So... Monks.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sundance, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Minato Augur

    200th comment! booya
  2. Ishtass Augur

    I really don't want to be the guy that threatens to go silver, but the likelihood is there for sure. It's just been crap for too long. I only log in to chat with friends.
  3. Lisard Silly

    bump, Adding an item...
    -Remove Damage Reduction penalty from Technique of the Crimson Fist.
  4. Sokon Augur

    suggestion: unlock all of our combat abilities from conflicting one another, so we can use them all. and give us a couple new AA lines effecting the dps and utility of each.

    kick, round kick, flying kick, tiger claw, eagle strike, dragon punch

    or however many there are. should gain another 10+ k dps from that depending on AAs or not.
  5. Kobrah Augur

    I am not familiar with monk abilities so am just curious. My offensive discs trigger as short term or effects slots vs actual combat abilities timer. Would untying monk abilities from the combat abilities timer bar and becoming buffs be a good change ?
  6. Lisard Silly

    No, Not for every disc, if you did this across the board it would be reaching into the OP status of unbalanced...but for certain things yes, it would help a ton. For example. Zerker savage spirit(which is apart of their primary burn and a disc timer) was made a buff, allowing them to stack it with their new discipline Disconcerting. Monks Run disc Dreamwalk, is also a Disc timer. if you made that a buff like the Paladin run disc, that too would be useful. its little things that can help with balancing the class out some or bringing them up to date without breaking them or making them insanely OP.

    as for why i chose ironfist discipline...9/10 you use it by itself as like 3rd or 4th disc option, allowing it to become a buff, would let us use it for better returns. which in doing so would increase our dmg without turning us into monsters (i.e. Zerkers/warriors/Shamans)...

    also most these ideas ive outlined are to do with just fine tuning current items. easy tuning...without having the devs try and figure new things the broken updated version of DMS we were suppose to get in TDS or TBM i forget. but they could not figure out how to make it was clunky and just in general a bad design. in which case they ended up scrapping it and not giving us anything in its place.
    Janakin likes this.
  7. kyong Augur

    Here's something to chew on. I just checked one of my log files and in hundreds of hours of play time I found 8 instances of "The spirit of Master Wu fills you! You gain 5 additional attack(s)."

    Wonder how many other classes have a .00001 chance to perfect an attack. I've spent 322 AA on the Master Wu line just to get it to be a 800% chance to do a second additional attack, let alone 5. Can we get a bone thrown our way like triple backstab, etc?
  8. Bigstomp Augur

    The best things you guys could get, is a generic hit harder button. Don't change it so you have to re-learn the class or anything, just a general hit a little harder type buff.

    Edit: that stacks with everything. Sorta like tank weapon stances. Just give you a 20, 30, whatever is needed boost. ADPS stacking stays the same.
  9. Sarcogian Augur

    Someone make monks good again so I can take a number two all over kiillz again, with my last expansion gear.
    MrMajestykx likes this.
  10. Sowslow Elder

    I agree Sarcogian, Vilem sucks.
    Got nothing else
    Vilem likes this.
  11. Gelido Lorekeeper

    Miss me?? Good i didn't either but i'm here to inform everyone once again.. #MonkLivesMatter
  12. Picard Journeyman

    If you know nothing else about the monk class just knowing that 2 of the 3 discs we got for this expansion were pet based and throwing based respectively should clue you in that it wasn't our turn to get cake and ice cream this time around. Pretty much all that needs to be said has been from what I've read. Got some excellent ideas thrown out there by those who have been doing the monk thing for a real long time.

    My hope is that eventually at some point we will get boosted. When that happens hopefully we will be right in the mix and not way out of line. If we ever do get too much of a boost I hope we hold true to the idea that most of the veteran monks around seem to have which is no class should be so blatantly out of line with the rest that it's just stupid. We also should stick to the notion that class desirability and balance has and always will be in flux. For those who don't play a monk or give a crap about monks the frustration exhibited is based on a degree of stagnation that has persisted over a period of years now. I imagine other classes have the same experience so can feel free to voice their concerns in the proper ways and forums as well.

    The day I am given an ability that makes me king of norrath is a day that I will be okay with and when I get nerfed I won't curl up into a fetal position and scream about the evil and unfairness of it all. We all just want some semblance of balance and that's just plain hard to achieve I guess. Maybe I don't think it should be that difficult but it sure seems to be given their inability to maintain it more consistently. Perhaps I have more faith than others that things just end up working in cycles and come and go and our turn will come eventually. Either that or I don't care enough for it to matter as much as it does to others. It's pretty easy to justify being displeased or unhappy with how things have gone for monks the last few expansions so I certainly understand why some of the best known and knowledgeable monks have run out of patience.

    I guess I'm still on the we don't suck bandwagon because I think we are pretty darn cool despite our stagnation. Despite our falling behind in pure dps standings and a troubling lack of creativity to advancing our discs and timers and such, I still think we can do some amazing things. Heck, if we were brought up to being on par with other classes the way we collectively think would be within balance I think those of us who know the class backwards and forwards would just have so much fun with what we can do it would be insane. That is what I think most long time monks who have dedicated their time in norrath to being one are after. Having said that, other than raid environments and pure dps output abilities, I love our class and our ability to maintain survivability and viability for the last 4 or 5 years despite essentially standing still says a lot about how much we don't suck. Implementing any of the constructive ideas given by those who know best would only mean we rock that much more.
    Dropfast, Thrillho and Janakin like this.
  13. Gelido Lorekeeper

    Monk for life it's literally the only class i enjoy playing, especially running around as a T-rex, floating = flying kick. I would love to get our class upgraded as much as anyone. A lot of amazing top monks have posted in this forum and definitely good to chat with them. I consider myself being "good" at least to Drinal standards =P but jokes aside, i have sent tells to a lot of monks from other servers, i've picked their brains and learned a lot over the years. With the ideas they have brought to this forum and others, i'd very much like something to be implemented at the very least.

