Mag's beam kiteing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Booger, Nov 30, 2012.

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  1. Tharrg Augur

    But if he did not petition the player who was beam kiting as being disruptive, then it becomes his own fault. I will not specualte on if there are players with GM/Guide buddies.
  2. Qulas Augur

    Make mobs that are in static zones all summon.

    Make mobs that are in instanced zones not summon.

    Problem solved.
    Enkel likes this.
  3. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    I have been trying to farm the Dark Lady for like the last week. With all of the beamers rotating it's impossible. I run my necro with his pet and a merc.

    Once the lag starts, both merc and pet are less than useless. If they even move at all, it's in the wrong way.

    I made sure to make the petition for disruption. From the sounds of it though, there's not really anything coming of petitions against beamers.
  4. Explicit Augur

    But everyone knows heavy is the go-to "nub" class in TF2, guess it's fitting huh.
  5. Brogett Augur

    So it's OK to be overpowered if no one can see you doing it?

    In the past headshot and assassinate got nerfed in all zones, not just in static ones, because they were considered overpowered. Similarly the wiz beams, which are a far better comparison, also got nerfed. Not only in static zones, but everywhere.

    It's not for me to say whether or not mage beams need nerfing, but the rule seems quite simple. *IF* it's OK, then it's OK in every zone. *IF* it's not OK, then it's not OK in every zone.
  6. Brogett Augur

    The GM responses can be very random.

    Years ago I petitioned for people AFK XPing by using mercs. At the time I considered the rule that you had to be at the keyboard to gain XP otherwise it was cheating. (Since then this rule appears to have been relaxed.)

    The GM response was basically, it's within the rules of EQ as mercs are part of the game. However please note that AFK people won't be able to react to situations they don't expect, like a sudden influx of mobs.

    Ie - train away! We'll turn a blind eye.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    And watch all the wizzys, necros, druids and enchanters quit. They aren't the ones causing the disruptions, but this would affect them greatly.
  8. bearforce1 Lorekeeper

    "I just got banned for disrupting a beamer who refused to stop disrupting a zone, regardless of other people in it.

    Sweet. "

    only thing surprising with this is that a GM actually was in the game to witness anything.
  9. Qulas Augur

    No, but it's better than entire zones becoming unplayable because of one person.
  10. Falos Augur

    I love all of the melee dps people focusing so aggressively on an ability that has only been used for exp (i myself dont use it for such) for the past year when almost all those melee classes had ways to mass exp for YEARS.. mages get an ability that is comparable to what some melee classes had been doing for years and its RUSH RUSH RUSH we have to exaggerate to get it nerfed ASAP.

    *note: i realize only a handful of people have been super vocal against it I know not everyone is susceptible to class envy and jealousy.
  11. Edrick Augur

    Pretty much this, I've been locked out of finishing hunter in Evantil because the same arrogant guy that swarms the entire bottom floor of the zone, making it impossible to function against the mobs that are up at the top. You pull one mob, it takes 30+ seconds to arrive at you instead of 3, it ends up behind you, your mercs are unresponsive, you can't clear a camp because everything takes ten times longer.
  12. Brogett Augur

    You have no idea how weak melee toons are compared to mages. Nor do you have any idea how little AA we gain relative to you. Because I could farm 30ish in a lesson burn several years back it's now fine that mages can get 300 AA an hour?
  13. Falos Augur

    The actual figures are lower than what every will let on. I do not actively beam exp (i dont like it and i think its a stupid way to exp, i prefer to do skill based things in eq) that beiing said i've utilized the method on a couple occasions so that I could become familiar with what it entailed and what it gave.

    It is possible to beam kite the heart of fear, most mages dont do it though because it requires more skill than evantil, the mobs give a bit more exp though. Beam a full pull (with them rubberbanding and all) with a 4 man group, no exp potions running, no lesson, no fellowship bonus exp, and no RAF. with NO bonuses whatsoever it will give a level 92 character roughly 4/5 of an orange of exp. It's a lot of exp yes but it's nowhere near as much as people let on, also to realistically kill the mobs fast it's best to have big discs up and some ofthose are on roughly a 20 minute timer so thats like 3 GOOD pulls per an hour.

    Most of the exp claims being stated on what beamkiting is capable of are being done by people factoring in double exp and/or lesson + fellowship (5x bonus) + RAF bonus.

    Beamkiting IS one of the fastest non group based methods of exp in the game but the gap between decap swarming and beamkiting is not nearly as large as many people like to make it out to be.
  14. Explicit Augur

    No one's exaggerating here except you in that you're feigning an absurd amount of ignorance to the issue. Go ahead and keep hiding behind the "omg they're just jealous and envious of how cool I am" facade, though I suspect you don't quite understand what those two words mean. I'll admit though, it's pretty laughable seeing those two words spouted by supposedly reputable mages - you'd think you guys would be able to form a logical argument instead of parroting words that have long since lost their meaning.

    I'm not sure you get it yet but I will spell it out -- your class is a joke now, a one-trick beam pony in the eyes of a large portion of the game, a gimmick. You all are in a pretty big hurry to keep it this way, too.

    You'll see players here decrying fixes because "I'm so insecure I need this spell to kill gray cons since I don't know how to PBAE" and on the same page claiming they aren't involved in mass-beam exping. Which is it? If the spell is as really insignificant as you guys are claiming, why put up such a fight?

    Or are all you guys suffering from the victim complex? Had me fooled if you aren't.
  15. Falos Augur

    No i've actually tested the numbers but nice try. Your agenda has been clear for the past year and it has become tiresome.
  16. Explicit Augur

    Hey, so have I and so have many others Your numbers are off.. One could say by claiming "I tested it myself and it isn't that good" that you have an agenda of your own.

    And what is my agenda, exactly? Do share, for I am completely clueless to such a thing.

    Oh and you didn't answer the question. Why such a big fuss over an otherwise insignificant spell?
  17. Booger Elder

    what makes this unbalanced and out of wack is no other class can go into current content dark blue white yellow even red conned mobs and swarm/beam kite 100s of current higher lvl mobs for rediculous amounts of exp. this does hurt everyone in game when folks are able to gain so much exp they start raiseing the amounts of each AA it takes to get 1 rank of an AA. some are insane already .
  18. Falos Augur

    My numbers aren't off there is no way to magically reduce the recast timer on certain abilities nor is there a way to magically make mobs give more exp unless you are utilizing the exp boosting methods i already mentioned.
  19. Bluejaye Elder

    then how about you stop calling for nerfs to mage pets in other threads? it's gonna be real hard for you to gain any credibility when you specifically call for multiple nerfs to the same class in so many of the threads you reply to. then say we're a one-trick pony, what a joke.
  20. Explicit Augur

    Hey, I haven't. Good try though ;] I specifically stated that group tanks should be brought up to that level, not mage pets should be brought down. I said you're viewed as a one-trick pony by a large portion of the community since beaming has exploded, this is a fact - ask around in general on any server. It's unfortunate but it is what it is.

    Mob count per kill? Mob con? There are better places to beam than HOF
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