Epic Bottlenecks: Permacamped

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hingabe, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. 1andOnly Journeyman

    Never seem to find the golems up in fear on bertoxx. Not asking for the "Easy" button, but no quests should have to depend on 3 day spawns that don't even take 10 seconds to kill. Phinny I would think most can live with being a 12 hour respawn, but 3 days is pure BS.

    Ragefire was fixed because of this issue long ago, so why not others? It definitely does not take more than 3 days to farm the pearl shards.

    • Make more of these epic mobs function like 1.5/2.0 encounters (with special triggers to engage them or hidden flags to allow people that aren't at that step in the quest to deny looting the item)
    • 12 hour to 24 hour respawns instead of 3 days
    • Make the named golems in Fear Itself (new PoFear) actually have a chance to drop the epic pieces in addition to their normal loot.
    • As a temporary solution, have the golems drop only epic pieces in the DDD mission, since the shammy mob is popping from it apparently.
    • OR there is the Marketplace *kidding of course* :rolleyes:
    Otherwise may as well be EverWait instead of EQ if this keeps getting overlooked.
  2. Langya Augur

    Was there this many people who did not bother to do their epics out there as to result in this?

    Well, welcome to how it used to be when they were new and everyone was doing them!
  3. krozman Augur

    You only had 10 years to get it done, and now that there is a quest that gives you a non game changing look, you expect people to care? Just wait until the content update goes live and you'll find your spawns up. Competition: welcome to the way EQ used to be.
  4. Silv Augur

    Actually, more like EverProcrastinate. Apparently 12 years was insufficient time for people to get their act together and finish Epic 1.0s.

    I will once again point out the only reason this 7 page thread exists is because someone feels entitled to an ORNAMENT representative of an EPIC quest. If you disagree then maybe go back and read the original post in this thread where OP specifically states it should be easy-moded so they can get it.
  5. 1andOnly Journeyman

    Get rid of 'ing entirely. Problem mostly solved.

    Apparently I am preaching to the elitist choir on this one so done posting on this topic.
    Sinestra likes this.
  6. Zargut the Meaty New Member

    Wait you never did your epic and now you want your weapon to look like you did? Put in the hours like the rest of us did!
  7. Uxtalzon Augur

    >get epic(s)
    >realize its less useful compared to other epics
    >barely worth using if at all
    >do epic ornamentation quest
    >realize ornamentation is heros forge
    >realize you have to pay SC to use epic ornamentation
    >mfw it only matters if it means profit


    MEANWHILE.... I hear panda and bunny hats look cute.
  8. Abazzagorath Augur

    You don't need hero's forge to use epic ornaments.
    Rouan likes this.
  9. Xtor Zadamose Journeyman

    That is a horrible solution. What was wrong with the original posters suggestion?
  10. Xtor Zadamose Journeyman

    Not everyone has played that long. Maybe on your server you think everyone has been around 10+ years but believe it or not most servers don't have people that have been playing for that long. Please re-read the original post since its obvious you didn't seem to understand. He wasn't asking for an easy mode. You may not believe this either but time does not equal challenge.

    The thread was in fact dead before Scruphy decided to post the word "this" in capital letters. Obviously done to bump the thread.
    Sinestra likes this.
  11. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    because his method is easy mode. This isn't WoW triggering all the mobs you need for a epic quest
  12. angrygnome New Member

    If epics are required to be huge timesinks there are other ways to implement that.

    Alot dont seem to realize that its a lot more fun to actually kill the mobs that are needed for quests. If with increased spawnrates it still takes a few weeks or months to get the drop because it is nearly "big bag rare" I could give 2. ****s.
  13. Xtor Zadamose Journeyman

    I will leave the wow expertise up to you. I have never played it. Time camping a mob does not equal challenge or fun. Its boring. Raids are good for challenges. Why do you think on most servers people haven't beaten end raid RoF? Cause its a challenge. It is meant to be hard. The epic mobs can all be killed by a solo player in less then 30 seconds. Sounds like easy mode to me if there ever was one unless of course you think that time camping a mob equals challenge.
    Sinestra likes this.
  14. Gannen Elder

    another idea, ask if there'd be some way to get an expedition of some key zones available... one where the player could sit there a while, like after a patch, but they'd get the expedition to stay on them for up to a week... then they could go after the nameds, if they wanted to wait for them... which would also tend to make farmers on some stuff not as good, as the supply would be opened some to people who are willing to wait by farming it themselves versus trying to have to fight for a parking spot in a crowded lot to the guy that wants to sell the space's parking rights (the loot of being there to someone who could not get to there fast enough)...

