Re-tuned HAs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Galien, Jan 17, 2018.

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  1. Theo Journeyman

    Gribble's missions where linear and quick to finish, with the non-scaling from 106-110 people where able to clear one, pop lesson at end for final hail then run the other 2 in under 30 minutes. 3 HA's with lesson bonus.

    The thing is, now they have adjusted the scaling, these feel more in line with how i remember them before I started raiding a year ago. However, the idea of adding HA tasks through Teek was to get people to do other HAs but this latest patch has made them far too difficult for the casual player. When a single add in Endless War HA turns up and wipes out a full health 250AA, full extravagant geared healer merc in 3 hits before my AE mez had time to finish casting, then there really is something wrong.

    It seems DB has this idea that making something hit harder and take longer to kill is the answer to making something challenging. Well it isn't! it just widens the gap between content for raid and casual players, further segmenting the population of the servers. I wouldn't ever consider doing the more challenging HAs with a pick up group now, only with people I know or are from my guild.

    I dont mind content from the most recent expansions being elitist but with the focus on HAs for progression and achievements players are being excluded from more and more older content with every release. DB need to find some solution to scaling older content.
  2. FVnecro New Member

    that is true I did a gribble today and it was the same as always at 105.
  3. Toruch Fleshrot Augur

    Woh , and I was just planning to start doing these daily to help me get 110.
  4. Cannikin Augur

    I just did some TBM HAs. They are dramatically more difficult than just yesterday before the patch. Just made finishing my hunter achievement here much more tedious than it already was.

    Why? What benefit to the game is there to this? The loot is still the same crappy stuff as it always was, the exp is not improved at all. They greatly increased the risk for ZERO increase in benefit. No one is going to go to these old zones to "enjoy" the higher difficulty. They will simply abandon any plans of completing progression, hunter achievements, etc.

    You might as well add to your RoS ad: Get level 110 and be rewarded with getting WEAKER relative to old content than you were before!

    If the problem was that exp was "too fast" in CotF HAs, nerf the exp. Or make them stop scaling beyond the level cap of the expansion they were introduced. Or do both. This "solution" you guys at DBG have made benefits NO ONE, least of all yourself: you just reduced the amount of content casual players are willing/able to do in this game.
  5. Fnyanea Augur

    COTF HAs should never have scaled past lv 100, TDS/TBM/EOK HAs should not scale past 105.

    This all just makes it even harder to catch up, so you wanna go quest to max our your dicho spell, now you need 6x 110s to do it? thats just stupid.
  6. BlackVZ Lorekeeper

    Also would like to add, what I believe has been said is that the gear in the retuned HA's is terrible and does not scale. If the HA's are harder the gear reward should be equal.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Tronda like this.
  7. Gnomeland Augur

    Following World of Warcraft examples, but without the World of Warcraft reward and level scale system that makes it work. It should've been obvious you can't just up the difficulty by this massive amount without also increasing the rewards; this doesn't give the player more choices, it takes them away.
    Xeladom, mmats, Tronda and 1 other person like this.
  8. strongbus Augur

    even if they didn't add drops add a npc for 105 gear in with the rest in ewk
    oldandnasty likes this.
  9. TheStugots Augur

    Well, this helped make my mind up. Finished all RoS Progression for my main crew...was going to add another class option/level a new one, but yeah, zero desire to redo all "needed" progression for hero's, dicho, etc, etc if this is going to be like going back to when it was current.
  10. Bigga Baddeboom Apprentice

    Heroic Adventures mobs shouldn't be equivalent to ROS mobs, it is designed for 2 to 3 players with mercs - not groups. HAs were a great way of moving forward bit by bit (getting more aas everyday), while trying to get relevant in the current content.

    I would do HAs after work and work on content on the weekends, but now this is has made things a lot harder and more of a drag. HAs alleviated the frustration of EQ, because you were progressively moving foward.

    Plus they tuned old progression content up? That is ridiculous, going back to do achievements for my tank got a whole heap harder. Why did they tie progression with Heroic Adventures then?

    Trying to get back in the game and this seems like a slap in the face.
  11. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Dicho spells need some real 110 RoS content to level them a bit more. - To keep them current they need to trigger current spells - etc.
  12. Millianna Augur

    I’m ok with the 106+ HA having mobs equivalent to RoS, but the exp needs to be adjusted to be the same as RoS. It’s currently stuck in the past.
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  13. Gadreel New Member

    After every nerf we complain but do the idiots listen no . Sometimes wonder point of playing anymore .They are going back to GoD expansion thinking it seems .
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  14. Mulleteer Elder

    I came back just before the release of eok. I had quit because of the obligations of a new child right around the release of cotf. When I came back I used gribbles to lvl up. Once I was done, I stopped doing them.

    At this point I played a mixture of eok while trying to catch up on my heroic aa's When I was not grouping in eok or raiding, I would work on TDS for the HA and to get access to my tank power source and lvling up my 2 boxes. I completely finished TDS content including all heroics.

    With ROS being released I have again spent most of my time raiding, and doing ROS group content. However when I don't have alot of time I have been banging out the last of my dicho spells and tbm achievements.

    I was planning on going back to do cotf HA, again not gribbles (I hate gribbles), but the other Heroics with my boxes to finish of my heroic AA. If they up the difficulty I can probably still do it. But I may not. I liked doing these missions when i had under an hour to play. If they take a long period of time I probably will stick to stuff i can do solo. Like working on trade-skill.

    If I decide not to do these missions. I may decided to let my 2 box accounts fall to silver.

    This is my biggest issue making it harder to get heroic aa's then it was when I was lvl 105. I really don't care if these missions give exp. I just want the achievements.
  15. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    That retuning will make it harder to complete CotF-progression, I had hoped it would have been possible to molo it once I got to level 110. :oops:

    The retuning will also mess up the risk vs. reward, for the TBM hate/fear raids, they were actually viable open-raid/pickup-raid targets until now(the loot still had relevant raid-focus).
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  16. Aggate New Member

    I think this is their way of ending EQ. Mobs in the HA's don't give any real experience, but can kill you and make you lose it. This was the only real way to make experience in the game and now they have ended it. I think my time with EQ is coming to an end.
  17. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Honestly, there are plenty of ways you can make xp that doesn't require HA's. Grinding in Sathirs tomb is pretty rewarding.
  18. oldandnasty Augur

    Oh well, I enjoyed my return to EQ, for a month, at least. Just wish I hadn't wasted my money on 2 x-pacs.

    I have no interest in playing a Tank, again (or a healer) so with my Tank/Healer merc combo struggling in HAs tonight, I don't see the point of trying to stick around and level from 107 to 110. Due to this change and no TBM w/o buying a 3rd x-pac, I guess it's time for another cancellation and a new game search.
  19. Baldy New Member

  20. tnot Elder

    There's now jack to do at lvl 110 if your play session is less than a couple hours. None of the RoS missions are boxxable, there are no RoS HAs, and T2 zones are a crowd control nightmare on servers with no crowd control players online. At least with the HAs I could earn a bit of experience when I got tired of grinding mobs in open zones, now there's nothing. Literally just park on the Wall in OT and pull singles, so freaking boring. Seriously regret buying this expansion, I genuinely enjoyed every expansion until this one.
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