What happened to the potion belt ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yinla, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    As a Mage, I rely on Clickable summoned nukes for a significant portion of my DPS and without the potion belt I cannot integrate those into my socials.

    My nuke clickies are 52k-62k base dmg per fight when grinding on the average mob out of a total 175-200k of nukes launched in a 20-25 second encounter. Losing that would be a 25% reduction in my spell DPS.

    Unless you want to fix Hotbuttons or revamp all my nukes to make up for the lost DPS, don't touch the potion belt.

    I also use it for Large mod rods and spell-mod rods, which I am completely reliant upon.

    You cannot design a class which is dependent on summon able clickies and then take away all functionality for using them.

    Mages are as reliant on clicking nukes from the potion belt as others are on the functionality of /alt activate xxxx for AAs.

    I feel like someone doesn't know what they're doing.
    I play 3 mages, so it'll be 3 subs lost and I'll be back to be going back to the game I played previously.
    Caell and Eanelder like this.
  2. elumxe Elder

    I wish I could just stay out of this one cause I really don’t like to step into the politics of game feature changes and in this case the removal of a perfectly fine UI feature, but I have to side with the players on this one... why was this removed?

    It just seems weird... and really... if someone has to use 11 hot bars doesn’t that mean Everquest has become too complicated to play?

    If there is a good reason for this change, I must say the better solution would have been to keep the belt, add the 11 hotbar and then remove the belt once it works exactly as the potion belt did and not until then.

    This is one of those times where it makes perfect sense to just roll back the changes before it goes live and chalk it up to “it didn’t do what we expected and more work will be needed before this one is ready for live”

    There is absolutely no shame in that, this is the very reason you guys push things to test first, try them out, hear what the players has to say about it and then decide if it makes sense to move forward pushing to live.
  3. Zamiam Augur

    you can still place said clickies in a hot bar and click them .. or you can set them in a macro to use them from inventory .. true you wont see the # of charges left but when your out it will say Not found but if you use them that often you should know which ones are Not found and just re-summon them and place them in inventory again.. not too difficult just alittle inconvenient..
    and I agree, I think the Dev's time could be spent doing other things than messing with something that is not broken ..
  4. Tornicade_IV Augur

    The issue here is that in order to work your socials in conjunction with your macro commands that require an activate item command. that item has to always be in the same slot.
    Potion belt is for consumable items meaning they move around in the inventory.

    Potion belt also remembers the item you had where as hotbar does not.

    Potion belt has a purpose and functionality that the Hotbars do not provide.

    whether its a little inconvenient or not. changes should be made to improve game experience not detract
  5. Lianeb Augur

    While I agree hotbars cannot be used in socials, they absolutely remember the item placed in them no matter the bag slot. They could probably fix the social usage by allowing item name verse bag slot. But who knows if they will do that or if they can.
  6. Zamiam Augur

    true if your using a social in conjuction with clicky's in a specific bag slot then yes they have to be put in same bag spot all the time..

    but if your just holding down the left mouse button and poping a hot button out to place in a hotbar all you have to do is drop the item in your inventory anywhere you do not have to place it in a specific bag slot and the next time you summon one and drop it in inventory it will appear on same hot button..

    like i said its an inconvenience , but nothing that is OMG my world is falling apart.. plus you get 115 extra spots for more hotkeys ..

    I do wish they would show the charges and potions stacked to 1000 now ..
  7. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    What is the command to type into a social to activate a clicky via Hotbutton ?

    Understand I have 5 summonable items which are integral to my class. I use a Summonable clicky Once every 6 seconds in a fight, and the largest has just 10 charges, most have 1-3 charges.

    I have to summon a new clicky almost once per minute, across all 3 characters.

    What would seem like a slight inconvenience to some is a large inconvenience to mages since we rely on summoned expendables to do our job. now take that inconvenience and multiply it X3, because I 3-box. At a certain point the inconvience makes using the item untenable, at which point it's useless and is a defacto Nerf.

    Imagine if you had to summon an item to use one of your best AAs that you use Twice every fight, and it had just 3-5 charges. Then you have to summon another and make sure it's in the right bag slot... Except you have multiple items like that, which become depleted at different intervals, you'd have to keep your bag open all the time to make sure they don't auto-inventory into the wrong slot. Then imagine doing that on 3 characters at once, who are not always in sync with # of charges left, as mobs die after 1 char strikes the clicky, but before 1 or 2 other characters do. Now you have to check the inventory of all 3 characters nearly every fight to make sure you are both) not out of charges, ) and something hasn't inventoried into the wrong slot.

