Account to Account Character Transfer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Belkar_OotS, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Belkar_OotS Augur

    I know it isn't currently offered as a service. Forums discussions indicate there are technical issues preventing it.

    We all know that money is a very strong motivator for finding solutions and funding said solutions.

    I wanted to demonstrate to the powers that be, that there is enough demand to elevate the priority for the service by starting a thread where people can indicate how many characters they would plan to transfer and how many accounts it would impact, along with a cost that they would consider as a reasonable expense.

    I would transfer at least 4 characters (up to about 8 on the high side).
    It would involve between 4 and 5 accounts.
    I would consider around $50 for a transfer reasonable.

    Subdata in case any powers that be would care.
    I am gold on all the accounts in question and plan to keep them that way indefinitely at this point. The transfer would not increase or decrease the number of accounts or their status. I technically am not the original owner of all the accounts (my brother has 2 which i have since kept up, and he technically started one for me on my behalf when I first started to play, I also took over another friends account when they quit playing). I think I have all the requisite security information though or could obtain it. I've controlled all the accounts for the last 10 years roughly.
    Leerah, Fenthen and Mesil like this.
  2. Mintalie Augur

    I waited over a year and finally just made a new account, bought a heroic character, and leveled her.

    So zero transfers for me, but would have been one and I'd have paid even $100 to do it.

    C'est la vie.
  3. demoria7 Elder

    I have 2 I need to move to other accounts (I have 6 accounts).... makes no sense we could do it in the past and suddenly cant. Needs to be fixed. At $25 per pop the company is making money back for the time the programmer had to spend. I know of at least 7 or 8 folks in my guild alone who have been wanting to move toons.
  4. Jondalar Augur

    3 accounts and probably 3 character transfers. Not sure I understand the technical issue aspect given the service was offered in the past successfully.
    Meezdya and Leerah like this.
  5. Allayna Augur

    I keep 6 accounts active, 1 is lifetime subscription. Intermittently gold a 7th.

    I would easily transfer 5-6 toons, either redistributed among the 6 gold or to the silver and would make it a 7th gold.

    If the option was permanently available I’d pay $50 per, less if they try to do a cash grab and make it a limited time option.
  6. SunDrake Augur

    I'm not sure another thread on the topic is going to get it done, but:

    I have 3 accounts. 2 are monthly subs, and the other I just burn Krono on. I would utilize a transfer service on 2 characters, but the potential to do so at any point would likely result in another couple uses.
  7. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    I got about 10 characters I'd like to move; I got an account full of 14 slots of max level characters with Recruit-a-friend bonus I'd like to split between my other accounts; and transfer the characters I like, but are too low level to the RAF account.

    I'd *also* like a way to buy the 15th and 16th slots, so I can have one of each class and/or race on each account.
    demi and Leerah like this.
  8. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    At all points in the past Account to Account transfers have had to be done manually. There were a significant number of staffing cuts before the service was put on hiatus. The most likely reason is simply that the people who knew how to do these transfers, without causing serious issue for the characters and the accounts, no longer work at Daybreak. And while there is obviously a not insignificant amount of money to be made by bringing the service back, the amount of time and resources needed to do it is likely too prohibitive to the development of the rest of the game.
  9. Belkar_OotS Augur

    I wish they would consider this, even as a once a month cash grab. Years with nothing has sucked for my poor toons I don't play because they share an account with my tank..
  10. Eq love New Member

    I always thought it would be easier to just allow people to pay 15 or a Krono to allow another toon or 3 if they pay to log in per account. Makes everything easier.
  11. Alarya Augur

    My subs would increase from 4 to 6+ and I would easily transfer 4 or more characters!
    Shardin likes this.
  12. random_pawn00 Journeyman

    Yes, this needs to be brought back. Makes absolutely no sense. For a lot of people, it would also mean subbing on another account...
    Shardin likes this.
  13. Sobmre Augur

    i think that, they just don't know how to do it right. why else turn down more cash.
  14. Zamiam Augur

    ^^ This is the only reason that makes sense as to why they don't offer the service anymore .. there is plenty demand for the service. Not having someone that can actually do it and do it right is the only reason I can see ..
    Shardin and Leerah like this.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    That and they have added so much extra stuff with would need to be on both accounts, keyrings, multi mercs, heros forge, etc.
    Shardin likes this.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is a good point, while some of those are character based some things not being enabled on the account you transfer to could be bad.
    Shardin likes this.
  17. Bigstomp Augur

    I would pay to adjust my toon layout. I don't want to make new toons.
    Shardin likes this.
  18. Froglok Augur

    I would do TWO transfers right away.
    Shardin and Leerah like this.
  19. oogey New Member

    Why is this no longer done? Seems bad customer service to me.
    Shardin and Fenthen like this.
  20. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    I saw in another thread DBG is hiring devs, fingers crossed.
    Shardin likes this.