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Fixed Internally chat channels, friends list still missing

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Scila, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. dreamweaver Community Manager

    The Povar issue was similar to the Phinny one and should now be fixed.
    Immortalus and Rondor like this.
  2. dreamweaver Community Manager

    Make sure to full log out and back in before checking.
  3. Narye Augur

    I guess thats better than nothing, but.. I miss my channels..
    Elyssanda likes this.
  4. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    I played an alt on another server tonight just to make it easier to talk with friends.. I hope they resolve this by patch day...
  5. Narye Augur

    On my petition I was told it is fixed, I logged in, just to try it - and no.. it's not
  6. Saimhann New Member

  7. Kaosmos Lorekeeper

    Ditto, still not working
  8. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    a month+ and counting without talking to soo many friends..
    This is NOT The time to put us in EQ Isolation!
    Zunnoab likes this.
  9. Soulbanshee Augur

    Give Ely her serverwide eqtraders stat! She's in withdrawal!
    Aanuvane, Nennius and Elyssanda like this.
  10. Narye Augur

    C'mon guys, I am stuck at home - I work from home already, but I am high risk, talking to people ..who are not employees I'd like to attach duct tape to, is all I have..
    Elyssanda likes this.
  11. Marton Augur

    Channels still don't work for me.
  12. Kaosmos Lorekeeper

    Still not working after patch today
  13. Narye Augur

    same - not working
  14. Immortalus Lorekeeper

    Still an issue for me on Mangler. It has been going on since the previous patch. After I zone I have chat channels for about 1 minute and then the Universal Chat Server is temporarily unavailable message pops up and nothing works until I zone or camp. Sometimes it doesn't even work after zoning.

    Sent in a petition 10 days ago but never got a response.
  15. Kellan Journeyman

    Drinal still broken all this time. Can't talk to Ely in the multiple serverwide channels we frequent!
    Elyssanda likes this.
  16. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    but we have Beta dear..
  17. Elyssanda Bardbrain

  18. Bolfo New Member

    To narrow down the solution, I had the problem of Universal chat channel disconnect only after I got a new router, is this a coincidence? Maybe the people with the problem should tell us their router models.
    For me it is an AVM Fritzbox 6591cable (old where everything was ok the 6490 cable). The change was necessary because of a technical change in the transmission (from Docsis3.0 to 3.1), and I never had to specify a TCP/UDP in the router before. Since it is already the 3 model in the series, always changed to the newer model, never had a problem... yes up to this model and now the fight begins, router manufacturer - internet provider - Daybreak - who or where is responsible for the problem. Without a chat channel raiding is only partly fun.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  19. Scila Augur

    Not a router, PC, ISP. How do I know? For me at least, it was 1 toon on 1 account. I logged that account on 3 different comps with the same result. All other toons had channels running with no problems. Nothing changed on my set up and the comps are all different. The petition reply indicated it was a known issue and was resolved on my 1 toon with nothing further done. Now, do I log into cross server channels, no. Just the normal general, class, etc. channels which were restored. So I hesitate to say everybody needs to list their router.
  20. Tegila Augur

    this is either happening again or still..but i never had teh issue until today and its on all 4 computers on all 4 accounts
    Rondor and Xeladom like this.