You Pays Your Money And You Takes Your Chances! (PVE Legends Feats)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Benn 10, Nov 5, 2014.

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  1. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Afford things? How do you know what that man can afford? The whole point of the matter is not affordability, but the fact one who pays monthly for a games subscription should not by made to pay more money for progression
    That should be covered by the monthly subscription.
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    im glad you are staying.. you obviously enjoy the game, and are passionate about it.. my point is simply that not everyone will always get exactly what they want..
  3. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    I fight for all sides. u have to make all sides happy for this to work. I dont like picking fights with any1 here. I do it to point things out that need it. This just happens to be a sensitive subject
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  4. Dene Devoted Player

    because he said it himself, he said he couldn''t afford buying legends.. legendariess have to pay for a lot of things.. whether i agree or not is seperate, what is a fact is people have been using money to get feats/sp in this game for a very long time
  5. Toren Calduris New Player

    All the details aren't in but IF you need to buy a legends toon to complete a feat that is garbage.

    They need to either make all legends characters available for marks or let you use them for Legends PVE.

    Legends characters have always been overpriced IMO. I've bought two of the characters in the past and I'd be fine if they make them purchasable for marks.

    Personally, I think if you're a LEGENDARY member you should have access to all LEGENDS characters. Crazy, right? :p
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  6. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    Look im Premium and i dont care for the cash cap but when it comes to my feats, yes i have a problem with feats i cant get
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  7. the swoosh New Player

    if they do not give you access to the feats without purchasing the legends characters it would basicly defy the whole purpous of all access and that will result in ppl questioning the value of a all access if you do not get that all access...

    it has become pretty clear that instead of giving us more stuff to spend money on they are splitting up what little they have to get more $ for less stuff......keep going this path soe and your game will be dead by the end of 2015 :)
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  8. Benn 10 Committed Player

    No one here that supports this is not asking for selfish request, we are simply asking for this to be fair. We pay our money for Subscriptions to have full access to the the game and all options for progression. And If I can not aquire a feat associated with a means to progress simply because
    You want me purchase something. And the only way to complete that progression outside
    Of the subscription is to pay more money? How is this reasonable?
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  9. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Before the changes to Promethium Styles you had two 25 Point feats you couldn't achieve as a non-legendary member. Did that drove you crazy?
  10. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Btw who said that these instances don't have any predefined characters such as Fate, Faust, Circe, Wondergirl like Iconic Anomalies do have the same? That way you neither need to spend 1000SC nor do you need to have Hand of Fate or All Access.

    That way you only have two feats that are DLC related to

    The Last Laugh: Lantern-related Hero & Villain (Steward, Kilowog, Amon Sur, Arkillo) and Superman-related Hero & Villain (Power Girl, Bizarro and Ursa)

    Additionally some others are available to All-Access-Members: Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, Supergirl, Wondergirl.

    Afaik all should have access to Donna Troy (Wonderwoman related) and Cheetah (Sorcery related?), the whole Batfamily (Bats related)
  11. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    no cuz i had friends that would trade those styles to me
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  12. Schimaera Devoted Player

    They were not tradable before this update.... So that was not the correct answer to my question, I guess. They became tradable when they added Lethal Zealot, Master Mercenary, Daring Vigilante and Stalwart Defender. Before that I couldn't even trade them between my alts/main.
  13. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    Which update did they change that?
  14. Benn 10 Committed Player

    I was feeling that same way, that all the facts were not out so I would wait
    Until it was a bit more clear. I only decided to even make this post only when I read the patch notes and the language reflected that these character would need be unlocked. And that is why we are here, my Circe is not
    Unlocked and it seems the only way for me to do that is to purchase her with my money. Hence making me think what is the all access pass for then?
  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    When they added the New 52 styles. Before that we only had Cybernetic and Noble Warrior and most of the times thousands of AUX and ATKs
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  16. Yuck Gadgets Active Player

    I agree with having to actually spend cash to earn "extra" feats being dumb. But how did you get to 194 without spending cash to earn those Sp's. Like kaiser said its on the individual to decide if those feats are important to them. Google pot and kettle for a saying that fits this perfectly. On a side note I think the devs said you'd be able to que up as the mp legends for the pve legends but not in actual PvP but these devs flip flop so much who really knows.
  17. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    i've been here since the game went F2P.
  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Then you should have witnessed these changes. It was in Game Update 26 IIRC.
  19. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    I did take a three month break after i started. so i probably missed that
  20. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Because this seems to say other wise


    ·Feats for the upcoming Legends PvE feature have been added to the Achievements menu. Check them out now so you can unlock any characters you might need before the event begins. News on the launch of Legends PvE will be coming soon."

    This is at the bottom of the patch notes, and it
    Saying see who you need to unlock seems to speak for itself.
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