    I personally have no absolute thoughts on what i think should be changed, simply because i feel i still have some things i could learn. Thus i will continue to support any and all monks working to get our class to a better standing. #MonkLivesMatter
  14. Dropfast Augur

    Yea I've seen many great ideas in here and can only pray that some get done. I'm not to hot on the un-locking of all our attacks like Kick, Round kick, Eagle strike, and dragon punch as this will add 4 more things to spam. I already have almost an entire hotbar of stuff to spam just to do the DPS we do now, adding 4 more means making a 2nd spam hotbar and yet another key to spam click.

    However, anything that effects those abilities needs to be moved to Tiger claw / Flying kick would be nice. They tired to give us some endo regen but tieing it to eagle strike was just dumb. No monk is going to lose DPS to gain a tiny Endo. This is usual way with monks and is why i get pissed off. It seems like everytime we get a bone, it comes with a big drawback and it's bull crap really. Zerker and rouges don't' work that way. They gave Zerkers a new descent damage proc that does both good damage and huge Endo regen both. That should have gone to all 3 pure melee dps instead of the one that was already more powerful than the other 2. That kinda stuff blow my mind.
  15. Fohpo Augur

    I think this thread could use a pick-me-up from your bard brethren, could these threads get some dev love?
    Ishtass and Lisard like this.
  16. Ishtass Augur

    I've been visiting the forums at least once a day just to check this thread heh.
  17. Fohpo Augur

    Obligatory, daily bump.
    Gelido likes this.
  18. Gelido Lorekeeper

    #MonkLivesMatter as a side note to go along with Fohpo's Daily bump
  19. IblisTheMage Augur


    Never mind.

  20. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    Monks are fun, but damn is that a lot of buttons to be pressing to get some lackluster results. I'm not a Monk main, so I can't make good suggestions for improvements, but I can do comparisons. Here's a few things I've noticed.

    Monks are a pure melee DPS class. They don't have anything to offer outside of that in a raid environment, and not much need to use their pulling tools in the group environment. It's an available option, but unnecessary. I use Echo to single pull for weak pickup groups or to walk past mobs in my way. Monks need to be treated more like a pure melee DPS class and less like whatever other thing you may think they are.

    Eye of the Storm Discipline really isn't comparable to the sustain discs that other classes get. Warrior's Offensive Discipline lasts for 3 minutes with 1 minute downtime (tradeoff, take increased damage and same lockout as Defensive line). Rogue's Knifeplay Discipline lasts for 3 minutes with 2 minutes downtime (shared timer with a throwing disc nobody uses, so no tradeoff). Berserker's Disconcerting Discipline (with no shared timers and burn-type spell effects instead of sustain spell effects) lasts for 3 minutes with zero downtime. Eye of the Storm lasts for 2 minutes with 5.5 minutes downtime. That's pretty bad for a sustain disc, both on duration and reuse.

    Zan Fi's whistle is currently in the awkward state that Battle Leap used to be for Warriors and Berserkers. Zan Fi lasts for 6 minutes with a 7 minute resuse, 85% uptime. Battle Leap lasted for 18 seconds with a 20 second reuse, 90% uptime. It could be made a permanent buff until zoning like Battle Leap, but leave the reuse timer to limit activation of Echo of the Tiger.

    Thunderfoot got introduced in RoF, but didn't see upgrades until EoK. Even with the eventual upgrade, the new ranks did very little. 3% increased chance from RoF levels to trigger a proc (15% total), 20% chance for a Twinproc, but no meaningful change in Thunderfoot's damage. The Thunderfoot procs started at 2500 base damage, then added 250 points per rank to max at 3000 in RoF. For EoK, the same nicely rounded increment of 250 was used, which clearly would not keep up with 4 expansions worth of percentage increases to mob hit points. Not to mention that you can't get Thunderfoot procs from Crane Stance or Synergy's kicks for some reason, when a Rogue's Massive Strike can proc off any instance of backstabbing.

    Oh hey, Crane Stance. Introduced during VoA, never upgraded. Mentioned before, but needs reiterated. 5 expansions old now.

    Ironfist, HoT era, still not upgraded. Same deal, but 6 expansions old now.

    Monks don't bring any sort of temp buffs to their group. You could say they do with their AA synergy, but everybody got one. Rogues have been providing Thief's Vision, Berserkers have been providing War Cry and now help via Dichotomic Bloodsplash. Monks are dead weight, but they don't have to be.

    Speaking of which, the Monk's AA synergy is actually pretty good! But it's tied to using the Phantom pets for some reason. Those pets don't survive a single hit since the riposte changes (that were made to force us to deal with Sarnak Finesse junk), because the Monk aura's riposte bonus no longer protects those pets. The AAs for upgrading Phantom pet damage do no good at all when the pets die instantly to anything and everything, even if a mob is literally just looking in their direction (thus riposte). This isn't hyperbole, the pets die to a single normal melee hit of 4K damage. An upgrade to Zalikor's Fang and tying AA synergy to that would have made more sense. The Phantom pets were an interesting idea when introduced, but they're too weak. They need buffed to the point that other class' Phantoms are at or scrapped.

    Drunken Monkey is a buff, why can't it be cast while any other discipline is running?

    I guess this doesn't really need a conclusion, I'm just hoping to point out some things that don't make sense, and elaborate more on the ones that do make sense when you look into them (but still need improving).
    Xeladom, Gelido, Quility and 2 others like this.
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