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Fixed Internally chat channels, friends list still missing

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Scila, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Sym, one of my guildees is having the same problem.. poofing regular chat channels. which makes it hard to use channels for raiding.
  2. Zunnoab Augur

    I think this just happened to me unfortunately within a few minutes of logging on tonight. One of my channels disappeared. (It was the last one in the list.)
  3. Marton Augur

    Attempted to join EQ Resource and got message 'Player Marton not found on channel server'.

    Logged off, tried again. Same message.
    Rondor likes this.
  4. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Marton are you using the command /join serverwide.eqresource:eqresource ?
  5. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    It's been another week, friends are still losing their normal chat channels on zoning, SOMETIMES... it's not consistent.
  6. Rondor Augur

    This happened to me a few times as well on my character povar.Rondor , and to another player on my server too. Once in a while, after being online and swapping characters, I would get that same message and fail to join eqresource, but MOST of the time it worked totally fine:

    On server povar, this is the message I have seen after autojoin failed and also manual joins for: /join serverwide.eqresource:eqresource

    [Sun Dec 13 19:18:16 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Sat Dec 19 22:45:32 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Sat Dec 19 22:46:30 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Sat Dec 19 22:51:13 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Mon Dec 21 23:45:18 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    [Tue Dec 22 22:46:01 2020] Player Rondor not found on channel server
    The time zone for the above log is UTC-5, EST5EDT.

    To fix it, it seemed to just get fixed naturally on its own. Once or twice, doing a force-logout with /ex and wait for the character to leave world naturally after a few minutes (do not do a force-kick from server-select), then complete the login, seemed to work too. This was the suggestion from player povar.Cenasten to whom this happened randomly also, when trying to join channel serverwide.eqresource.

    Also one time this week my character successfully joined the channel, after seeing the "player not found on channel server" message. But saw NO messages in the serverwide.eqresouce channel after a few minutes, despite being in the channel, but saw other local-to-server uchat messages work, while another character I had logged in at the same time was able to see new messages on serverwide.eqresource.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  7. Malbro Augur

    Last night on Luclin, my channels were poofing after about 10 minutes of zoning from lobby to the guildhall and back to the lobby.

    Zoned to the guildhall and they stayed around until just at the end of the TOFS raid then went poof again.

    This has been going on since the supposed maintenance on the chat servers 3 or 4 months ago.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  8. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    it's still an intermittent problem for some, losing them on zoning. Not for me, but for some guildees.
  9. Malbro Augur

    Yep, still happening to me. Last raid night, I was on the wait list and had to zone 3 times before it remained stable.
  10. Febb Augur

    One of my accounts can't join serverwides. However my 2 other accounts can.
    Rondor and Elyssanda like this.
  11. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    For me, the serverwides work, finally, for two weeks or so now. I just waited if it's something temporary or if they're fixed.

    I used to be some sort of admin or moderator for 'serverwide.thering', marked with a "@" (if I remember correct). I don't have this mark anymore; how can I test if I still have privileges?
  12. Ratalthor Developer

    The original issue with connecting to chat channels and friends lists going missing should be fixed, so I am marking this thread as Fixed. Please create a new thread and contact us with any other specific issue you may encounter.
  13. Ketzerei84 Elder

    Yes, this issue is still existent - for me it's chat channels off my own server. I can join a serverwide or other server channel ONCE on a NEW character ONLY and after that...

    /join serverwide.sk:sk
    displays the channel information as if connected
    immediately states 'invalid server name or server not found'(this is always amusing when it says I'm on a server with over 30 people for a split second)
    /list shows me NOT connected to the serverwide channel.
    If I create a new character I can join a channel, but immediately upon logging out and logging back in my ability to join any channel besides 'general chat channels' is broken.