    Yeah I'm not going to be playing anymore if they do this, it would not be enjoyable at all, might as well rename this BackpackQuest, I'll spend half my playtime organizing my inventory.
  8. Zamiam Augur

    my social macro for my clicky pets i use .. is as follows

    /timer 1800
    /pause 25,/useitem 32 20
    /pause 25,/useitem 32 21
    /pause 25,/useitem 32 19

    it casts each item in sequence after just hitting macro once then a timer counts down so i can see when its ready to reuse ..

    here is a post on how the useitem and all their corresponding numbers .. very useful


    hope this helps ..
  9. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    Imagine as a melee character if your weapons wore out after nearly every fight and you had to resummon them ( which takes time ) and then make sure they're also in the correct inventory slot, then you have FIVE weapons. And you play 3 of these characters at once.

    No thanks.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  10. Zamiam Augur

    I box also between 3 to 5 toons 2 of which are mages..
    you make it sound like with the potion belt you dont have to re-summon your clickies .. all you have to do is take a few extra steps to set up the social macro with your clickies on them ..
    yes is it a hassle , i agree .. is it worth saying its not worth it and give up the game over a minor inconvenience well maybe it is for you ..
    if your a true boxer i would think you'd be up for the challenge ..
    I wish you well and GL on your adventures wherever they made lead you
  11. Zalamyr Augur

    In order for those socials to work though, the clickies need to stay in the same slot all the time. That's not a problem for perma items. It's fairly problematic for items that run out though. Unless I'm missing something.

    It's not the end of the world, but what's the upside of them removing it? It's not hurting anything remaining in the game.
  12. Jetslam Augur

    Do you click the current social that casts them, or are they keybound?

    If you click the social, then put the hotkey that casts the clicky next to it and take the extra .25s to click two buttons instead of 1.

    If you have the social keybound, then keybind whatever hotbar slot to the same social so they both fire when you hit the bind.

    Removing the potion belt shouldn't be done, but don't make it seem like the slight inconvenience in this one area is going to make you cancel your accounts.
  13. Kolani Augur

    You're incorrect. Go in game and try it.
  14. Lianeb Augur

    Your Hotbars are broken or you are using a messed up custom UI piece.

    Because it works on mine. I even put the item in the bank and zoned. Then randomly put it into 6 different slots in inventory. The hotbar button remained that of the item, except when it was in the bank it said "Not Found"
  15. Millianna Augur

    No one needs an 11th hotbar. What we do need is the functionality (including socials) of the potion belt.
  16. Angahran Augur

    Unfortunately there are no EQTYPEs in the potion belt window so it won't be possible to incorporate it into any other windows.
  17. Cicelee Augur

    If you depend on zummonable clickies to be successful, then I do not know what to tell you. I can kill mobs without the use of both mod rods, firebound orb, and whatever else you think are must haves for zummonable clickie.

    I do not like the potion bar being taken away. But goodness to say that our class depends on it is quite laughable...
  18. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    Possibly the dumbest thing you've ever said Cic... You constantly berate people for showing Mage videos because you're afraid of a nerf, and now you're saying you don't think Firebound orbs are essential? They're absolutely essential and your DPS would take a huge hit without that Instant-click to fire off between refresh.

    You're making no sense at all today, if you wanna argue that no one should use socials or boxing is cheating, that's your opinion. But your statement as written makes you sound like a Noob.

    There are other uses for orbs which supersede their damage, too, but if you can't even appreciate Base damage during refresh I'm not going to enlighten you so you can tell the world about other things "that we also don't need".

    The inability to easily organize and utilize clickies absolutely is essential to Mages, if you don't think it is, youre not a very good one.

    Pls don't try an advocate for our class if you don't know what you're talking about.
  19. mewop New Member

    Don't worry guys, the potion belt will be back. You'll see it as a new feature in a few months. You can have it for 3000 DB points. :)
  20. Eanelder Augur

    I have to agree here. If your going to be superstar in a raid, not only against other mages but other DPS classes, I feel our clicky items definitely play a role.

    I say this a mage who hates having to summon these clickies every few minutes and often (always) goes without. I can live with my lower parse results, but i have respect the mages who take the effort to use them and really shine.

    I wont say were going to be crippled by the potion belt change, just going to be much more inconvenient.
    Pistols4Pandas likes this.