they've ever been, except for some broken months when everyone was mysteriously cool with them just being bottomless mana generators?
    Scornfire likes this.
  15. xcitng Augur

    This thread is about the enchanter nerf, all of this bickering & what goes on with other classes doesn't belong here.

    Just let people say thier piece about how they feel about the enchanter nerf and how it has affected them.

    i am sad about how extreme the nerf was, i have had 2 enchanter friends upset as well, one quit playing her enchanter and the other quit playing eq.
  16. Brohg Augur

    I'm curious did those friends play Enchanters before EoK? Enchanters weren't tops dps class for ~16/18 years of EQ, did they not enjoy themselves then still? Now, they're all that they were then, and more - only the dots they never cast then were (partially) nerfed
  17. xcitng Augur

    Yes, both did, they were just tired of the way DB keeps nerfing enchanters. I am too, i don't raid, they both did, i just play mine for fun with my other account.
  18. Gnomeland Augur

    There's the psychology of it. A class may have been garbage during a certain period, but people will still complain more when they become gods and then are brought down to normal, than when they were always garbage.

    That said, I think enchanters used to be very strong in other areas before the DPS increase, such as being able to tank. Those areas have been removed, and now their DPS also got a huge decrease. So it's not a single change that they might be complaining about - it's the fact that the class lost a lot of what made it so powerful within a one year period, and so players are getting frustrated and either changing classes or leaving the game.

    I remember back when magicians were complete garbage and pets couldn't tank light blue monsters, there were less complaints than about two or three years ago, when pets went from being able to tank 5 monsters at the same time to only being able to tank 2 or 3.
    Genusii likes this.
  19. Enchyy1 New Member

    This game is garbage. A waste of money and more importantly, time. Grinding for skills only to have them removed at a later date is completely asinine and insane. This has been a recurring theme for several years now. Enchanters were never FoTM. You all just don't like to see good players stunt a little bit. There are plenty of box-enchanters out there to keep your antiquated ideas of holy-trinity MMORPG classes in check, can't you tolerate just a few allstars?

    What most of you don't seem to realize was the sheer amount of focus and effort it took to weave dots on 4-5 mobs while simultaneously chaining nukes and dicho on recast, all the while trying to rebuff dead people and make sure your hot melees have NET. Your fragile DPS egos aside, we only came close on multi-add or multi-boss events. There are plenty of other events for you to run up the dps charts without getting too emotionally hurt by seeing an Enchanter near or above you.

    I hope every half decent Enchanter in the game hangs their hat up. Then someone else can step up and feel what its like to spam buff dead people and recast NET on melee every minute for 4 hours a night. What fun.

    A kick in the teeth for trying too hard to make things die quicker, absolutely unreal. It's like you guys want to sit at the keyboard longer or something rather than making things actually die faster.

    I was a boxer, I ran my own group. Every few months I've had all of my characters slowly lose power I paid to acquire. I paid monetarily and I pay via hard time grinding. I am so sick of this . Absolutely sick of it. If it ain't meant to be there, stop releasing it; stop making us pay for your developer mistakes. -$95.94 less per month for awhile. In a 20 year old MMORPG and a small community, you can be sure that's something.
  20. Ninelder Augur

    That is the stark contrasting point. Since EoK release, chanters have had 4 huge nerfs in a row, with nothing ever unnerfed. Also, nothing new to replace all the abilities lost in EoK or RoS. Enchanters got nothing in either expansion. The devs are pouring salt in our wounds and the jackel-club on these forums is laughing about it while trying to stomp on our throats to keep us from complaining.
    Genusii likes this.