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Fixed Internally chat channels, friends list still missing

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Scila, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. CatsPaws Augur

    I totally agree and have tried to tell people this in the past. I see issues come up right after windows updates or anti virus updates but no one ever checks those - they just blame EQ!
  2. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    well, when both update at the same time...

    And some of us are not savvy enough to do rollbacks and what have you. we need EQ to catch up to the changes IF it's not the basis of them..
    Duality likes this.
  3. xcitng Augur

    3 chars lost gen chat and friends list ... /list shows only 223 in gen chat ... this just happened
  4. xcitng Augur

    make that 4 chars
  5. xcitng Augur

    do i need to petition this to get chat & friends list back?
  6. xcitng Augur

    ok, logging out and back worked
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The chat channels are handled by a separate server than the one which the game itself is ran on; so it is possible to lose connection to the chat channel server for a period of time without getting kicked from the game. You won't be able to rejoin the chat channels after you regain connection to the chat server until either you camp & log back in, as you did, or zone. After either of those, you will be readded to the chat rooms.

    The Friend's List is not kept locally on the client side any more (they migrated it to the chat channel server 10 or so years ago I want to say). So if the chat channels are down your friend list will not populate. Similarly, when the chat channel server is down you will also not be able to do /who requests (or at least some of them).

    These are unrelated to the issue with serverwide chat channels.
  8. Bigstomp Augur

    My device that handles NAT has not been updated.
  9. xcitng Augur

    after the patch gen chat & friends list were not working on my one char and i had to petition to get them back ... logging out did not work ... they did fix it for me after about a week or so
  10. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    just to be clear, I have all local chat channels and my friends list.. all I am missing is the serverwide chat channels.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. Angahran Augur

    Are serverwide chat channels ever going to get fixed ? :(
  12. Narye Augur

    I have tried everything suggested, plus opening ports I never knew I had.. and still I lose channels 2 to 3 minutes after I join.. please HELP!
  13. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    it's been almost a month, and we've had the *IN PROGRESS* tag for nearly 3 weeks, any update? give us info please! communication that it IS being worked on, even if you say you haven't found the cause (other than the last update) would give us SOMETHING..
  14. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    I just got back my cross server friends the other day. It had been a few MONTHS without them.

    Today, I lost ALL the friends on the friends list, and all channels as well.

    I'd prefer to have all the things back, but I'll sacrifice my cross server friends being on the list if I can at least have my channels back. I can always make a hotkey sending a tell to them to see if they're on.

    I tried logging and reloading. Tried verifying files. Tried just zoning. No joy.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Rondor like this.
  15. Kaosmos Lorekeeper

    I petitioned about this, thought from some in this thread that might be the right move. I got this in reply, seems like a generic reply, but i did it anyways. I deleted everything that it shows, did not help with problem, just lost all my settings, back as new char ui etc.

    So again, I still have no channels and friends list, also it seems as if i cant receive in game mail.

    Here is the email i received, i cannot recommend this to anyone if they get same advice, did nothing for me except make me reset up UI and hotkeys etc.

    Your request (897398) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.

    Game Master (Daybreak Games)
    Oct 10, 2020, 10:33 AM PDT
    Greetings Adventurer,

    It appears you may be suffering from a client-sided UI issue. Please use the following directions to attempt and resolve any issues you are having (including corrupt directory files):

    You may want to make backups and then delete the following files:
    (Please know that these backups are necessary to help restore any custom UI settings)


    Also, back up the character configuration files by following these instructions:

    <CharacterName><ServerName>.ini (example jack_bristlebane.ini)
    <CharacterName>_<ServerName>.ini (example ui_jack_bristlebane.ini)

    One or more of those files may be corrupt, causing these issues.

    If deleting these files does not resolve your issue, you can restore your backed up files and folders and retain your hotkeys, contact lists, and display settings.

    If you need further assistance, please let us know.

    Game Master Serl
    Daybreak Game Company, LLC
  16. Angahran Augur

    That nonsense is like Microsoft's 'default' solution to everything of simply format your harddrive and reinstall everything and hope that fixes your problem.
  17. Karhar Dream Crusher

    So old friends lists of those ive deleted are showing back up, but all of my phinigel friends are gone, all of my rizlona friends are gone.
    Rondor likes this.
  18. Rondor Augur

    On the Povar server today I can no longer join any chat channels or see a friends list or e-mail list, on various characters on 3 accounts. Everything was working well for weeks even a few hours ago, until I tried logging in a few minutes ago.

    I then tried swapping to a few other servers via /camp server, on some of these accounts, and channels and friends worked fine on these servers: Xegony, Firiona Vie.

    Perhaps the problem is rotating among servers?

    -- Note, other people on the Povar server report the same problem now, where uchat was working for them fine earlier but now it is not.
    Winnowyl likes this.
  19. Rondor Augur

    The following is in relation to the new Povar chat problem that started today:

    I found that on characters who don't have any autojoin setup, they can use the ;tell command [semi-colon tell] for one-on-one uchat messages to other people on the same server while on povar and this sort of works. But if a character is in the middle of trying to autojoin channels their ;tell will not get through.

    Also a new Phinigel chat down thread was posted here today, similar issue perhaps as Povar server:

  20. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Ok. I am impatient at times, I know this. But as it's been nearly a month, I sent a PM to a redname here on the boards and got the following response regarding this issue: