I'm ignorant. Does Bristlebane get merc's?
Pretty easy at level 75, but your SHD couldn't tank it? Explain this? Did you do it in raid gear or defiant gear? You're an experienced player...
Damascite Earthwall Breastplate Armor ID: 110586 MAGIC LORE NO TRADE PRESTIGE INFUSIBLE Slot: Chest Purity: 50 AC: 210 HP: 1110 + 4/tick MANA: 0...
As I remember, Warpriest and Bloodsucker have a tendency to not scale down. Check the /con before engaging to make sure they're your level. I got...
I'm well aware of final stand. Good on you for VP. My Enchanter couldn't mez, pacify or charm them at that level, since they were all red's and...
He's talking about me. Links please? 63/22 1Hs at level 80? 140/32 2Hp? Level 85, I bought husk sharpened axe (69+11 / 23 with anger proc) At...
To the best of my knowledge, no you don't. Blood drinkers coating was nice. You can't single pull reds and yellows. You can't tank the multiples...
This is why I don't recommend TBM to someone trying to level up. Do the CotF HA's, earn marks of valor, and buy that gear. Go and attempt the...
Everyone is always recommending TBM for new, undergeared players. In my experience, coming back after a long break and leveling new heroic...
This part is the only bit that raised my eyebrows. I highly doubt you'll get much of that sort here. But anyway, look for a "family friendly"...
Is your enchanter free to play? Or do you have the auto-grant AA's? A few AA's make a huge difference in enchanter agro. I really suggest taking...
I run WAR/ENC/DRU. Here's what I do. Concentrate on your shadowknight. Get aggro on all the things, start disc'ing, then move to the enchanter. Use...
You buy the dye in the bazaar (or make it). You need one vial of dye per armor slot. You should have a DYE button on your main inventory window....
I have experience with the following. Necro + Mage. Mage adds pet toys, coth for fast FD pulling, a better pet tank. Combined with a healer merc,...
Here's a good list. Not updated recently, but works for your levels; https://www.eqmagetower.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2789 Here's another;...
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