Account to Account Character Transfer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Belkar_OotS, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And if the data is on a different server that has security rules restricting what can access it? You don't know what limitations are in place that could be making this more difficult.
    charla likes this.
  2. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Only reason I have my 2nd account was I was able to transfer him to another account once upon a time. It was a hassle. Had to buy server transfer on the character then petition. If I recall.
  3. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I 3-boxed ENC, CLR, MAG. I made SK on my CLR account and now I am regretting it. I would be interested in an Acct2Acct to get my SK onto a 4th account, which would be not only the move but a new expansion and new subscription sale for a 4th box.
    Zunnoab likes this.
  4. demi Augur

    100 heroics coming next week and bonus xp on the 11th of October .. get a new account make a new SK buy 100 heroic and lvl him up thru bonus xp week . can get him to 120 in few days .. EPICS are super easy todo now even the SK one ..
    Hobitses, CatsPaws and code-zero like this.
  5. cadres Augur

    That doesn't work for most of us, for many reasons - for eg, I'm very attached to the name of my chars, a replacement wouldn't have the same names; I'm very attached to the numerous clickies and specials obtained over 20+ years of playing, many no longer available; I really don't want to start again with all the quests, tradesklills etc etc (and having 150 doesn't go anywhere near the pain of getting everything to 350)
  6. demi Augur

    I was replying to Vumad who I assumed just made or recently made an SK .. yes someone who has 20+ years on a toon I would not suggest making a new toon ..

    It does not take a ton of time to get most items now or to raise TS's at least to 320's .. yes rare items would be near impossible to replace or impossible ..

    Also ive deleted toons with names I like from one account and went to another account and made a toon with exactly the same name ( been awhile ) but the system does let you keep your name .. maybe it knows my accounts are the same person due to IP address or that the launcher or EQ game is Key'd to your machine and EQ knows this .. not sure .. so it is / was possible to keep a name you liked ..
  7. 0rion New Member

    I have said this before about this topic as well. They will N E V E R bring this back. The reason they stopped offering this was to prevent fraud. They will never bring it back, because MOST of the people who want this service, want it to fraud people.

    Buyer and Seller. Seller has a maxed out 120 with max AAs and raid gear. Buyer pays the Seller $____ for the character. Buyer whines about how he wants to play his character on a separate account. Buyer moves his new max character from Seller's old account to one of Buyer's accounts. Then, after Seller's character is on Buyer's account, Buyer reverses the transaction and gets his money back from Seller. Seller is outraged that he did a legit sale and then Buyer screwed him by taking his money back. Seller reports his account has been stolen by Buyer. SOE/DPG/DBG/whoever-it-is-now then resets Seller's account password. Seller logs on to see that his L120/max AA/raid gear character is now gone. He complains to SOE/DPG/DBG/whoever-it-is-now and they tell them that "he" moved his character off of that account.

    The end result.

    Buyer has Seller's character on one of Buyer's accounts. Buyer has only spent the $25 or $50 on moving "his" character. Buyer gets the money back from Seller. Seller now has an empty account and Buyer has a new great character. Seller has no money to show for his sale. Buyer has a new high level/max AA/raid geared character to show for his SCAM.

    Yes, kids, we know that character sales are against EULA and you could argue that Seller "had it coming" for breaking that rule. But consider that buying and selling are BOTH against EULA, meaning that Buyer broke that rule, too, but Buyer gets that character and got his money back and probably zero punishment either for working a SCAM.

    TLDR: moving a character from one account to another enables people to work scams and do fraud. With that as the underlying reason, they will N E V E R bring this feature back. Honestly, anyone who keeps begging and whining for this feature to come back? Probably just misses doing this scam and now they don't have a way to get "free" high level STOLEN characters.
    code-zero likes this.
  8. code-zero Augur

    So rename the old character then that name will be freed up for use with the shiny new Heroic 100 that you'll be raising up, or maybe rename the cleric and start new on another account.

    Honestly the name thing is the weakest excuse imaginable

    The clickies and all may be valid but overall you're making it sound like you have a pair of server top 10 characters that you've played equally for 20 years and that's not tracking for me
    CatsPaws likes this.
  9. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yes, you have a set amount of time from when you delete your "favorite name" character and then create the new one and name it that.

    The actual amount of time is based on the fact if anyone else squeaks in there before you get your new blank created and set that name on it.

    So if you wait a week then you might lose it, but if you delete then create within a few minutes you can get it back.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    I transferred servers several times in the past two decades plus, always keeping my original name I have had since 2000. Went to my current server, this time name was already taken. I was mad and angry because I, too, was attached to the name.

    That anger lasted about a couple days. Even thought about transferring back just to keep my name. Then I realized, it really is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I have a different spelling, same pronunciation. I moved on. I got over it. Others can too.

