Come over to Zek

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sintikx, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Yeah i know. And i feel with you.
    It's happened with every PvP game i've played, so sad.
    Some players gank others and wonder that after a while, sometimes sooner, sometimes not so soon, find they are all alone and have noone to gank anymore. How can that happen, i wonder?

    I play on a blue server by a very conscious choice. sorry.
  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Everyone gets their own choice of what they like to do in game. I define “fun” in EverQuest as playing it in a variety of ways, including things like moloing, grouping, raiding, tradeskilling, and generally progressing my toons. None of that would be even remotely improved by playing on Zek - in fact quite the opposite, it would make doing a lot of those things much worse.

    Enjoy the game however you like, but (unless you’re joking/trolling) making hilariously disingenuous statements like “come to the PvP server, and if you don’t want to PvP, just do /who all every 6 seconds and gate if you see anyone” is comical at best. For the vast majority of us, we’re good with our normal servers.

    GL on your recruiting though, New Members of Zek. Your dedication to a niche style in a niche game is unwavering!
    EnchFWO likes this.
  3. zulla2 New Member

    Not quite. Those are pointers for people who want a greater challenge. They're not meant to persuade those who wish for the path of lease resistance. That is what the blue servers are for; a more persistently relaxed experience.
  4. Kierrah New Member

    Thats where the fun is.. OMG :p
    sintikx likes this.
  5. Cicelee Augur

    The first 44 posts, 29 of them are made by players with New Member under their name.

    I just saying...
    IblisTheMage and EnchFWO like this.
  6. sintikx New Member

    I've been playing since 2000 for the record
  7. LorthorSZ New Member

    Two Questions:
    1. Have they done away with hackers (/warp to player x) cause 6sec /who isn't quick enough to stop this? I finally gave up because of this and #2
    2. Has it been balanced out so players can't set up 1 or 2 hot buttons for insta kills? love the parses /general player X in 1 sec...(even with raid geared toons at the time)
  8. Kierrah New Member

    LOL! Poor lil kitty cat can't hang on zek :(
  9. Kierrah New Member

    Ive been playing since 2000--- are you afraid people will find zek more fun than where you are Cicelee? ~ js
    sintikx likes this.
  10. sintikx New Member

    1 or 2 button kills are still there but so many ways to stop from being rounded
    Kierrah likes this.
  11. zulla2 New Member

    I share in the opinion that all of those things are fun. However, I would venture to guess there are some who would like more of a challenge than basic AI can provide. PvP can provide that challenge.
    Beckoning to those who may yet still have that desire is not "disingenuous" at all. Sintikx is reaching out to those who may yet have that desire but it seems that the ones who have the least interest and most negativity are quickest to respond.
    And to those that are attempting to use the argument of authority; that is, if you don't have the title then your observations are somehow lesser. That's a historically and demonstrably weak argument.
    Kierrah and sintikx like this.
  12. Kierrah New Member

    Anyone gonna come over and give it a try? Support everquest PVP!
    sintikx likes this.
  13. Kierrah New Member

    For the most part I have seen "hacking" of sorts on every server. I believe its paid attention to alot recently. I have never used any kind of hacking for anything and I still stand and pvp like a boss. Feels even more gangsta when you kill some sob trying to cheat. LETS PLAY!
    sintikx likes this.
  14. sintikx New Member

    Yea dawg, what Kierrah said
    Kierrah likes this.
  15. Kierrah New Member

    :cool: Buncha scared lil boys :oops:
    sintikx likes this.
  16. Kierrah New Member

  17. Derka Power Ranger

    Any fun Timeshear stories to share?
  18. Tweak Journeyman

    It would be nice to see Zek recover..that being said I don't see it happening witht he current player base on the server. There are currently about 5 people on the entire server who look for pvp and only half of those actively play anymore.

    The biggest problems on Zek atm are the actual players who play on Zek. The
    "crowd" on Zek mostly consist of people who think everyone is either A. a spy or B. a hacker. This attitude is reflected in gen chat constantly and has a negative affect on guilds retaining members as well as the server retaining new players. This lack of trust and communication between players has led to most guilds collapsing and their players going blue. It has also led to guild hopping which has just made matters more unstable.

    That being said. Zek can be a fun place to play. The journey can be tough but is satisfying to overcome. Once you do establish solid friendships they will carry on for years and the amount of loyalty you will find on Zek is pretty amazing. This is probably due to the mutual struggle of coming up on Zek and making a name for yourself. The xp rate is also great and with so much of the server being long time players its not hard to find someone who is bored and willing to help you PL a little.

    If any of you are thinking about trying Zek out..
    you should contact Kierrah or myself and we will give you an intro the wonderful life of Zek. All I can really say is the struggle is real but I have loved playing on Zek more than anywhere else..maybe you will too.

    Kierrah and sintikx like this.
  19. zulla2 New Member

    All true.
    Kierrah and sintikx like this.
  20. MoveFastRZ Bloodsaber

    Lots of hacking on Zek, including by people who are claiming to wear a white hat in this very thread.

    Lots of getting 1-rounded, too. So many ways to avoid it? Basically DA, that's all, and 99 percent of gitting gud in EQ PvP these days is developing a sixth sense about when to pop it.