Yellow Dominance???

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CanopicJar, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    Isn't it equally problematic if Dominance was a blue mod? Then tanks would then complain about having to choose between Health and Dominance whereas trolls can get both.

    Also, I think it's far better for tanks to get the Dominance anyway. I personally think adding more Dominance just to increase shields and (if this is true) CC effects to be negligible, especially since tanks have better ways of mitigation.
  2. Lightws Dedicated Player

    People seem to be missing the point that generator mods and regular mods are not the same so yes its going to be yellow because they choose to make it SUPPORT can't say it enough. Each of the 3 main roles have a stat that is more important to them to support there role. The most important one was domi so they made it yellow. Just because if I go and make a exobyte mod its blue doesn't mean that domi was predetermined to always be so. So yes they changed it stop crying about it, it's not going to change this thread is pointless.
  3. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    And I agree 100% i have a troll aswell as a tank and healer and ofcourse tanks get priority over anyone for dom but why on earth is it yellow its like thwy wont give us any resto dom plans and now this they just dont want that combo to ever happen so so tanks would go dom health n I guess trolls vit power ...but as a troll I do more then just pot/ backup n cc is def crucial and will be in higher tier Content , our stuns n juggles buy the whole group time including the tank cuz tanks can't do it alone all the time they need some breathing room sometimes andprevents them from wasting power or. Using moves that require long cool downs. But thats just me i like to look at the bigger pik and really play support
  4. thelight420 New Player

    ..... At this point the limited amount of Dom. they are offering is not as beneficial as the Vit. can be. At least to myself. If you find yourself back up trolling in your league all the time you should invest in more Dom. over Vit. I think they should offer more Dom. to everyone by a new means. Thank god league halls are coming and that will be one way.
  5. badname8 New Player

    You're talking about the defense STAT. I'm talking about defense in general. Two different things entirely, but very similar. Defense, in general, is provided by a myriad of things in this game, such as the defense STAT, while the defense STAT is only provided by gear, sp, and blocking. For example: The defense stat "defends" your health pool. Your health pool is, in and of itself, a defense against death.

    DOM has very similar effects for every tank (when all the math has been done), without even thinking about the defense STAT:

    DOM - effects almost every shield I can think of any tank using, which means it effects defense.
    DOM- effects any cc a tank employs, which effectively boosts everyone's defense (but we'll stick to just thinking about the effects it has on the tank for this example).
    DOM - for an earth tank boosts his ability to mitigate damage via his power set shields and with brick (brick and the shields in the power set are both, basically, boosts to the effective HP of an earth tank and more effective HP = higher defense against death than anyone else with less effective HP.)
    DOM - for a fire tank boosts his effective HP. (see earth tank info for why this is a defense)
    DOM - for a rage tank boosts effective HP with every enemy near the rage tank when he uses an ability. (see earth tank info for why this is a defense)
    DOM - for an ice tank...I can't really think of what it effects other than shields and cc (which we've already discussed) but then again ice tanks get a large boost to their defense stat just from using an ability so i doubt they'd need dom for anything other than cc and shields

    I''m sure there are things I've gotten a little bit incorrect, or left out entirely, but by now I hope you get the point I was trying to make when I said that, "I forgot to add a tanks defense to the things DOM effects."

    This is also a pretty good indicator for how balanced the role is among the different types of tanks. Is the balance perfect? No. No balance ever will be perfect, or even close to perfect for long. But for as many changes as this game went under to add content/balance it...I'll take it with a huge smile, because maintaining balance after one change to gameplay is difficult enough.

    TL;DR You're talking about the defense STAT, I'm talking about defense in general...which is provided by almost everything in game from the layout of the environment, to your group makeup, to the players in your group makeup, to the abilities you decide to use during gameplay, to the DOM stat for tanks...all the way to the defense stat itself....and everything in between that I definitely missed.
  6. Lacedog Loyal Player

    thanks for that long and detailed explanation of why you used a word with a very specific definition in this game to describe EVERYTHING relating to tanks.
  7. badname8 New Player

    No, actually I used a word with a couple of different meanings (even in this game) as I NEVER said the defense STAT (which is what you incorrectly assumed I meant when I said defense), because again...the HP STAT is an example of a defense provided by the game that has very little to do with the actual defense STAT.

    Just out of curiosity why wouldn't I use it to describe EVERYTHING relating to tanks? I was talking about tanks after all...and you did attempt to correct me while I was talking about tanks. Why wouldn't I cover every base I could, when describing what I meant, in order to show you that your correction was not needed? Kinda counter logical to do otherwise don't you think?

    I love it when people foolishly assume something, and then when it turns out they were incorrect in that assumption...they turn it around and attempt to make the person that made the original statement look like the fool. It's pretty entertaining.

    At the very least the meaning of any word in any context takes a second seat to the meaning intended by the speaker/writer as I could call a carnation a rose and when I ask you for a rose, if you bring me a rose, you'd still bring me the wrong thing....because you didn't know I meant carnation. Try to read a bit between the lines if you don't know what someone means, and NEVER assume you know what they mean unless you have gone through enough inquiries into their meaning to attempt to adequately understand that meaning. Am I right or am I right?Neither...I'm wrong because I'm left, not right....that should have been obvious.
  8. Lacedog Loyal Player

    have a good day buddy!
  9. badname8 New Player

    I have nothing but good days. I'll let your assumptions run amok with the possible meanings behind that statement...especially considering, by your logic, I'm restricted from using meanings of words that have nothing to do with the explicit meanings of those words in this game. Hmm what does, "I have nothing but good days" mean in light of this game? Is it just gibberish? I talking about DPS right? lol