    It comes down to your priority. Would you rather do things in game? Or sit in guild hall with a name?
    code-zero likes this.
  11. Vumad Cape Wearer

    My SK is actually 4 years old. She has 15 T1 ToL raid rots. 9000 purchased AA. Wurmslayer. I'm pretty invested in her. Although, she doesn't actually have her epic.

    The CLR is 20 years old. I didn't want to 4-box and I didn't want a 4th sub. However, I'm still playing the CLR from time to time when we need CLR on missions so I'm wishing I had just put her on a 4th and only played 3. I could either pay the $12/mo or let her go silver if I'm not using her.

    That's a lot of speculation There are plenty of boxers who level toons and various accounts and want to move them to change their boxing lineup. I myself would be in that category.

    And even if you are correct, it's easy to prevent. For example...
    Simply require all Acct2Acct transfers to be All Access and Subscribed with a credit card. All transfers must be completed between 2 accounts with matching billing information.
    All transfers include an e-mail validation in the same way as a password recovery works. Stealing a toon would require hacking the account, hacking the e-mail and altering payment sources to match.
    Stymie and Zunnoab like this.
  12. Vumad Cape Wearer

    One issue other than fraud is probably Heirloom and heirloom type items (such as Overseer ACH). No trade items are character bound. Heirloom is account bound. Players could move a character with an heirloom item as a way of moving that heirloom item to another account. There's also the issue of, if heirloom can't be on the character when moved, and that item comes from something non-repeatable like an ACH, a move would prevent that character from ever having that item. Moving a character to move an heirloom item is in a way an exploit.
  13. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    What really would be the harm in moving a heirloom item to another account you own?
    cadres and Stymie like this.
  14. Zunnoab Augur

    Not to mention that wasn't suddenly a problem and moving characters cost money anyway.

    I know several people that would love to move characters to other accounts. I'd have been extremely upset if they made the change before my cleric got his own, but I did it a few months or years before the change.

    The situation really stinks for people that weren't able to do it before they stopped.
    Stymie likes this.
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I personally see no harm. I was simply replying to my own post about how I didn't think fraud was a good excuse not to offer the service, and offered some example that might have some basis in reason. I think there are some valid things that need to be considered with transfers but no I don't think heirloom is a reason to prevent them.
  16. cadres Augur

    I know a *lot* of ppl who want this - none are scammers
    I know a *few* who would pay serious cash for this - add a zero to the numbers you mention

    I would like this because I started out with 1 account and now have 3 x 20 yr old chars that I can't play together, and would like to. Nothing nefarious about it. Most of the folk I know who want this facility are in a similar situation.

    Much of the problem you illustrate could be avoided by some simple rules - eg both accounts must have been paid for with the same credit card for x many years and/or must be paid upfront for the next x many years with the same credit card
    Yes there will always be scammers, but the fact that this comes up every few months suggests it must be worth serious consideration
  17. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    I guess there is an interview of J Chan done 2 years ago where the interviewer asks if there is any way account to account transfers would be brought back and she states no. Flat no. No reason is given.

    So we can speculate that it might be fraud, technical issues, staffing issues or what ever. Its all speculation - no facts. They never said why or why not it slowly petered out between Feb and August in 2017.

    Nothing changes the fact that she said no.

    However I have hope since we asked for years to be able to purchase items we missed from past expansions and they have brought out quite a few of those over the last year or so.

    If they do go that route I can guarantee it will be costly, just like those packs cost more than the original expansions. Perhaps over $100 each transfer.
  18. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    When it was still offered, you needed to have both accounts active with All Access for a minimum of 30 days prior to the move (which meant a minimum of 2 months subbed), and both accounts had to be subscribed by credit card with the same card on file and same billing info. I know this because in 2013 I was setting up to move my one character on a 3rd account to my primary account to consolidate down to 2 accounts vs three before life got busy and I ran out of time to play and subsequently cancelled the 3rd account again (no other characters on it in any other game at that time).

    I had three accounts because in the 2000s the server I play on, FV, was one character per account and I wanted to make a new character to play with my, then, new boyfriend that I was getting into the game and I didn't want to delete my other characters to do so (my 2nd account was to have a wizard to transport my ranger on my original account *laugh*). I'm still with that boyfriend and he's still playing EQ2 while I play EQ again *laugh*
    Stymie and Vumad like this.
  19. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    why is it so hard for them to do account to account transfers? i did one many years ago and i would do one now if i could.
    Stymie likes this.
  20. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Guessing no one is allowed direct manual database access anymore; a dev would have to write a script which would have to be cleared by QA to do it. You can't check if billing information matches because all billing information is restricted (Like you can't even see time left in the UI anymore)

    So you'd need a script to run on the billing server that given two account IDs only confirms they match without leaking any other data. And another script the run on the game database to move the character.
    Rijacki and Vumad like this.