Do people really want 5 more months of Kunark?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by DryalRmog, Oct 31, 2015.


  2. Pikallo Augur

    I don't think you understand how this meme works. This doesn't even make sense. What you are trying to say has nothing at all to do with bad luck. Even if this were true, you look just look dumb for posting the wrong meme.
    Ducreux and Qelyn like this.
  3. Qelyn Augur


    Fixed it for you Pikallo, on the house, no charge!
  5. Pikallo Augur

    Ok so regardless of the fact you don't understand how to use a meme, I suppose I'll just address the point you tried to make.

    In reality, there may be 1 or 2 TL members(if that) who truly didn't understand the wording of the poll as you are trying to claim in your garbage meme. Regardless, the majority understood the poll options, and voted for the one we actually desired (3 month/6week) but simply lost the vote and some may have reacted vocally. Yes, of course there are some that are angry and QQing, but not for the reason you tried to convey in your terrible meme.

    Could you please post your source material to back up your claim of maybe 1 or 2 TL members....kthx!! While you are at it, look up the words: Waffle(verb) and Vacillate(verb) Way too many posting about not understanding the wording for it to be so few TL members "bad lucking" into the results, LOL
  7. Evertrek Augur

    I agree. Need to move on to Vel.
  8. ElaidaTL Augur

    You spend entirely too much time trying to troll and bad mouth TL members. I forget about even existing.. quite literally for weeks on end.. come back.. and youre still at it.

    The truth is neither trolling nor bad mouthing....if you don't want to be reminded of who you are and how you are perceived...stop being the way you are.......right?
  10. ElaidaTL Augur

    Ok.. thats your version of the truth. Youre in law right? so you know how rarely someones perception of events is accurate. even eyewitness testimony is amazingly inaccurate. Dragging up some posts to try and support your side of this.. lets call it debate.. doesnt somehow make you more right. Its brought here intentionally in a context to try and prove you right therefore being biased from the start.

    All of that is beside the point tho. You are way over invested in airing this "truth". Altho I have plenty of reason to dislike you.. i dont. I dont care enough about it to have strong feelings one way or the other, but this one man crusade of spin machining anything and everything into some anti TL campaign.. i just cant understand it. Plenty of folks have reason to not like my guild. No one has taken it quite to the level you have. Thats the point.
  11. Pikallo Augur

    Source material is that I'm IN the guild. I know the people. You clearly don't. People sometimes post things out of emotion and frustration, which is understandable. I don't always agree with everything that is posted by TL members but the bottom line is there are few to no examples of people in TL saying THEY didn't understand the poll and THEY voted for the wrong thing because of it, which is what you are obsessively claiming. Things I know that were QQ'd about:
    - Wording of the poll (doesn't mean they didn't understand it and vote for the wrong option)
    - RIP ragefire, dead server, etc
    - "This isn't what the majority wanted"
    - Poll was buggy
    - Do you really want 4 more months
    - You don't realize how bad of a decision this is
    etc, etc

    But nowhere on this forum will you find TL members obsessing about this stupid idea that they voted for the "Keep same" option. It just didn't happen. It was repeated multiple times in guild to be sure to vote for the 3m/6w option. We did. We still lost and people are gonna QQ and make excuses - but your stupid meme is not even close to being true no matter how far between the lines you try to read.

    Elaida you seem smart enough (relatively speaking) so I'll let you discover for yourself if I'm in law or not, but I will say that you are completely outside of your depth trying to piece together a response using any legal terminology with me :p I'll take your "over invested" comment as a compliment to sticking with what I believe to be the good fight, for a good cause, in the face of a group teaming with bad rubbish trying to opine its agenda onto the forum population.

    In seven days a good amount of TL will being going on a hiatus till Velious.....something was said about TL taking Dec, Jan, and Feb several old members back and keying others through VP during this time so that you will be ready to hit Velious and NToV as soon as possible and likewise, and I believe the wording was..."Watching everyone wet our collective pants as TL wakes the Sleeper first...(sic)"

    Ask yourself how I know this? I have made mention that I am closer to TL than it appears and there are some people from inside "your" guild that don't even like "your" guild. It's rarely an anti-TL campaign, but rather the truth from both inside references and outside references. "Your" guild has given almost everyone on Ragefire the reason as well as the desire to divest ourselves of your stupidity, epeenery and by choosing to move to the new instanced server. It is 'your" guild that has single handedly caused its own hamstringing, its "your" guild that has thought with such a narrow mind as to alienate others to the extent of harming the already "sullied" Twisted Legacy name even further.

    I initiate very few if any posts, but I guarantee I respond to anything that is posted by Twisted Legacy members that panders to how the rest of us have done you wrong...that DBG has done Twisted Legacy wrong. I will make one concession...have "your" guild stop posting about wanting Velious earlier than the rest of the server wanted it (via "The Vote" (c)), have them stop posting about how the server is dead or dying or spinning information to sway the opinions of others...and I will consider not calling any and every TL misstep out for public scrutiny.
  13. Dojii Augur

    Time to wrap this thread up guys.
  14. Evertrek Augur

    enough dude, take this offline.

    the OP has a good point. Vel would be welcomed by many players now. i started EQ at the tail end of RoK and then SoV came out while i was still around 30ish (slow leveling with hell levels!). i had a blast leveling with kunark and vel; best time with an MMO and guild ever. please consider the OPs request.... SoV was originally released less than a year from RoK. this kind of tells me it really was more of a complement to their first expansion....
  15. DryalRmog Augur

    Time for velious?

    Yes pls

    Keep it as the vote made it.

    Velious in March '16 please! kthx
  17. your bro joe New Member