Do people really want 5 more months of Kunark?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by DryalRmog, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Skipper Augur

    The devs don't care about these TLP's. They didn't want them to start with but were forced to when DBG bought Sony out. Why do you think they haven't responded to this latest poll fiasco? Because they created it on purpose.

    Why do you think we are excluded on every bonus xp sessions? Because we are the red headed stepchild they want to just go away.
  2. Kragin Augur

    Do you know how many things Ragefire/lockjaw have gotten?

    Queues, another server, zone instancing(/pickzone), Raid mobs buffed(x2), Pet nerfs, Need I go on? please .

    Red headed stepchild haha, yeah try again.
  3. EQ1999 Elder

    With my 12 toons, I didn't bother to remove auto-join general channels.

    There are many people logged in at any moment boxing 12-20+ toons.

    Let's say there is an average of 20 people logged in boxing 6 toons each, and that the remaining are all individual players.

    20*6 = 120 characters - 20 real people = 100 boxes.
    Leaving ~200 in general as individual players.
    These are conservative numbers.

    When you see 150 in CL, go look by the soulbinder or elsewhere for the groups of 10+ mages that look the same. That significantly lowers your actual player numbers because you know at least one third of the population if not more are boxers.

    If you raid - and judging by your affiliation with Apok you do not - you would know that the raiding player--base has declined significantly. These are likely the players who will come back after Velious opens.

    I really hope there are enough casuals playing until Velious to keep anyone joining the server from quitting or keeping other casuals from quitting. Anyone saying the server hasn't seen a steep decline did not start on day one.
  4. Zublak Augur

    My opinion on both servers is this; Ragefire 3 Months then vote for next unlock - Lockjaw 6 Months, but have a vote at the 3 Month mark to see if people are ready to move on. So the vote would look like...

    Ragefire: Do you want to unlock "insert expac here" now?
    Do you want to re-vote after 30 days? (Yes this would mean you're at 3 months now into the expac, you want to extend said expac by another 30 days and then re-vote every 30 days till it passes)

    Lockjaw: Do you want to unlock "insert expac here" now? (This is at the 3 month mark)
    Do you want to unlock "insert expac here" at the current 6 month schedule?

    This would simplify it and hopefully simmer down the arguments. Each server would have a chance to unlock content earlier if that's what the majority wants. Ragefire would be set on a 3 month timer up to GoD and then 6 weeks after. Lockjaw could remain the longer lockout server set at 6 months, but would have a vote after 3 months to see if people are happy to stay on track for 6 months or if people are ready to move onto the next expac.
  5. Poydras Augur

    Almost every single server in the history of online gaming has seen a steep decline since day one. There's kind of a confirmation bias problem here.

    Otherwise your post states the obvious realities and assumptions built into this and every other progression server with a timelock: Hardcores consume the content too fast for everyone else. Well yeah...

    Everyone.....keep telling yourself (and others) how YOU would have worded the vote.....maybe of you say it long enough and loud enough you will start to believe it is a real vote!

    The Vote.....has been taken....your fate.....has been decided. Deal with it!
    Dojii and Kragin like this.
  7. frankie78227 Augur

    LoL, still no revote? Good job DBG for not giving in.
  8. Grandma Elder

    6 months won 3 times in a row a revote would just make it 4 .
  9. Weverley Augur

    They have excluded tlp so much that live was close to a revolt because they were saying tlp have a problem devs fix it right away we ask for something on live and we get ignore and wait and wait for a resolution. Now that daybreak work on a new xpac and u come saying they never listen to what we say. Thats a ton of BS.
  10. Krizem Augur

    I think TLP helped live. I got a bit bored sitting around in Hate myself after a few weeks and dusted off some old characters. Then I rolled some new ones and tried out some expansions I never did before. Maybe I'll finish SoD even. Its too easy and not many want to do old stuff, but it turns out I'm enjoying my full all access membership in a way I didn't think I would. I know a few others are too. I expect I'll stay subbed even if progression implodes.
  11. Steampunk Augur

    Perhaps level 60 raiders are not quite as vital to the "Heath" of our server as you seem to think.
  12. Steampunk Augur

    You have to excuse Skipper. He still believes that if he keeps repeating the same tired old drivel over and over, somebody somewhere will actually care.
  13. EQ1999 Elder

    No, historically servers did not see this level of population fall-off 3 months after opening. We are talking about 3 months, not 3 years. If you can't understand the difference then I don't know what else to say.
  14. Poydras Augur

    Yes they did. I'm not talking about three years. I remember when Kunark launched the first time. If you logged off you couldn't get back on. Newbie zones were mobbed. I remember the same thing on Stromm and FV.

    Why do you think they were so reluctant (both of the last two times) to open a second server? They knew the population would drop because that's how it goes. Three months is absolutely nothing like launch. It is absurd to compare the two populations. It's also silly to suggest the current population is anything like the three year point.
  15. DryalRmog Augur

    ~137 days of content left, even if your level 40 at this point thats what? 90ish days content for you max?

    No new news, How many will xcl this week?

    Fallout 4 and Starcraft2 exp pack out. Some will xcl and go to live in a few weeks for new content, each week pass dong same old content, more and more will xcl.

    People will leave for no bot server as well.

    Going to be a cold winter for TLP rage fire.

    Might have to change server name to rage not so on fire...
  16. EQ1999 Elder

    Since you said: "Every single server in the history of gaming." I didn't really know we were going to narrow that down to only the other TLPs. I assumed you were including 1999-2000 servers in that slightly broad category.
  17. Machen New Member

    I have no dog in this fight, but if you don't narrow it down to the TLP's, it's impossible to make an argument one way or another. No one had the means to even estimate server population back in 1999-2001--except for Verant/SoE, but they never gave those numbers out on a per server basis. Any argument about what the population was like on a 3 month old live server fifteen years ago is purely anecdotal.
  18. Darth Augur

    In the early days, the server population was listed on the server select screen. So much for people's claims of being there in 1999.
    Finley and taliefer like this.
  19. Poydras Augur

    I did. The servers referred to in my first paragraph were not progression servers.

    What are you arguing exactly anyway? Are you saying that they should now launch expansions every couple months because back in 1999-2003 when they launched them annually the population stayed higher or something?
  20. Tris Augur

    As official spokesperson for the casuals, i can testify that casuals are ultra bored with the vote results. Personally i am starting to doubt i have the patience to go through the ongoing Kunark Marathon.