    or let epic parts drop in "dragons dragons dragons" and giants giants giants... as that has a few of them.
  15. Gannen Elder

    Remember how Cleric 1.0 ragefire used to be? you had to kill Lord nagafen to get ragefire to start it's timer to spawn... then they made that bottleneck change to a summoned ragefire encounter, but they had to collect shards and do a combine before the handin...

    perhaps something like that... go get your epic parts, collect a new set of shards, combine, and if you're flagged as actually doing the quest, handin the trigger to kill a summoned version of your epic encounter... then everybody would get a chance to do their epic once, the farmers could farm the non epic stuff off the encounter with the normal ones...
  16. Jeanmirac Elder

    Camping Iksar Brooding right now in PoF on The Rathe with Jean/Getter and Tsamira the 87 Shammy for her epic 1.0.
    Been there since 4pm yesterday - ain't moving so we'll see what we see.
  17. Jeanmirac Elder

    Got it - wife loves me again. She's shaking after watching Dread death touch Getter (took one for the team), called back and finished the job. 25 hours in.
    Tsamira is a happy Shaman
    Keshua likes this.
  18. savrin Augur

    I think timers are the biggest issue with camping epic mobs. Not only are they all for the most part the same(so you can chain kill them over and over because you know the exact minute they will up) and they are just very long. It should take 1 hour maximum for them to respawn or there should be lockouts introduced for epic mobs like most other quests have. Also, there were many instances for epics where mobs would spawn just because a person is in the zone like old pally epic 1.5 wos mob so not like its unprecedented in EQ.

    Always get a good chuckle when people call it easy mode to make any reasonable changes. Most people have jobs and cannot camp epic mobs all day like when we were unemployed or in college or high school. Most people who don't have their epics done, did not do them because they haven't bothered to update epic quests in about 10 years and they are near worthless now to most classes.

    Only people who really need them now are necromancers and hardcore raiders for burn clickies. They are useless for almost everyone else. One day maybe devs will bother to give us epic 3.0 so its not complete easymode to kill epic mobs and then we won't have these problems.
  19. Zalmonius Augur

    So wait, you have less time to play than someone who is able to do these things, and you want the same reward. You want to spend less time doing something, and get the same as someone who puts in the time / effort into a task.

    I work a full time (often overtime filled job), and I've still been able to do 4 epics (1.0-2.5) in under 3 weeks (bard, mage, shaman, warrior). Shaman is even easier now since you can get a child's tear from dragon's, dragons, dragons event, phinny is easy still, mage is still easy, warrior was just picking up a couple scales from baz (under 10k total), and clearing everything else.

    If you're not willing to put in the time and effort into these, you don't get em. As many have said in this thread, they're next to worthless aside from achievement and ornamentations. You don't need them to play the game or enjoy your character, they are 110% optional (unlike before when they were current content). If your life prevents you from doing em, then don't do em, it's really simple.

    Here's a very simple question: Why is it Sony's responsibility to dedicate resources that they don't have to fix content that is 10+ years outdated, just because a fairly small (realistically, small) group of individuals is unwilling to dedicate the time or energy to do the quest?

    Listen to Elidroth's podcast from OGR, and he talks a lot about how so many people claim that a fix is "easy," when the reality of it, is that it's probably anything but. You want to dedicate resources to fixing what is probably NOT an easy issue to fix, instead of other more pressing issues like reducing the number of AA's for a new player to get viable in current content? Making spells easier to understand for new players? Maybe updating the descriptions of AA's to actually match what they really do? Auto-granting Leadership AA's? Designing content for the next expansion? Fixing issues in the current content?

    Yea, lets ignore those and focus on appeasing a small group of people unwilling to dedicate the time to a quest-like that has nothing to do with core gameplay or improving everyone in the game's overall experience. Hell, for those that claim it's easy, you must already have an understanding for how the game is designed, why now write up the code and submit it to Sony, and save them the trouble. Go for it guys!
    Demandred and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Weird cause I've had all of those Epic pieces drop from both the Triggered and the normal VS. The Druid/Ranger pieces are extremely rare from the normal VS, and the Wizard staff is extremely rare from the triggered VS. The rarity is such that it is simply silly for wizards to go after the triggered VS or Druid/Rangers to go after the normal one (other than to cause VSR to spawn 24~ hours later).