Mag's beam kiteing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Booger, Nov 30, 2012.

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  1. Slasher Augur

    Please explain to me how an SK can swarm current content (ROF) not how they can swarm light blue mobs from 4 expansions ago. Or any melee for that matter. The ONLY reason casters can solo and even swarm ROF is because non named do not summon which was not a problem in previous expansions but is now and this is why they made everything summon for years.
  2. Retrievil Elder

    Leave the goddamn mages alone. This isn't a mage issue, it's an issue with SOE not enforcing one of the few rules they have, which is do not disrupt/monopolize an entire zone. I could go pull every mob in a zone and be a too, not that I would be able to kill them all but it's the same thing. Guides should be telling these people to get instances, and if they don't a 3 or 7 day vacation is in order.
  3. Explicit Augur

    I can't help but think if it was wizards beaming again that there'd be a whole lot less sympathy.

    There is some strange attitude the community and even developers have toward mages and it's rather sickening.

    As for the "omg don't nerf muh mage" crowd, people only mention nerfs because there is already a precedent for this kind of behavior. See: wizards. They were nerfed for quite literally the same kind of thing that is going on in ROF.

    Dev attitude toward lag-swarming has obviously changed though, which is fine. Most people would rather have them fix server-side issues that would prevent zones from lagging out, note that this does not nerf anyone at all and would not "end" swarming -- you'd still be able to do it sans lag-exploitation.

    In short: nerfs are bad, lag exploiting is bad (when the zone isn't empty), and wizards need the target cap removed from their beams. Double standards are silly.

    Semi-related request - there was a player tweaking EQ on a non-approved server that had pretty much nailed the lag issue surrounding huge trains of mobs. Does anyone remember where I can find the video or even know what I'm talking about?
    Leerah likes this.
  4. Naugrin Augur

    Um there have been non summoning trash mobs pretty much forever.....this is how we kite...the only expansion in "recent" memory that had no good kiting spots was could be done in foundation but really only decent for necros. I was VERY happy when hot came out with better kite spots.
  5. slurperess Journeyman

    I can attest to this so called beam kiting. I have to endure it every day and nothing is being done about it. I don't care if you grab an instanced and do it. That way you're not disruptive and others in the zone don't notice the latency it brings.

    I can't believe this discussion has been going on since last year. I petitioned it twice and now I get the runaround this is a technical issue that developers need to address. I say make the mobs summon
    or do what retrievil said.

    I want to enjoy this game too!


    Oh I forgot to say, CSR and TSR told me on my petition that the person in question should pull less mobs and /bug , /feedback so the developers know this is "technical issue" called intentional zone disruption can be looked into.
  6. Erudster New Member

    It's actually a shame that the zone starts to lag. It cuts down on how many mobs I would beam if it didn't. Regardless of the lag or not, I would still be able to pull this off easily. I run my bard with me and keep selos on at all times. I could beam down 1 mob, with zero lag running around with selos on. So saying that the whole thing is exploiting is garbage. It's not any players fault the zone lags. You could do the same thing with Shaman or Druid Communion of the Cheetah. I have even been able to pull it off with nothing more than the 65% run-speed from Flight of Eagles (up to and including the end of the train where lag is no longer a factor because 80% of the train is dead).

    It's less productive to pull less mobs to kill with the same amount of mana. In fact, it's stupid.

    I agree that with the server lag issues as they are people should be considerate of others if they are in the zone. Anything outside of this is envy. Pure green-eyed monster.
  7. McDougal Augur

    LMAO Exploiting mechanics ( even if they should be fixed) is the players fault. So is pulling every mob in the zone. Maybe SOE should set up a powerleveling service where you can have access to a special zone to do it. Probably making Krono buyable with plat didn't help.
    Leerah likes this.
  8. Erudster New Member

    My point was no mechanic needs to be exploited to do this. It can easily be done with zero lag. The lag is just an annoying byproduct.
  9. McDougal Augur

    I remember when people would get banned for nuking guards from the top of the walls in cities. Just single guards and no lag or zone disruption but they couldn't fight back. Things have changed a lot since then.
  10. Slasher Augur

    lol ya West Freeport on top of the wall they couldn't get you.
  11. McDougal Augur

    there was a place in Qeynos too:) .
  12. Tegila Augur

    taht exploit has existed in multiple zones and multiple years and been fixed at various times cant remember last one but was underfoot or newer
  13. Falos Augur

    Beam exp isnt even the most efficient exp in the game, not even in the top 5 to be honest....... people see big numbers in a single pull and think WOW great exp... yeah not really the exp is terrible because of how long the pulls take to round up, there are far faster ways to exp but bad mages refuse to move on..

    I am very thankful that the flagship server of everquest, Xegony does not have ANY mages that do this though, but typically mages on this server in my experience are generally pretty decent at their class.

    That being said this problem is only happening on 2 or 3 servers it is not a widespread problem is is a matter of a few bad players griefing their respective servers far more than they should be. Nothing should be nerfed or changed, those players should be dealt with individually.

    Also Wizard AE's should function like mage ae's, the limitation on wizard ae's is archaic and should be unnerfed.
  14. --Voodoo-- Augur

    Kind of funny when things like this get talked about. Always a bunch of people saying, "I never do it, it's not even good exp, ... but don't change it". Comes off like downplaying, even if that's not the case.

    I tried beaming a while back, TBS or something. Damage sucked, hardly seemed worth the effort so I never bothered trying to get good at it. At 86, the damage isn't much better. Moderately useful for mass killing grey trash. Still seems hardly worth the effort. Really wouldn't bother me at all if they were changed or even removed altogether.

    I notice the latest ones really ramp up the damage. So I assume one of two things is true: Mob HP has similarly escalated, leaving the spell at the same reletive uselessness (in which case, it shouldn't be a big concern to anyone) OR it's now potent enough to be much more useful (in which case, just admit it). Nothing wrong with a powerful ability, unless even the people using it think it might be too powerful.
  15. Denial_Sinfae Augur


    Group geared mages with moderate foci can pop all of their DPS mod abilities and twincast up to 72k x's 2 on all affected targets. Also, they can choose whether or not to have them all die at the same time (by using empowered arcanum) or opt to let them be staggered by not using it and letting mobs randomly resist.

    Why would you stagger them if you could kill them all at once? Because when you have 32456342642634 mobs the zone lags, when you have 25 the zone does not lag. When you kill the other 32456342642634 minus 25, you lag as it says you gained exp you gained exp you gained exp you have slain you have slain you have slain you have gained an ability point, you are now capped at 70 AA please spend your points. YOU lag, but the mobs are now free to run at normal speed.

    Killing them all results in death unless you have bard speed and preemptively time your back-up once you cast.

    Saying it is not good exp is ignorance at its best. I have to stagger my kills when PLing my alts because if I don't, I will waste about 45 AA per train cause they capped out at 70 so soon. It takes MAYBE 7 minutes to gather a train, I run bard with me then drop her, with her ADPS and bard speed I can kill a whole current zone in 1.5 minutes.

    I play every class. A lot of the fast exp gains shift from class to class as time goes on. I have done SK swarming, paladin swarming, decapping, HSing (even when it was multi-headshot for Arc of Arrows), Chain group missions during HoT when task exp was to hot, necros chaining through 4 mobs at a time non-stop in open zones, bard / chanter charming, druid charm kiting / swarm rain kiting.... None of it comes close to what mages can do. I love it. I am sure it will get nerfed like all other exp gains do. It's just the way of things.

    On a side note, I can pull as many mobs in Grelleth as I can on my SK, aggro them all adequately then my zerker friend FR burns them and they all die with the berserker parsing 1.2 million DPS. There are always ways to accomplish many things when you have so many different elements that can be combined. Monks have had this ability since... Gates?

    Hopefully, people just want the zones to not lag and not call for a nerf to their fellow player. It will come in due time without the incessant whining.
  16. Piemastaj Augur

    People do not want it changed because beams are great for TS farming. They are useful on raids with a lot of adds, and good for tank and spank mass exping (Kaesora was good for this).

    Also nerfs are bad for any class. Especially when it is really a disruptive thing people are abusing for the server. The players not the ability should be getting punished.
  17. Falos Augur

    You know how many times i've beam kited? Twice (in the same night) The first pull i pulled a bunch of mobs to test the method, I beamed em down, hit a mild lag spike and i died *learning experience* The 2nd time i did it it was easy at that point because i saw it first hand and i had re-adjusted to compensate for lag / etc. Killed it all and awas like "that's it?"
    I wanted to at least do it once though so that i could be "educated" on the topic, and now that I am it's pretty underwhelming.

    Yes its a decent BURST of exp but as far as sustained exp goes it is pretty mediocre, as a result I dont even bother with it anymore, the only time i ever use my beams are for farming trivial gray con stuff, or killing certain named mobs that spawn low hp adds. I do not use my beams for exp.. the vast majority of mages that play this game do not use their beams for exp.

    As such the beams should not be nerfed screwing over the vast majority of mages that use the beams for an entirely different purpose solely because a few mages exploit and grief a couple servers.
  18. Whatever Journeyman

    It's quite amazing that people think that it is ok for a single class or special combination of classes to be able to kill more mobs then a normal group can in the same time frame.

    When a mage is clearing the northern half of Evantil, killing like 5-10 times more mobs than a full group could before respawn, something is wrong, plain and simple. Don't give me this "risk of dying" non-argument. That may have been something that was scary 10 years ago, losing hours worth of XP and perhaps even your gear. Now it is such a minor inconvenience that I often don't even bother rezzing myself anymore -- especially not if you just died after killing half of Evantil, I'm sure that XP made up for it and then some
  19. Braveheart Augur

    This thread needs locked. This is borderline calling for a nerf to a class. I'm sure "Class Envy" thread instructed the community to not engage in these type of posts.
  20. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I don't know anything about this beam kiting but it is interesting how some threads get locked and others do not when they seem to meet the same criteria.
    Sinestra likes this.
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